1 - Whispers
Stupid school.
Classes are stupid, exams are stupid, the entire concept of education is stupid.
I wouldn't dare say it out loud. But it's true.
I grimace in disgust when I walk into the school auditorium.
Thousands of heads, thousands of voices, thousands of people are whispering to each other in excitement, anxious to hear our "honorable, great principal" give a speech.
How stupid.
I'm not usually this grumpy - it's just been a rough week.
I've been broke, failing all my classes, barely hanging on to a full schedule, not having enough time to eat, and I've been studying for exams every chance I get. What makes things worse is that even after all that hard work, I'm still behind.
This school stuff is just... stupid.
I plop myself down in a seat at the side of the auditorium, fuming. I open my notebook - which I always carry with me in case I need to go on a rant about my life to a nonexistent friend - and I doodle idly in the margins while I wait for the ceremony to start.
I'm able to block out the loud conversations around me when I focus on it. I slowly get lost in the sketches, immersed in the world of my creations as I lightly trace my pencil back and forth in the pages.
Finally some peace.
Nevermind - peace is impossible at school. I roll my eyes as I stand up along with everyone else.
"Thank you for joining us today, folks!" our principal announces proudly as he wobbles his way onto the stage. "You may be seated."
I sigh in exasperation and sit back down.
The room is dead silent.
No fidgeting, no conversations. The tension and excitement in the students is at an all-time high.
Meanwhile, I'm narrowing my eyes at the principal and imagining how satisfying it would be to just... throw him out a third story window.
Oh the satisfaction.
"I must take this moment to congratulate all of you on getting this far into the school year. It's been two weeks! Give yourselves a good round of applause ladies and gents, good work!"
Polite applause follows. I stay silent.
"It's been two weeks, yes... two weeks into your junior year of high school. This year will be a rough time for you all." The principal pauses and look around dramatically.
I almost scoff.
"On top of the standardized testing you'll have to go through, as you all know, we're also ordered by law to have you separated into groups," he continues. "Groups of similar strengths and interests, so you have more freedom to make friends and pursue your interests before college."
Just get to the point already, you marshmallow man. I glare at the principal. Meanwhile, the whole room seems to hold its breath.
"It's the 47th anniversary of Freedom Academy, and you're all around the age of 16. As depicted in many fictional works, 16 is an important age. Today everyone, you'll be tested on your... elemental capabilities."
Uncontrollable hushed whispers break out, but the students bring it back together within a matter of seconds.
"Remember, stay calm and let your natural inclinations take over. Don't overthink it. Please stay seated while the administrators bring you to your respective rooms. I wish you all the best. All rise, please!"
The students all rush to stand. I take my sweet time.
When the principal is finally out of sight, the students are allowed to slowly sit back down. I can never understand why we have to bother with this stand-up-sit-down etiquette stuff. But then again, when did I ever understand anything?
With the principal's speech finished, I sigh in relief as I flip through the familiar pages of my beloved notebook again.
Finally some peace while I wait.
Nevermind the peace - I turn around, surprised, to see a young boy sitting in the row behind me. He's leaning forward and gazing at me intently. "W-what?" I stutter.
Oh come on Y/n, get yourself together.
"My... you... how, name?"
I mentally slap myself.
"How did you... know my name?" I ask.
The gentle smile on his face gives me a sense of comfort. Then he shrugs. "The wind whispered it to me."
The world seems to pause in that moment. I do a double take.
"The wind?"
He nods. "Yup."
Anticipation, a strange mixture of dread and intense enthusiasm, thrums through me when I hear those words.
"Wait, you mean... the wind?" I stare at him in shock. "Like, the wind elemental?"
He looks at me pointedly. "Yes, Y/n, the wind. I just said so."
Alarms are ringing in my head, but I find myself looking back in fascination.
For all I know, no one - not a single person in recorded history - has ever figured out their element before the test.
A/N: I was listening to "Run", and then "On" came on right after, and then my brain went wait a second... so I started writing out a storyline and here we are with "On The Run". InSpiRaTioN asdfjkl~
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