Phil was in the kitchen digging through his fridge to try and find something easy to make for his guest. Speaking of, Dan sat on the couch his arms draped over the back as he sat watching Phil.
"Will you oppose pasta?" Phil asked.
"Nope." Dan called.
"Good because it seems I have the bare minimum of ingredients to make anything." Phil shook his head and placed the sauce on the counter and got out the rest of the things needed.
"Thanks for this." Dan shuffled around a bit.
"I mean, it's nothing." Phil smiled down at the pot full of water, "you're the one who wanted a friend and I was the one who was lonely. Seems we were meant for each other."
Phil placed the pot on the stove and looked over to see Dans cheeks gone pink, "we're friends?"
"Why not." Phil shrugged, "I mean, you're extremely nice. I'm extremely broken. Maybe you can fix me." Phil joked laughing.
"Can't fix you if I don't know what to fix."
"I was kidding." Phil busied himself with the meal, "do you like garlic bread?"
"Who doesn't?" Dan called, "you sure you don't need help."
"I think I can manage pasta for two." Phil called as he pulled out the frozen garlic bread.
"Ugh, you need to let me help with something."
"Is that supposed to be a metaphor?" Phil laughed.
"Shut up."
"Do you have any siblings, Dan?"
"Nope." He paused, "it's just me and my parents. Did you?"
"Mm, past tense." Phil nodded, "I kinda like that. Like my rotten past was just a chapter in my book, and to answer your question, no."
Dan smiled into the blue couch, "this is fun."
"Having a friend is fun." Dan repeated.
"Yeah, I agree." Phil placed the bread in the oven.
"What do you got to drink?" Dan asks.
"Well, I don't have milk because milk is gross."
"True." Dan agrees.
"Tap water or a Coke?"
"Can I have a Coke?" Dan asks and Phil tosses him one like they were old friends. As if this was ordinary. Whatever this was, "hey, that's my painting."
"What?" Phil asks.
"That painting." Dan points to the picture hanging on the wall. The same picture Phil would escape to on his breakdowns, "Lenny must have moved it from downstairs."
"Really?" Phil is shocked, "that's really good."
"Thanks." Dan smiled, "Nick convinced Lenny to hang a few around the building."
"Are you and Nick close?" Phil asks draining the pasta.
"Kinda." Dan looks around, "I mean, we got really close last summer when we first met. He has good taste in art. We kinda drifted a bit this year, probably because of work scheduling and school."
"I see." Phil turns the burner down to let the sauce cool.
"Yeah. I guess we are friends. I never had pasta at his place though." Dan said almost reassuringly. As if Phil was jealous of Nick. That just seems dumb.
But it wasn't entirely false. Phil did suddenly get a protective feeling over Dan. Why else would he ask that question?
"The foods done." Phil placed the bowls of food on the kitchen island.
"Thanks again for this." Dan smiled and grabbed a plate from Phil's outstretched hand.
"I told you it is no big deal."
"Well it kinda is to someone with few friends." Dan reminded and grabbed some food.
Phil shook his head and sat down at the table moving his things onto the ground, "what would you be doing at your house right now?"
"Art." Dan paused, "or maybe watching t.v."
Just then the power cut out and the apartment went dark.
"Fuck." Phil shot up and opened the curtains to allow the moon light in. It was a weak light source but something nonetheless.
Hearing a knock at the door Dan stood up to answer it. Phil walked over to see Lenny standing in the hallway with a flashlight.
"Dan?" He asked, "what are you doing here?"
"He's staying the night." Phil answered, "the weather is too bad."
"I see." He nodded his shaky arms causing the light in his hands to bounce around, "I'm going to call the electrician to check the box downstairs tomorrow if the power doesn't come back on. Will you boys be alright?"
"More than fine. Call us if you need anything." Dan says and helps Lenny walk back to his place.
When he returns Phil exclaims, "he scared the shit out of me."
Dan laughs and sits back at the table. It was too dark to see all the flame in his eyes but Phil felt comfort in the mere thought of it.
"Me too."
"Do you want to call your parents?" Phil asks and continues eating.
"No." Dan shook his head, "I'm used to this happening and I don't want to ruin their trip."
"Okay but if they find out I kidnapped you-"
"You didn't kidnap me." Dan laughs.
"Sorta did." Phil shrugs sitting back in his chair, "Do you think Lenny will be okay for tonight?"
"God yeah." Dan nodded taking a sip of his drink, "if anything we're less capable than him."
"Okay good."
The darkness surrounds Phil and Dan but he doesn't feel scared or mad at it. He actually quite enjoys the clarity of darkness. How it takes away judgment of sight so that you rely on feelings more than anything. He greets the darkness with familiarity.
Finishing his meal Phil stands up, "want me to take your plate?"
"I'll just wash this in the morning when I can see." Phil calls.
Phil hears Dan get up and walk to the couch. Following him, but first picking up his cigarettes, Phil sits down next to him.
Taking his lighter out of his pocket Phil clicks it on to see Dans face illuminated.
The flames lap in his eyes like a wildfire. The light casting shadows over his face. His curled lips that Phil can't help but to imagine himself leaning in and closing the gap.
