Dan was laying down in the small white gazebo next to Phil their eyes both trained on the passing clouds. Dan tried to imagine the heavy puffy things as different animals or objects. The sun hit their faces lazily and a cold breeze cut through the air. Their heads hung a bit out of the opening to see the sky. Phil intertwined his fingers with Dans and Dan smiled.
The feeling of skin on skin contact was the most wonderful thing ever. It sent his heart racing like the first time they happened to touch.
"You're pretty cool," Dan whispered his voice hoarse from lack of use.
"Thanks." Phil laughed a bit under his breath, "I guess you're pretty cool too."
"I just don't know why you chose to be with me." Dan sighed.
"If I had a choice you think I'd be here right now? I didn't choose you. You wormed your way into my thoughts and wouldn't leave." Phil turned his head and gave Dan a small peck on the cheek, "happy it ended up this way, though."
"Then why do you stay?" Dan asked looking over at his boyfriend. His black hair fell over his one eye before the wind blew it away.
Phil smiled, "I could ask you the same question."
"So are we both going to agree that we don't deserve each other?" Dan asked.
"Sounds right." Phil sat up leaving Dan alone on the ground, "hey, what day is it?"
"April..." Dan trailed off trying to remember, "fourth I think?"
"We've been dating for three weeks today," Phil said as Dan sat up.
"Almost a month." Dan commented, "where are you going to take me?"
"Take you?" Phil huffed and lightly pushed on Dans chest, "where are you taking me?"
Dan laughed, "I was kidding. But what do you want to do?"
"I don't know." Phil shrugged, "we'll figure something out."
Dan nodded, "I hate school."
"You're almost done." Phil leaned against the side of the gazebo.
"Not soon enough." Dan huffed, "you're lucky you're done."
"I know." Phil nodded, "I thank god every day that I'm out of that hell hole." Casting a pitiful look at Dan Phil squeezed his hand, "sorry, I'm sure your last few months will be great."
Dan trailed his fingers over Phil's, "I want to get far away from here."
"That's good." Phil smiled, "I think it's good for people to get out of their hometowns."
"Me too." Dan shifted himself so he was leaning on Phil's shoulder, not letting go of his hand.
Phil stifled a sigh and leaned his head against the wooden wall behind him, "I wish I was that eager for life."
"You're not?" Dan asks waiting for Phil to make eye contact but he never does. Instead, he trains his gaze at the ceiling.
Phil pursed his lips, "you're just so full of life and have so much to offer the world. I'm jealous, that's all." Phil contemplated his thoughts, "let's move on."
"Okay." Dan agreed and looked up at Phil smiling, "you should kiss me again."
"You're so needy." Phil shook his head.
"Only when it comes to you." Dan leaned in closer so that his breath hit Phil's skin.
"Mmmhmm." Phil sighed.
Dan swung his legs over so that he was straddling the older boy. Letting his hand fall out of Phil's he cupped his face. Rubbing a thumb over his jawline Dan admired the way the light reflected into his eyes. Phil sat up straighter and pulled Dan close.
Dan pulled Phil's head forward and allowed their lips to lock. Phil was gentle and moved his mouth open and closed while Dan tried to do the same. Dan knew he wasn't as good as Phil but he tried his best. All that mattered was the warmth pooling in his stomach and the feeling of Phil's hands venturing his back.
Dan dropped his hands and wrapped them around Phil's back pulling him closer until they were forced to part. Dan laid his head in the crook of Phil's neck and breathed in his familiar scent. He smelled amazing.
"You're too cute." Phil chuckled his voice low.
Dan was thankful that Phil couldn't see the blush rolling onto his face. Biting his tongue Dan stopped himself from saying the word love. Although it was the truest emotion that Dan could feel he knew it was too early in the relationship. He knew that Phil was emotionally detached as it is and Dan was just a fling for him.
"Yeah, you're cute too." Dan pushed himself away so he could see Phil's face. Plucking a swift kiss to his lips Dan slid off his lap laying down on the ground instead.
