Chapter 13
Katniss POV.
When I wake up Peeta's arm is still around me, protecting me from the nightmares. The first thing I notice are the big sky blue eyes I've ever seen staring right at my grey ones.
"Morning" I say sleepily
"You believe I still haven't got over your beauty?" This comment makes me blush.
"I'm not beautiful"
"Beautiful is not enough to the scribe it. You are the most beautiful compared to the most beautiful things in this beautiful world" Peeta says smiling.
I laugh at how silly yet sweet Peeta can be. He just has a way with words.
"And how about you? Dont you think you're not handsome and beautiful?" I say in a sappy mocking voice.
We get up and get ready for the day ahead of us
"What do you want to do today?" Peeta asks.
"Got anything in mind?"
"No. I just want to spend time with you" he says.
"That's certainly not a problem" i say laughing. And That's true. Peeta is the only thing I have right now in this whole world. Prim is far away home, just like mom and Madge. And even Gale. Peeta is the only one. And Im Peeta's only one. I guess That's the thing about living in the run. It's hard to trust people and I trust Peeta. Eventhough I know nothing about his past. Though it really doesn't matter. What matters is right now and who he is, not who he was. But Im still curious about his old life. What were his motives for running away from his life? Just now I realize he knows my motives, but I dont know his.
I'm talent back to reality by Peeta snapping his fingers in front of my eyes.
"Katniss, you there?" He asks.
"Yeah, sorry, just thinking?" I say ficusing on him.
"What about?"
I wonder if I should ask him why did he run away from home. 'Its better not, it might be a touchy subject for him and I dont want to ruin the day already' I think to myself.
"Nothing, just thinking, you know" Peeta just nods.
"What were you saying anyways?" I ask.
"I was asking you if you wanted to go to Staten Island, we could catching a ferry?"
"I dont know. Isn't there a lot of security in there?" I ask unsure.
"I dont think so but we can always do something else if it bothers you"
"The perks of being a fugitive. " I say ironicly. "Ok we can go. I really dont care and we can always leave if we get to much attention"
"Lets go then"
We leave the hotel room hand in hand and go to our car. We drive to the ferry and pay the tickets. After awhile we've arrived Statten Island.
"I cant wait to see the Liberty Statue" i squeak excitedly.
"Me to. It must be really huge. everything here is huge, compared to where I've already been"
"Where have you already been?" I ask
"Never left 12" he says
"Me neither"
"It's nice to be somewhere else. I just feel more free. It feels right." Perta says as he walking with me by his side.
When I look up and see it. WOW. It's really huge.
"This is pretty awsome" I say. "It's so majestic. Dont you think?"
"I'd say it is colossal" Peeta answers as a matter-of-fact.
We spend our day talking, laughing, and kissing until sunset.
"Look Peeta, it's your favorite colour" I say pointing towards the sky.
Peeta smiles taking in every single aspect of this sight.
"Why?" I ask.
"Why what?" Peeta seems genuinly confused, as he usually does when I ask him this question.
"Why is this your favorite colour?" I make it clear to him.
"Why is green your favorite colour, miss Everdeen?"
"Because of the woods outside of 12. Those are like a second home to me. I used to go hunting there all the time" I love the memories of the woods. they give me a feeling of safety. "They used to be my escape. How about you? Why is the sunset so beautiful to you?"
"It's my escape" Peeta quotes me. "I had robles at home. there was always yelling and such and I had to work in the bakery hours in a row but, when the sun set I had my break. It was usual. To run always from my problems and life I used to go up stairs to my bedroom window and just look at the sky. I turned of everything else. It was just me and the sky. Trying to figure it's colors out. Cause this colour never makes sense, it's never the same, it's never one colour. It's a world of possibilities that you cant reach. And there I stood trying to reach it, trying to leave to be free and to see that world behind the sky" Peeta says. That was pretty poethical. I actually have no words. So I just stare.
"But I dont need that world, you're the only world that I need." Peeta says.
Than we both lean in and connect our lips. It sounds like a regular gestores but it really isn't . This is love. Pure love.
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