Scraps of the past
We find our protagonist and his father in a parking lot outside of a car dealership. For two years Y/N has saved up his well earned money to buy himself his very own car. He had recently received a small lump of money as compensation from fazbear entertainment......yeah Mike was serious about suing them so they had no choice but to comply. A lawsuit regarding the pizzaplex would tarnish the little reputation they had left.
Y/N looked at the cars for sale his arm was still in a cast but he could move it more freely so by the end of the week he should be back to work.
Mike: Alright kid today's the day you finally get your ride. You excited?
Y/N: Hell yeah I got my driver's license and everything! But I'm looking for something specific.
Mike: Like what?
Y/N: I want something classy like an old 1980's muscle car you know something you would have drove when you were my age.
Mike: Hah a muscle car I wish kid. The only I had was shitty two door honda civic.
Y/N: Hey civics aren't that bad.
Yes Y/N was a musclehead he loved the sound the engine made when you put the peddle to the meddle. But however finding a proper muscle car was proving to be harder then Y/N thought. He checked each car but found nothing that tickled his fancy.
Mike: Hey how about this one?
Mike points to a large Porsche four by four.
Mike: Looks pretty nice to me.
Y/N: Yeah no I'm sorry but that car just screams self-entitlement. It reeks of karen energy and nobody likes a karen dad.
Mike then walks to a riced out tuner.
Mike: Then what about this!? This is something you kids call cool nowadays. (Dabs) Dabble it my G!
Y/N looks at his dad with an embarrassed expression.
Y/N: Dad? Can you do me a solid favour?
Mike: Yes?
Y/N puts his hand on his dad's shoulder.
Y/N: Please never dab ever again.
Dad: okay :(.
After Mike's cringy attempt of being cool Y/N continues his search for a ride but only finding more faulty cars. He was about to call it quits when he finally spots a car which peaks his interest.
At the very end of the lot layed a yellow muscle car with black stripes printed onto it's hood. The leather seats showed sign of wear and tear only adding to the aesthetic of the classic car.
Y/N: Oh now we're talking.
Mike: (Whistles) Now that's a car wish I had that back in the day. Would have got all the girls in that.
Y/N Looks at the car and immediately falls in love with it. The car practically spoke to him sometimes you don't choose the ride the ride chooses you.
Y/N: This is the one dad. I want this car.
Mike: You sure? A classic like that is gonna be expensive.
Y/N hands his dad a large stack of cash.
Mike:......... Alrighty then I'll get the paperwork and MOT ready.
After twenty minutes of waiting Y/N's father came back with keys to his new ride.
Y/N: Oh my god finally I'm so excited!
Mike: Everything's allllll hashed out!
Mike throws the keys to Y/N.
Mike: Your chariot awaits. You enjoy your first ride I'm gonna take the bus.
Y/N: You sure? I can just drop you off.
Mike: Nah it's A okay enjoy yourself just don't get pulled over for speeding or I did.
Mike left the lot leaving Y/N with his ride. He looks at the muscle car filled to the brim with excitement.
Y/N: Let's hit the road!........... please transform into a giant robot.
Without waiting Y/N sits in the driver's seat and twists the keys. The engine roars to life shaking the ride a deep low growl emitted from beneath the hood.
Y/N: I like that sound! Let's put some music on!
Y/N looks at the radio realising that the car didn't have bluetooth or even an aux cord.
Y/N: Oh right I forgot cars like this don't have modern tech. I'm sure I can fit something in but right now looks like the cd player will have to do.
Y/N opens the glove compartment and a cd drops out.
Y/N: Perfect!
Y/N carefully slides the disk into the cd player.
Y/N: I swear to god if this is Rick Astley-
Y/N hits the gas going full throttle out of the lot and onto the open road.
Y/N: Let's go pay the gang a visit.
Timeskip made by the king of five nights at Freddy's.
I'm sorry I didn't say that right the KING OF FIVE NIGHTS AT FREDDY'S!
Outside of the pizzaplex it was business as usual with children lining up in ques with thier parents eager to head inside and see the animatronics. The sound of an engine grabbed thier attention Y/N parked his car in a free parking space turning the music off. Stepping out his car Y/N was greeted by a few whistles from other car lovers no doubt.
Man: Oh man I ain't seen a car like in over ten years!
Teen: Sick wheels dude.
Y/N: Thanks! Just got em today.
Using his status as an employee he skipped the line and headed straight inside where he was greeted by the female mapbot from before.
Mapbot: Oh it's you! I'm happy to see you making a swift recovery.
Y/N: Meh it weren't much just a broken arm could have been much worse.
Mapbot: I'm glad that it wasn't. But why are you here? Your shift begins next week.
Y/N: I'm just visiting I wanna see what the place is like during the day. Maybe have a bit of fun with the gang.
