Chapter 9
Katniss POV.
We finally arrive Central Park after a half an hour ride.
I was expecting some tension between me and Peeta since he told me he loved but it didn't. Actually the tension is even lighter. We're always goofing around. Peeta is like that guy that you just love to be with. The way he is always so sincere and nothing can bring him down. It's really good to have a friend like him. I never had many. The only friends I've ever had We're my sister, Gale, Madge and my father. I net Gale in the woods and he was my hunting partner until one day he kissed me out of the blue and our friendship was never the same. Specially because he was dating my bestfriend Madge. How I miss them. I imagine how worried they must be right now. I Shake the thought away and turn my atention to Peeta, who just run out of the car and zoa right now jumping up and down and screaming 'ZOO'. He's such a child sometimes.
"Katniss wheres the Zoo?" He asks me.
"We're in Central Park. The Zoo isn't far, I believe"
"I want the Zoo NOW" he says crossing his arms. I roll my eyes and start walking.
Peeta is following me from behind and when I look back at him he is holding a camera.
"Are you filming me?" I ask raising an eyebrow.
"Nope, I'm filming myself" then he winks to the camera and turns it in my direction. "HEY everyone that's Katniss in her usual grumpy mood. Say Hi Kat"
"I'm not grumpy" I whine
"Sorry. Now say Hi Kat"
I wave to the camera "Heyy"
"This is Peeta and Katniss live from the Central Park" Peeta says with his mocking voice. Then He starts spinning "And We're on our way to ... THE ZOO!!! YEYYY"
I just laugh. I swear everyone stopped to look at him when he started yelling 'THE ZOO'.
Peeta keeps recordista the rest of the way until we rwach the Zoo. We just go in and have a good time.
When we reach the monkeys Peeta runs up to them and starts walking at them.
"OH Look Peeta that monkeys is exactly like you!" I say excitedly
"Really? You think so? I think my balls are bigger than his"
"No just kidding. It's impossible having bigger balls that that. Just look at them"
"You're so gross" I laugh
We keep walking until we stop looking at the Koalas
"Wow Katniss that one is exactly like you." I scowl. "Hey you started it." he says. I roll my eyes
We keep are walk through the Park and take lots of picturea. We even have one with a giraffe licking my face. i dont know why this makes me think of Prim. I miss her so much. She would love to be here right now. A wave of sadness washes over me when I think of my litle duck. And Peeta seems to notice as he wrappes his arm around me and kisses my head.
"You ok? He asks worriedly
"Yeah fine. I was just thinking of my sister. She'd love to be here right now."
"Dont worry. Im sure She's fine" he says sweetly. I smile at him. A genuine smile that I barely give anyone besides Prim.
We stop to look at the ducks that swim around in a pound.
"They're cute" I say.
"Not has cute has you" Peeta says. Then he seems to realize what he just said and blushes furiously. "Sorry" he mumbles.
"It's fine." I say "But I am citerior than them." I laugh.
"Are you hungry?" Peeta asks me.
"A litle. Lets go get hot dogs."
We buy Hot dogs and I eat mine in less than a minute. But I'm still hungry. I look at the half eaten hot dog in Peeta's hand "Are you going to eat that?" I ask.
Peeta looks at me and smiles no go ahead, eat it."
"Thanks" I say taking a bite.
We sit in a bench by the lake looking at the ducks.
Peeta takes a drawing pad out of his backpack and starts drawing.
I notice him looking up from his scketch and at me from time to time.
"Finished" he says.
Then I snatch the scketch from him to see the most beautiful drawing ever. He has so much talent. It's a girl with short hair, starting dreamily at something. Her eyes are huge and shine, a small smile dances in the corner of her lips. I can feel an aura of praxe and hapiness all around her. Then I notice it, That's me.
"Wow, it's beautiful"
"You really think so?" He asks, quite impressed.
"I never imagined you were so good! You have so much talent."
"Nobody ever told me that. My mom used to say that drawing was just a waste of time since I could never do anything acceptable." I look up at him. He is joking, isn't he? Then I notice a glance of hurt in his eyes and I know he is talking for real. How could a mother say that to her own son? It really makes me wonder. Was this why he run away? Now Im curious.
"Peeta when you said you wanted to start over the other day, what did you mean by that?"
"I meant I wanted to start over" he says casually.
"No, why did you want to start over?" I ask.
Peeta looks at me intensly for a few momentos but then looks forward. "I just couldn't take it anymore." he says.
