Nightmare at the daycare
Y/N opened his eyes and finds himself sitting in a office similar to his at the pizzaplex with two metal doors on each side. He couldn't move freely however or even speak it was like his body was moving on its own accord picking up a phone laying on the side of the desk pressing record. When Y/N did speak his voice sounded nothing like it usually was sounding more old and mature.
Y/N?: Hello hello! Hey! Hey wow day four... I knew you could do it.
Uh, hey, listen... I may not be around to send you a message tomorrow.
Something starts to bang loudly on the left door.
Y/N?:It’s-it’s been a bad night here.....for me. Umm...I-I’m kinda glad that I recorded my messages for you...(clears throat) uh when I did. Uh hey do me a favor uh maybe sometime uh you could check inside those suits? Uh in the back room? Uh I'm gonna try to hold out...until someone...checks. Maybe it won’t be so bad. I-I-I-I always wondered what was in all those empty heads... back there you know...
The toreador march plays from within the darkness as a pair of eyes illuminate from the left door and erie moaning comes from the right.
Y/N?:Oh no.........
That was the last thing Y/N said before a golden bear pounced from behind the chair with a loud scream snatching the phone from his grasp. Y/N sprang up from his bed and screamed sweating buckets while his phone on the counter was ringing.
(Bruh this goofy ah ringtone)
Y/N breathed in heavily until he eventually calmed down all the while the fredbear plushy looked on from the end of the bed.
Y/N: again with these dreams.....(Sigh) Thank god it was only a dream but the all felt too real.
Y/N looked at his phone which was still ringing and checked to see who was calling him at 3 in the evening and to his suprise it was his boss.
Y/N: Strange my shift at the pizzaplex starts at midnight why's the boss calling me now?
Y/N accepts the call and the manager talks through the other line.
Manager: Hello? Hello hello? Y/N are you there?
Y/N: Yeah boss what's up? You don't usually call me during the day. What's going on?
Manager: I-if it's not too much trouble Mr Schmidt could you please get to the pizzaplex as soon as possible?
Y/N: The pizzaplex? Why? Has something happened?
Manager: (Sigh) There's been an the daycare.
Timeskip caused by confusion
The scene cuts to inside the pizzaplex. Y/N weaves past the crowd of excited children and parents getting to the daycare as fast as possible. This was the first time he would set foot in the daycare and was looking forward to the challenge ahead eager to see what required his expertise.
Y/N: Excuse me! Pardon me! Sorry coming through! (Jesus I knew the pizzaplex would be packed during the day but this is ridiculous!)
Y/N is then stopped by a map bot that was built a bit differently then most other map bots.
Map bot: Excuse me? C-could you please take a map so you won't get lost in the pizzaplex?
Y/N: I haven't got time for this right now I have a job to-
Y/N: D-do.
Map bot: Please take a map I don't want you to get lost.
Y/N: Y-yeah you know what sure I'll take a map no problem.
Y/N takes a map from the map bot who jumps in joy.
Map bot: Thank you soooo much! I hope you have a faz-tastic day!
She skips off towards another customer offering a map to them.
Y/N: Okaaaaaay what is it with this company and giving their robots big tits?..........But i mean I'm not complaining.
Y/N looks at the map he was given and follows the directions towards the daycare. Upon arriving he was met by a large golden statue of what Y/N assumed to be the daycare attendant that his boss had told him about. Speaking of his boss the manager was standing next to a flight of stairs waving at Y/N.
Manager: Mr Schmidt over here!
Y/N quickly greets his boss as the lights in the daycare turn off and back on causing the children downstairs to scream.
Manager: Thank god your here I'm terribly sorry I had to drag you back after a hard night shift but it was an emergency.
Y/N: It's alright boss i don't do much in the day anyway. So what seems to be the problem?
Manager: It's the generators in the daycare.
The manager leads Y/N towards the entrance into the play area. Many of the parents were holding their children who were too scared to enter the daycare as the lights flicker off again.
Manager: Theirs a fault in one of the generators that need fixing that's why I bought you here.
Y/N: Doesn't sound so complicated what's making this such a big deal?
Parent: It's the damn robot in the daycare that's the problem.
Y/N turns to the parents hanging by the door.
Parent: The moment that's lights go out he turns into a monsters that attacks our children!
Manager: I-its a.....m-minor bug in his system w-we are trying to find a permanent solution-
Teenager: Nah bro your just shit at your job.
Y/N: I mean I could try to fix this bug I did study in robotics before being employed.
Manager: As much as I would love you to we haven't got the tools needed at the moment.
Y/N: Alright then guess I'll just focus on fixing the generator.
Parent: Be careful young man.