Mapbot: Oh I see well before I let you on your way I thought you might need a map. We don't want you getting lost do we?
Y/N sighs and takes a map.
Y/N: Yeah better to know my way around. Thanks mapbot.
Millie: Millie. Please call me Millie.
Y/N: Okay....thank you Millie.
Y/N walks off while Millie watches holding her chest.
Millie: Hmmmm how odd that weird sensation in my chest is gone.
Y/N takes the elevator lead onto the main floor where the sounds of music and cheering filled the area. Hundreds of people have gathered round the stage which covered itself in smoke. Y/N watched from the balcony as neon lights flashed out music boomer out and a voice echoed through the speakers.
A.I: Ladies and gentlemen children of ages! Put your hands together for the ONE the ONLY FREDA FAZBEAR!
And then from the dense smoke emerged the core four Freda, monty, chica and Roxy. The cheers become deafening as the gang rocks on. This was the first time Y/N has seen them in action and he was loving it! Roxy absolutely shredded her piano guitar and monty and chica rocked with thier guitars. Freda took center stage with her microphone singing a song with an angelic voice.
Y/N: YEAH YOU GO GUYS! (Whistles)
Roxy looks at the cheering crowd and then spots Y/N on the balcony almost dropping her instrument in shock. But she quickly recovers and focuses on her performance. They sung and partied for 30 minutes straight until the show ended. Freda thanked the crowd for watching before the podium lowered into the ground. As the podium sank deeper into the pizzaplex Roxy turned towards the others wagging her tail.
Roxy: Y/N's here!
Chica: WHAT!?
Monty: HE IS!?
Freda: W-where?
Roxy: On the balcony near the elevators. He was cheering us he liked our show!
Monty: Hah I knew he would! Bet it was my skills which turned him on!
Freda: Monty please refrain from using such suggestive words while we're still open.
Chica: I can't wait to see him again! I've missed him so much!
Freda: We all have it's nice of him to pay us a visit.
The podium reaches the bottom of the pizzaplex and Roxy immediately runs out.
Monty: Well someone doesn't want to keep Y/N waiting.
Timeskip made with fredbear
After watching the show Y/N decided to see what has become of the daycare attendant. That's right he wants to see what happened to the robot that damn well nearly killed him. Upon arriving at the day he was met by a locked gate and a sign that read out of order.
Y/N: Huh wonder how long it's been closed for....
Y/N turned round and was took off his feet by Roxy who hugs him and nuzzles the boy.
Roxy: Oh my god you have NO idea how much I've missed you. Like dude do you know how worried I was?
Y/N: (Laughs) Bet you were shitting bricks.
Roxy: To put it lightly! I thought you were gonna quit and skip town and I'd never see you again! But oh thank god you are okay.
Freda: Roxy let go of the poor thing your smothering him.
Freda and the others approach Y/N.
Y/N: Yeah please let go my arm's sill a bit fragile.
Roxy laughs nervously and get off of Y/N.
Roxy: Hehe sorry guess I was too excited.
Y/N gets up from the floor and dusts himself off.
Y/N: It's fine your were just happy to see me.
Monty walks up to Y/N and hugs him pulling his head into her breasts.
Monty: It's good to see you again handsome. Wanna head to my room to "Celebrate"?
Y/N: (Blushes) W-w-well I-i don't know about-
Monty: Hehehe I've missed teasing you.
Chica and Freda are next to be hugged but unlike Roxy and monty they were more gentle.
Freda: I'm pleased to see you making a full recovery superstar.
Chica: Yeah bro your already back on your feet that's kickass dude!
Y/N: It'll take more then just a bipolar clown to take me out. Speaking of which-
Y/N points to the closed off daycare.
Y/N: How long has that been closed?
Monty: Since that prick sent you to the medical bay.
Freda: After what happened between you and the daycare attendant the news got on the story which created some controversy.
Roxy: People were mad that one of fazbears employees got injured by one of thier robots.
Chica: They were maaaaaad! They refused to go anywhere near the daycare and demanded that sun was put out of commission.
Freda: Eventually they had to comply. So the attendant is now trapped in his room and the daycare remains off limits.....until they make a new animatronics to take care of the daycare that is.
Y/N: How long will that take?
Roxy: God knows honestly you better off just going into the trash room and making a new robot entirely.
Monty: Yeah a ton of parts get thrown away. You can make ten robots with all that junk probably.
You might even get lucky and find a full body maybe.
Y/N: You don't say.
Freda: As much as we'd like to talk I'm afraid we have two more shows to perform and the next one starts in five minutes.
Y/N: It's fine Freda you got a job to do. Go out there and wow the crowd.
Chica: See you later Y/N!