Lighting his cigarette Phil let's the fire pass and the darkness surrounds them again. That and the small glow at the end of his cigarette.
Taking in a small drag Phil closes his eyes and holds the deadly smoke in his mouth for a few moments before blowing it out.
"Wanna hit?" Phil asks.
"Sure." Dan reaches out and allows their hands to brush on one another. Again, his soft heated skin warms Phil's pale hand.
Phil relaxes when Dan takes away the cigarette and sprawls out his legs so that they're intertwined with Dans. Seeming to relax also Dan further tangles their legs together.
Dan blows the smoke out with a small cough and hands it back to Phil.
"Have you ever smoked before?" Phil asked.
"No." Dan said in an even tone.
"Whoops." Phil laughs under his breath, "it's a nasty habit. I shouldn't have introduced you to it."
"It's alright." Dan murmurs softly, "it's not like I wasn't planning on picking it up anyway." Phil takes a long drag, "I mean I'm going to be around a bunch of art students in a year. It's either now or then."
"True." Phil let's the smoke exit his mouth as he talked, "what's the fun in being old anyway?"
"True." Dan repeats Phil's previous words and grabs back the cigarette.
"What is your biggest fear?"
"Dying alone." Dan says between two small drags, "what's life without someone?"
"Better." Phil jokes but Dan stays silent, "hey, I'm kidding."
"I know." Dan turns his head so that the moonlight is directly on his face. It curls around the smoke that falls from his lips and lays on his neck.
"Mine would have to be drowning." Phil nods, "it sounds peaceful and all but water terrifies me and the thought of breathing in to only be greeted by thick tons of water."
Dan passes the cigarette back to Phil and says, "I see that."
"How was your first kiss?" Phil asks and drags his foot across Dans leg.
"Haven't had it yet. Yours?"
"Bad. Sloppy." Phil laughs, "it was this guy who was a few years older than me at the time. He heard that I was gay and asked if I wanted to kiss him. I was a sophomore I believe and he was a senior?" Phil pauses, "yes, a senior. His name was Lucas Pratt. So after school he takes me to the boys locker room and comes in real close to my face. He grabs my shoulders and kisses me." Phil laughs, "very very sloppy. Neither of us knew what we were doing and soon he had me pushed against the lockers."
"Dang." Dan replies, "was that the first time you lost your v card?"
Phil laughs again, "no. That's another story."
"Let me hear." Dan asks and Phil hands him back the cigarette that was now almost gone.
"It was the same guy, later that year." Phil nods remembering, "we kinda dated in secret. I don't even know if I'd call it dating. But his parents left town so he asks me to come over. Now if I thought the kiss was sloppy." Dan and Phil both laugh, "It wasn't too bad though, I've had worse."
"Oh." Dans voice seemed raspy and sleepy.
"I better head off to bed, do you need a change of clothes?"
"No, I'll be fine. Thanks Phil." Dan mumbles.
"Alright, you know where to find me." Phil stands up and tosses the cigarette into the ash tray pulling out a blanket from his bed as well as a pillow. Setting them by Dan he walks to his room and falls on the bed exhausted.
Not even bothering to change or brush his teeth Phil drifts off to sleep.
• • •
"Please just leave." He screams. Phil was hoping that he would be different. He was the only one Phil counted on. The only one that Phil had a glimmer of hope for.
"This wasn't just my fault. Why are you making it out that way?" Phil asked not allowing himself to cry just yet.
"It is."
"No it fucking isn't." Phil wasn't sad, he was angry. Angry because everything is falling on Phil's shoulders when he did it too.
"What do you want me to do, Phil?" He asks, "drop everything I built, for you? Run away with you so we can live happily ever after? You're not that special. No matter what you tell yourself."
"No." Phil clasped his jaw, "just grow up and fucking admit I wasn't the only one in on this."
It was happening again. Before Phil could realize what was happening he was screaming, crying. He threw his bedsheets off and scratched at the mattress his fingers digging into the soft fabric.
He heard thumping. It must be him. He must have found me and is going to hurt me again.
An arm wraps around his shoulder and Phil screams throwing it off, "don't hurt me. It's my fault. Don't hurt me again."
"Phil, Phil." It called in a hushed tone, "shh, it's me."
Calming down Phil opened his eyes to see Dan sitting on the bed in front of him. Tears still streamed down his cheek, heavy. The rooted tears.
"Dan?" Phil's voice was weak, shaking.
"Yes, it's me. It's okay." He crawled forward so he was on Phil's side a comforting hand squeezed his arm. Phil nodded, "everything is okay. You're okay."
"Are you sure?" Phil gapped trough sobs.
"Yes, I am positive." He laid Phil down and drew circles on his arm. The touch comforted him sending shivers down his spine.
Just as he was getting up to leave Phil calls, "no. Sleep here. Please?"
Dan smiles and throws the sheets back crawling into the bed next to Phil. He continues to draw circles on Phil's arm humming in his ear until Phil is unable to keep his eyes heavy eyes open.
An: wow ! Updated aGaaIN? HoOoOw stRaNgE!¡
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