Y/N uses his pass to unlock the play area and opens the door walking into the lair of the beast as the teenagers saluted him.
Inside the play area Y/N looked around holding his taser with a firm grip. He didn't know what to expect so he kept his guard up ready for any sort of suprise. He wandered around the play area ducking under the crawl areas tunnels and avoiding stacks of barrels neatly placed in a stack. Unfinished drawings were laying around the entire area with discarded crayons most likely from the children who ran into the safety of their parents arms.
Y/N: This silence isn't ominous whatsoever. Now where the hell is this busted up generator?
He continued his search for the faulty machine leading him to the ball pit at the end of the play area. A slide starting from the daycare entrance led from the top floor all the way into the ball pit as a way for kids to get into the play area as fast as possible.
Y/N: The generator's gotta be around here somewhere......
Y/N is startled by a voice coming from behind a set of curtains from a stage up above. The red velvet blinds are pushed open and Y/N is met by the sight of a jester like animatronic with pale yellow skin and a head made in the shape of the sun.
The robot spins around before jumping off the stage and dives into the pool area out of sight while Y/N stood next to the slide.
Y/N:........Oh naaaaah!
Y/N treds as fast as he can to get out of the pool where the attendant layed in hiding. Eager to get out Y/N reaches to the end of the pool area but the attendant jumps from the ocean of plastic balls and appears in front of Y/N grabbing him and dragging him back to the play area.
Sun: Hello new friend! What's your name? My name is sun! Wanna be buddies? We can play all day, make googly eyes, dance around and drink soda till we pop!
Sun lets Y/N go and stares at the young nightguard.
Y/N: Urgh no thank you pal I'm just here to do my job and fix the generator. I haven't got time to mess around.
Sun: Awwwww your no fun! Fine be a party pooper but whatever you do make sure you keep the lights.......ON.
Y/N: Yeah fine whatever I'll keep em lit. (This guy acts like he just drank 5 cans of monster!)
Y/N walked past the attendant and finally found the faulty generator which was tucked away in a small corner of the play area.
Y/N: Oh yeah just leave the generators where children can just mess around with them. How a child hasn't been electrocuted yet I do not know.
Y/N opens up his trusty tool box and begins work on the generator. Using a screwdriver he carefully removes the top cover of the generator and starts to fix the wiring inside the machine. He sorts some of the wires which had fallen out of place causing the daycare to have a blackout for a few seconds causing sun to panic.
Sun: No wait stop don't mess with that! Leave it alone please! Y-you like to play make believe? M-maybe even a puppet show!?
At this point sun had gotten on Y/N's nerve and he snapped at the attendant.
Y/N: Oh my god please just shut up and leave me alone let me do my job in peace! If you don't like me working here then go back into your room until I'm done. Stop bothering me about keeping the damn lights on!
Sun frowns and slowly walks away.
Sun: Oh....okay friend.... I'll go.
Y/N: Thank god now I can finally focus on what I came here to do.
Y/N shifts his attention back to his job and continues to fix the wiring of the generator. He was about to plug in the last correct wire but when he did the entire daycare went dark with no sign of the power returning. This caused everyone outside the play area to scream.
Teenager: Oh crap man the powers gone out!
Manager: Oh no......
Kid: Mommy I'm scared the nasty moon man is gonna come back.
Parent: It's okay I won't let him hurt you sweetie.
Inside the daycare sun was starting to freak out.
Y/N however remained calm.
Y/N: Oh crap guess all the generators in the daycare are connected I must have accidentally tripped something when I plugged the wires in. No big deal I'll just need to turn the other generators back on. I should probably see if thiers a flashlight at the security desk next to the entrance of the play area. Best to have some form of light.
Y/N heads to the security desk where he finds a fully charged flashlight held inside a charging station.
Y/N: Perfect!
He takes the flashlight and spins it around.
Y/N: Just what the doctor ordered.
Y/N turns around and is once again greeted by sun who was standing on the desk.
Y/N: Oh my god what do you want now?
Y/N stood in silence trying to comprehend what he just saw.
Y/N:.........What the hell just happened?
????: Naughty boy.
Y/N: Huh?
????: Naughty boy.
????: It's past your must be punished.
The horrifying animatronic slowly crawled onto the desk it's red eyes never leaving Y/N as it made a chilling laugh. It's design was similar to sun's but with white skin and blue jester pants with a sleeping hat placed on his head.
Y/N brought out his taser ready if the robot tried to attack him.
????: Nighty night nighty night!
The robot danced on the desk before jumping off fading into the shadows waiting for Y/N to walk away from the desk.
Y/N:...........How the hell is that meant for kids?
Timeskip because he always comes back
Meanwhile in the main lobby near the gift shop Freda was busy greeting guests who were excited to meet the main star herself. Everything was going great when a small girl ran to Freda.
