Phil tied on his apron while grabbing his glasses running down the stairs for work. A women with tattoos running up and down her arms greeted Phil with a smile.
"I'm Sam." Her voice was raspy and low and seemed to drift like a feather through the room.
"Phil." He nodded at the woman.
She turned so Phil could squeeze his way behind the counter.
"I'm going to be going soon, so I'll try and teach you the basics." She pursed her bright purple lips.
"I'm going to be alone?" Phil asked trying not to sound as shook up as he felt.
"No, Dan'll be coming in." She smiled and clapped Phil on the back, "you know how to make coffee?"
"Yeah?" Phil rocked on his feet.
"Then you know half the job. It's just a manner of remembering the different combinations which we have on the sheet." Sam shoved a piece of paper into Phil's hands.
"Okay." Phil bit at the inside of his raw cheek.
"These are the pastries as you know." She continues not giving Phil anytime to process, "lunch products are in the fridge and the back has extra stock, a loo and break room." Sam looks down at her watch, "also, the whole place needs to be wiped down every night, Dan will help you with closing and such." She looked up flashing Phil a smile, "most of it is common sense, I got to go."
What great training.
"Thanks." Phil folded his arms as Sam took out her phone exiting the shop. She stepped outside and Phil didn't know if he should feel relieved she was gone or terrified that he had to run a place he didn't even know by himself. Taking in a deep breath Phil ran his hand along the counter looking down at the muffins and cupcakes. Turning around he memorized the placements of the machines.
Sighing Phil wondered when Dan would show up. He must be the kid working with Nick? Phil wasn't sure but decided that was right.
Watching a couple walk by the shop made Phil's stomach jump. He prayed that they wouldn't stop in. That went on for a little while. Phil chewing his inside cheek away and hoping that no one would decide to stop in.
Then Dan showed up. His shaggy brown hair was coated with dew. His eyes shone in a way that made Phil's stomach flip more than the strangers who walked by the window. His cheeks were red from the cold. Curling his fingers around the edge of the counter Phil watched Dan intently. Dan looked up from tying his apron and Phil didn't break the gaze. He didn't want to. It seemed Dan didn't either because they held each other's eyes with their own for what seemed like an eternity. His eyes were friendly and deep and seemed to hold the warmest fire that flickered caramel specks around his pupils.
Dan looked away and hopped over the counter. Standing next to him was even more ecstatic than watching him. He was warm, his body heat giving away to Phil who seemed to always be cold.
"So you're Dan." Phil smiled.
"And you're Phil." Dan smiled back dimples popping up on his cheeks.
"Yep." Phil nodded, "I don't know how to do anything."
"That's okay." Dan laughed and looked at his feet, "just watching will help. That's how I learned."
"How long have you been working here?" Phil prodded.
"A few months. I mine as well have been for a year because I use to come here every day and help."
Phil nods again as response.
"Usually this isn't a busy time so it's a good start for you." Dan jumps onto the counter dangling his feet over the edge so they barely scrape the ground.
"When is a busy time?" Phil almost gagged at his dumb small talk question but he wanted to talk to Dan more.
"Mornings, obviously. Weekdays around four when students get off and then again at five thirty when adults come in after work. Occasionally we'll have weird busy times on Fridays but not too often."
"That's good to know."
"What makes you want to move here? I would think that if I had the choice I'd move somewhere that doesn't rain all the time?"
"I don't know." Phil shrugged, "it seemed nice here. Easy job, I guess."
"Where did you work before?" Dan looks up at Phil's eyes again.
Smiling Phil shook his head, "you're just so curious, huh?"
"I guess so." Dan blushed, "I'm sorry. It's just that we don't get a lot of new people moving here so when someone does..." He trailed.
"I see." Phil chuckled, "how about you, Dan?"
"What about me?" Dan asked itching his nose with his hand tucked under his sweater.
"What's your story?"
"Boring." Dan looked up at the ceiling, "parents who don't really care about me, I don't really care for them either. School. Don't have many friends. That's why I started coming here. I didn't have anywhere else. Here and the library. I like books."
"I never got into reading." Phil said receiving a gasp from Dan.
"That's crazy? No poetry or anything?"
"Not really." Phil crossed his arms.
"I need you to read some good poems."
"I'm not that stuffy." Phil smiled, "I'd rather not."
"But there are so many good books!" Dan was getting excited.
"Okay, okay." Phil responded, "chill a little bit. I'll try a book maybe."
"Good." Dan smiled, "I'll bring you one tomorrow."
"Are we working together tomorrow?" Phil asked raising his eyebrows a bit.
"Yeah. This whole week pretty much. I don't have many hours because I'm young and you are new so Lenny kinda grouped us together."
"Now tell me something about you?" Dan asked.
"What is there to know?" Phil said in a cool tone that Dan picked up on so he stopped asking.
A customer walked in so Dan slid off the counter and greeted them, "hello what can I help you with?"
The man ordered but all Phil could focus on was Dans lips and the way they formed words. He watched his hands make the coffee his fingers brushing against the machine.
Phil didn't need any poems when the most beautiful poetry was standing in front of him.
An: I am so fucking sick so I've been in bed all fucking day. UHg. So if this seems kinda bad that's why.
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