"You suck at kissing." Phil laughed.
Dan felt a wave of insecurity hit him, "sorry I'm new to this."
"Don't apologize, I like it."
"What?" Dan shot up and raised an eyebrow at Phil.
"Yeah I like how you're so innocent and fresh. Different from the past guys I've dated." Phil smiled, "you're so new to it all its nice. I don't have to worry about anything because you don't have any expectations."
"Should I worry? Do you have expectations?"
Phil opened his mouth for a heartbeat before replying, "I did at first. When we first started flirting and before we dated I was expecting you to be great. I don't know why. But then we started talking and I realized that you were nothing like I expected. I like that. I think your twink vibe is cute."
"Okay." Dan smiled his words laced with a hint of sarcasm, "well I think that your whole bad boy vibe is pretty hot."
Phil raised an eyebrow, "really?" His voice dropped at the end so it came across as flirtatious rather than surprised.
"Really really." Dan draped a hand on Phil's skinny jeans, "the way you dress in all black and dye your hair. And those ear piercings." Dan bit his lip and let himself admire his boyfriend's body.
Phil laughed, "have you ever done anything rebellious, Dan? These are all pretty normal things."
"I smoked." Dan shrugged, "and date you."
"That's barely anything." Phil shook his head, "you need to get a piercing."
Dan felt his stomach drop with fear, "wh-what."
"Yeah." Phil was getting excited, "you need to step out of your comfort zone."
"You're already pretty far out of my comfort zone. Bad boys with scary pasts are way out of any normal person's comfort zone."
Phil rolled his eyes, "I just think you'd look hot with a piercing."
Dan sighed kinda giving in, "what kind of piercing?"
Phil's posture straightened, "oh my gosh. Maybe septum?"
"Ew, I'd look like a cow." Dan shook his head and raised his hands up in defense, "I'm not cool enough."
"What about a nose ring?" Phil tucks his legs under his thighs inching closer, "or earrings or a lip ring! No, not a lip ring we couldn't make out. What about your eyebrow?"
"What about nipples?" Dan smirked and Phil bursted into a laugh.
Dan smiled at the sight of Phil clutching his chest and sticking his tongue out in a fit of laughter, "Daniel Howell."
"Okay maybe not." Dan chuckled, "you have to get something too."
Phil shrugged, "okay I'll just get another earring."
Dan shook his head, "you need to get a tattoo."
"A tattoo?" Phil asks.
"A tattoo."
"Okay." Phil smiled, "what should it be of?"
"Are you serious?" Dan asks shocked that he was up to doing something so crazy. Honestly, Dan shouldn't be, though, this was Phil.
"Yeah." Phil nodded, "maybe a flower on my wrist? Is that too gay?"
"Oh, my goodness gracious." Dan laughed, "you don't actually need to."
"But I want to now." Phil smiled, "I was planning on getting some soon anyway. How special would it be if the first one was with you?"
"Mmm I don't know, people say it's not good to dedicate tattoos to a significant other." Dan's voice trailed.
"Well for one, this tattoo would be for me and not for us. And two, are you planning on us breaking up?" Phil said a tone a mockery in his voice at the second point.
"No, but I'm just saying what I've heard." Dan smiled, "I would never break up with you."
Phil seemed to be lost in thought for a few moments until he focuses back in on Dan, "You should draw or paint something up."
"What?" Dan asks, "Are you sure?"
"Yeah." Phil nodded, "You're an amazing artist, plus I'd be honored to have an amazing Dan Howell original on my body forever."
"I don't know." Dan shook his head, "I always find something I don't like about my art and if I had to see my work on your wrist every time I held your hand I might go insane."
"Come on." Phil pleaded, "I want this. So what if you don't like something about it. I'll like it and that's all that matters. I'll get it somewhere that you don't see all the time then. Like my shoulder or thigh or something."
"Fine." Dan gave in, "but this is crazy."
"You signed up for crazy when you decided to date me."
An: AYeyeyEyeyey
that is all.
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