Monty: Try not to get yourself would ya?
Y/N: Oh harr harr very funny.
Roxy waves at Y/N before her, chica and monty walk away. Freda was also walking away but Y/N shouted at her.
Y/N: Oh and Freda!?
Freda: Yes?
Y/N: I watched your performance and let me just had a beautiful voice.
This comment causes the bear to fluster and her face glow bright red.
Freda: Oh why....why thank you.
Y/N: Go on now Freda and have a great show.
Freda nods and walks away.
Freda: (He said I have a beautiful voice he thinks I'm beautiful.)
Y/N looks at the daycare before remembering what monty said about the trash room.
Y/N: Enough to build a whole robot eh?
Y/N takes out the map given to him by Millie and follows the direction towards the trash room.
Timeskip by a man getting trolled by fredbear.
Y/N took one massive breath as he pushed aside a large metal pipe blocking the way. He was knees deep in garbage searching for any spare parts that could be fitted onto an endoskeleton. He hoped he would find something to create a new robot one that guard the daycare and also not mentally scar little children.
His search has so far been somewhat successful. He found some spare parts but not many. If he wanted to make a new animatronic he will need much more then what he has.
Y/N: Argh what a mess it wouldn't be so bad if not for the smell.
Y/N spots a animatronic hand laying on a large pile of trash.
Y/N: Jackpot.
Y/N carefully climbs on the mountain of garbage and reaches for the hand and grabs it.
Y/N: Haha yes! Come to papa!
Y/N looks at the hand laughs and then looks forward and sees-
Y/N jumps back and falls causing the mound of rubbish to collapse. Y/N groans slowly standing up and brushing off a mouldy slice of pizza.
Y/N: Yep gonna need a shower when I get back.
He then looks at the creepy figure which now on a bag of rubbish looking right at him.
Y/N: Ugh-
Y/N turns the figure so it's face doesn't look at him.
Y/N: Ugly little fucker.
Y/N sighed before continuing his adventure down into the room. Twenty minutes pass and Y/N had found nothing and at this point he was ready to throw in the towel.
Y/N: Okay I think I've searched for long enough. If I stay here any longer I'll end smelling worser then a skunk.
But as he turns towards the way he came something malfunctions and twitches near a trash compactor.
Y/N: Hold the phone.
Y/N approached the compactor slowly with his hand on his taser. As he got closer he realised that the item in question was an broken down animatronic. Not just that he also recognised the animatronic his eyes went wide in disbelief.
Y/N: No........there's no way.
But his eyes weren't tricking him-
He knew the animatronic all too well
The red fur-
His pirate get-
The eye patch-
It couldn't be anyone else-
Y/N: Foxy?
Y/N ran to the worn down pirate and observed the damage done to him. His hook had been torn off and pierced into his eyeless head and his lower jaw was completely missing as if someone had attacked him with an axe. There was a large gash in his chest exposing the rusty metal endoskeleton his lower body had a large piece of it missing.
Y/N: Oh foxy you've seen better days.
Y/N felt horrible for the fox the moment he lifted onto his shoulder on his birthday was still a memory close to his heart. He couldn't just leave him like this and let someone throw him into a compactor or get incinerated.
Y/N: Don't ya worry captain-
Y/N picks up foxy and carries him like someone carrying a drunk friend and drags him through the sea of garbage.
Y/N: I'm gonna put you back together.
Timeskip sponsored by man from Somalia.
Y/N was now inside of a small workshop looking at foxy and a large assortment of brand new parts.
Y/N: Right so the place shuts down at 12 and it's current 6 pm so I've got six hours to fully repair you. I'll be honest with myself I'm really pushing my skills but I didn't get a degree in robotics for nothing. Let's get to work but first music to fit the mood.
Y/N goes on his phone and plays a song which help set the tone.
Y/N: Perfect.
The time passes by the hours with the sound of pounding metal and drills whirring echoing through the hall. Sparks from a blowtorch flew across the screen as Y/N wielded the new parts together and a new endoskeleton to replace the old rusty one.
5 whole hours pass and the clock was now 20 minutes to midnight. But Y/N had done it with enough blood sweat and tears he had done it. He had fixed and upgraded the pirate who had made his childhood all those fun times all those jigs......and now the captain was back on his ship ready for more.
Y/N: Y/N you might have only gone and done it. This might be my greatest piece of work yet
Y/N: A bit heavy on the hair but it's fine everything else seems good too. A new endoskeleton as well so he should be able to move around easily and smoothly. Now for the moment I've been waiting for-
Y/N walks behind foxy and presses a small switch on the back of his neck.
Y/N: Welcome aboard captain.
Y/N takes a step back and smiles in glee. Seconds later foxy's arm twitches and the camera focuses on foxy as his eye finally opens.
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