"What couldn't you take?" I insist.
Peeta bites his lips but doesn't say anything. I can feel his breath getting faster, and i understand it must be a touchy subject.
"I'm sorry" I say.
"It's ok."
Then we both stand up and keep our walk.
We stop at a tree. Peeta sits under it and starts drawing something while I decide to climbe it. it feels good.
Peeta looks up at me and smiles, picking up the câmera and turning it on.
"Kat is on the top of the tree." He says to the camera.
"Hi!" i wave. than I lye on a branch two meters from the ground.
The sunlight hits my face and it feels great. I close my eyes, taking in the sense of nature. I sight in satisfaction. It remindo me of when I used to go hunting in district Twelve forest and just relax after catching the dinner.
I reach the leaves from a higher branch with my hand just to feel them. They're soft. I haven't felt so peaceful in ages, since that horrible day that keeps repentina in my nightmares. I listen calmly to the warm wind that passes throught my hair. I fall asleep listening to the sound of a pencil maligno linear in paper and Peeta's humming of a song.
I'm in the meadow, walking, while a litle girl dances and sunga in front of me.
"Mommy look at me, I'm dancing, like you and daddy do when you're alone."
She has dark hair in a braid, like me, and sky-blue eyes that até very familiar, altought I cant remember who they belong to. Then I notice that I have a quite big baby bump. The girl comes running towards me and hugs my belly.
"Can he listen to me, mommy?" She asks me.
Then she starts talking to the belly while her laugher feels the air. She must be five years old top.
Suddenly I feel a pari of arms sneak around my waist.
"Daddy!!" The girl says excitedly. I turn around to see who it is but I never do.
------end of dream-----------
I wake up from the dream feeling confused. Who was the father? Is this some sort of sign? Cause I dont want kids, I never did and I never will. Not that I dont like them, I just couldn't bare bringing kids to this unfair and sad world.
I climb off the tree back to Peeta, he is right now painting a sunset. It looks great the way that the colors work with each other and the taint flows in the canvas.
"It's gorgeous " I say sitting down next to him. He doesn't answer or looks away from his drawing. His expression is focused and deep. I could stay staring at him for hours trying to figure out what he's he thinking, though I never would. It's as if he is in his own world, inside of his mind, trying to bring it out. I look at every detail in his face, and stant father long time looking at his eyelashes. They are barely noticeble cause they are really blond, but with the sun light you notice ao long they are. I dont even understand hou they dont get tangled when he blinks.
Sundenly he looks up from his drawing, making me look away, as if I was spying on him, which is kinda true.
"Did you have a Nice nap" Peeta asks me in a caring tone.
"Really good, though i had a weird dream." I answer
I look at the sky, the sun is falling.
"It's sunset already" I say.
"Yeh, todas the day was really nice, and fast" Peeta comments.
I start going through his paintings, they look awsome. There are paintings of lakes, flowers, animals, but there's one that calls my atention.
"A mockingjay?" I ask.
Peeta nods. "Yes, I've always loved These birds. It might seem stupid but those were bestfriends back in 12. I used to tell them my problems and they just reppeated it. It made me feel better, less lonely, somehow."
"Me too." I say. "They remind me of my dad, he loved these birds. he used to sing and the mockingjays repeated. entire songs. He sang beautifully, he's voice was so clear" It still hurts to think of my dad but I learned to cope with it.
"I bet you are also a great singer" Peeta says.
I smile and look back at the paintings. There are also a lot of paintings of me. Laughing, smiling, crying and there's one of me sleeping in a branch, like I was a few moments ago.
"I look nothing like that, you know" I tell Peeta, pointing at his draws "I'm not that pretty" I say.
"No you're not. You're even prettier and more perfect than that. you have so much beauty, it would be impossible to draw it." he simply says. He looks me in the eyes lovingly and I try to resist the urge to kiss him.
But I cant resist it and when I notice my lips are touching Peeta's soft ones. The kiss makes me feel so high. I can feel fireworks inside me exploding. It's such an amazona feeling. I dont want it to end, but it has to.
After a few moments we both pull away.
I lie on the soft grass besides Peeta and he pulls me next to him, restinga my was in his shoulder. We fit like puzzle pieces, like we were meant to be.
When I'm with Peeta I have this amazing feeling, inside of me. As if eletricity runs in my veins and i just feel goosebumps. I love this felling. Then I close my eyes and let myself fall back to sleep.
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