Girl: Miss Freda we need your help!
Freda: What's wrong little girl? Is someone hurt?
Girl: It's the nasty moon man he's back again!
Freda: (Oh heavens not again moon!) Is there anyone still in the play area?
Girl: (Nods) There's a man with H/C and E/C eyes wearing a weird outfit.
Freda: E/C and H/C........
Freda thought for a second until it hit her.
Freda: Y/N!
Back with Y/N he quickly runs across the daycare searching for the other generators while evading moon who prowled the play area hunting Y/N down. Y/N's heart was beating rapidly he heard a sinister laugh from behind him and turned around looking at the approaching animatronic.
Moon: Time to put you to sleep.
Moon pounced at Y/N who made a sharp turn and squeezed into a play structure evading the attack. Moon uses strings attached to him to float up into the ceiling and fly around undetected. Y/N wanders the small crawl space and comes across the second generator flipping it back on.
Y/N: (Breaths heavily) There's the second but where the hell are the others? Damnit I did not sign up for this!
Y/N looks out of the hole for any sign of moon before popping out and making a beeline for the second play structure. Moon spots him darting away and swoops down to grab him.
Moon: Bad children must be punished!
Y/N pushed past a stack of barrels knocking them down this seems to trigger moon who loses all focus on Y/N and stacks the barrels together.
Moon: Grh no clean up clean up!
Y/N looks back at moon before entering the second play structure and climbs up to the top floor.
Y/N: So I can distract him by knocking down those barrels? Good to know.
Y/N climbs up to the top of the play structure and finds the third generator and flips it back on.
Y/N: Alright there should be only one more generator to find.
Y/N walks past a wall with a small open window.
Y/N: I just gotta find it without that-
Moon appears from below and grabs Y/N from the window. Y/N kicks moon trying to fend him off but ends up getting dragged out by moon who has him by the neck. The strings connecting moon to the roof couldn't hold Y/N's weight and snaps causing him and Moon to fall to the ground with a loud thud.
Freda ran into the daycare heading towards the play area entrance hoping Y/N had gotten out safe and sound. She went to the manager who was also anxious for Y/N's return everyone present could hear the scuffle coming from the play area and were getting increasingly concerned about Y/N.
Manager: Freda? W-what are you doing here?
Freda: I came the moment I heard the daycare was out of power. Is Y/N still in there?! Is he alright!?
Manager: I wish I knew Freda but he's still not returned from the play area and we can't open the doors until the powers back on.
Freda: Oh no. Oh no, oh no, oh no oh no!
Y/N groaned as he tried to stand up after suffering from the fall. His left arm was broken after he had fallen onto it.
Y/N: (Groans) When I'm done here I better be getting a raise.
He tries to stand up but is quickly pinned down by his neck by moon who had his left eye ripped out by the fall.
Moon tightens his grip on Y/N's neck who struggles to breathe.
Moon: It's time for you to say GOODNIGHT!
Y/N vision starts to become blurry his heart beat rings in his ears as his world starts to fade into a dark void.
Was this really it?
Was he going to die here inside the pizzaplex?
What will his dad say?
How will he cope?
Images of Y/N's past begin to flash before his eyes from his time in the orphanage to the moment he was adopted by mike and then to him meeting Vanessa freda and her gang.
Y/N: No...... N-no....this is it.....will end.....I will not.....DIE!
Overcome by a sudden rush of anger and adrenaline Y/N grabs the taser from his right trouser pocket and tases moon sending thousands of volts into his servos. The animatronic screams in agony the lights coming from the taser could be seen from those waiting outside as well as they could hear the scream. Y/N kept on shocking moon who began to short-circuit switching back to his sun persona.
Y/N:.........(Smirks) Keep screaming bitch!
With a heavy kick Y/N knocks sun off of him letting him deactivate his body unable to withstand the electric shock. Y/N slowly stood up holding his now swollen neck he couldn't explain it but for a brief moment he found himself enjoying the pain he inflicted upon the daycare attendant only for just a moment.
And for a few seconds his eyes changed from their usual E/C into a deep violet purple.
Y/N limped towards where the last generator was and used the last of his strength to flip the switch. The power to the daycare finally returns and Y/N limps towards the exit but collapses as Freda barges in.
Freda: Y/N!
Freda runs to Y/N who couldn't remain conscious and passes out from pain and exhaustion. Sun had managed to turn back on and looked at Y/N who Freda picked up bridal style and then to the terrified kids who peeked through the gate.
Sun: I'm sorry......
Sun watches Freda carry Y/N out of the play area leaving him all alone to drown in guilt.
Sun: I'm so sorry.......
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