Dan sat on his bed, legs crossed looking at the canvas. It was early morning on a Saturday. He wished he could sleep but his anxiety pushed him awake. It crawled in his chest making it difficult to breath. It swam through his wrists causing his hands to shake.
Taking a deep breath Dan closed his eyes to try and rid the anxiety.
This happened often. It was something that no matter how accustomed he'd become to it, it still hurt every time.
Painting helped so he had his canvas in front of him with a pile of acrylic paints to his side. Opening his eyes Dan settled on a deep brown color and swept a bit onto the paper. Picking up his paint brush he concentrated on making a mountain. The anxiety seemed to drift away the more he painted.
He thought of his last poem he read and imagined the words mixing with the picture he was creating.
Pulling his paintbrush down in a large sweep he was done with a portion of his work.
Cleaning the bristles carefully Dan dipped the brush in blue and created a sky. This was the only time his mind would quiet. When his hands glided across the canvas it's all he could think of and see.
No anxiety, no worry, no nothing.
It was the definition of peace for Dan. His window open allowing in cool air that wrapped around him like comforting arms. Sitting on the top floor of his house in his room looking over the small town. His warm grey walls nestled around him. The feeling of his soft blanket under his bare feet.
Finalizing the sky Dan moved on to the last bit of his painting. Carefully adding in small details of woods and flowers.
Dan wondered how anyone could live their lives without painting. It was such a breath of fresh air from a life that was so hard. Or at least some form of art. Something to distract them. He knows of way too many people who just live life in total stress all the time. Dan totally believes that if they tried to find a form of art they would be happy. Whether it be reading or writing or drawing or something.
Everyone needs an escape.
Finishing his small piece Dan admires his work for a few moments and puts it on his desk. Stretching Dan walks over to his closet and pulls out some clothes.
He changes quickly and grabs his bag from his bedside table. Lacing on his boots he opens the door and heads down the stairs to the kitchen. His mother is gone, out somewhere with work or friends. Dan never knows. His dad is cooped up in the office plucking away at the keyboard. Dan doesn't really know what he does either. He never bothers to ask. And his parents never bother to ask Dan either.
Throwing on his rain jacket Dan heads outside. He doesn't live too far out of town so he walks.
Watching the birds fly through the air above him in sync with their flock, singing. Dan is transfixed by their agile movements.
How do they all know where to go?
Certainly they are going somewhere. But where? These questions gnaw at Dans brain.
Putting his headphones on Dan walks through the quiet town. He doesn't have to work today but it would be nice to see someone. The coffee shop is so tiny it often only takes one person to run it. Two, for the busiest days and hours.
Entering the thicket of shops Dan does a bit of window shopping. Passing a new store Dan decides to head in. He is greeted by shelves of weird trinkets and things. A lady at the register had her head down so Dan tries to walk as quietly as possible to not wake her.
Dragging a light hand over the items as Dan wanders the store. His eye is caught on a box that holds a camera. An instant-camera that prints out the photo right after taken. Picking it up Dan decides he's going to buy it.
Walking up to the cashier he lightly taps her on the shoulder.
She shoots up in surprise, sleep coating her eyes.
"Oh hello. I'm sorry. I was just resting." She splutters fixing her hair.
"It's okay." Dan smiles, "I understand."
She takes the box from Dans hands, ringing it up, "will this be all?"
Dan nods and looks outside the window.
"We have some chocolates that are half off with every purchase." She smiles.
"Sure." Dan thinks that whoever is working would enjoy some chocolate. Dan hands her some bills and she gives him his bag. Dan tells her to keep the change because he hates change.
Opening his backpack Dan places the boxes inside and heads out the door. Walking across a few streets passing a man walking a dog Dan stands in front of Lenny's. It is very small on the outside. Made of brick it looks very old-because it is. Lenny tells stories of his father owning the place and how him and his friends would visit for long periods of times.
Walking in the door Dan sees Nick. At the sight of Dan Nick smiles, "it's not even your day to work."
"I know but I couldn't resist." Dan replies, "I got some chocolate."
"Sweet." Nick taps on the counter eagerly, "from where?"
"The new hipster-y store a few blocks down." Dan pulls out the box and hands it to Nick, "can I have a caramel macchiato?"
"Sure." Nick spins around after placing the box down and begins Dans drink.
Dan sits down and takes out his new camera. Messing around with it a bit and reading the instructions Dan thinks he understands it.
"What do you got there?" Nick leans on the counter opening the chocolate.
"An instant camera." Dan shrugs, "it looked cool. Smile."
Nick flashes his perfect teeth as Dan takes a picture.
"That's cool." Nick nods, "I still think you're crazy for coming here on your day off."
"I had nothing else to do." Dan plucks the photo out of the printer and shakes it.
The coffee rings done and Nick turns back to it, "you're crazy. What teenager has nothing to do on a Saturday."
"I could ask you the same thing." Dan laughs.
"Yeah, well I'm working." Nick exits the counter and places the cup on Dans table sitting on the opposite side.
"What if I wanted a 'to go'?"
"What if I wanted you to stay here and talk to me so I'm not bored out of my mind?"
Dan shakes his head and takes a sip of his drink, "you flirt."
"You love it, Howell." Nick laughs and leans back in his seat.
"Sure." Dan smiles and looks out the window.
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