It's finger licking good
Y/N was disturbed from his sleep by the sounds of someone coughing trying to get his attention. He groans before opening his eyes to behold an annoyed Vanessa standing over him and the still sleeping Roxy.
Y/N: Urgh.... Vanessa?
Vanessa: Sleeping on the job Y/N? Seriously?
Y/N remembers what happened with him and Roxy and checks his almost dead phone which showed the time was 4 AM.
Y/N: Oh ssshit I've been asleep for half of my shift.
He then carefully gets out of Roxy's grip careful not to disturb her.
Vanessa: How pissed do you think the manager will be if he finds out you've been laying around on the second day on the job?
Y/N: Ummmm I'd say he'd be..... pretty upset.
Vanessa: To put it lightly.
The nightguards leave Roxy to rest and talk to one another in private.
Y/N: Listen I was only meant to help her get dressed for her gig but we kinda got carried away and passed the time. It was an honest mistake I swear.
Vanessa:......(Sigh) Your unbelievable
Y/N you know that? Listen I'll let this little slip up slide.
Y/N: Thanks Vanessa you just saved my bacon-
Vanessa: Only if you do one small job for me.
Y/N: Oh......w-what do you need me to do?
Vanessa: The oven in the kitchen is showing signs of damage. I need you to go in there and see what's wrong with it and see if we can fix it.
Y/N: That's sounds simple enough leave it to me.
Vanessa grabs Y/N's shoulder.
Vanessa: But before you go I need you to be careful in there. Chica loves to raid the kitchen for food which usually ends up with a trashed staff bot or two. Try to make sure she doesn't do the same to you okay?
Y/N: Got it. I appreciate the concern but I'll be fine if I can handle Roxy I can definitely handle chica.
Y/N walks away while Vanessa watches.
Vanessa: Preach what you pray Y/N.....preach what you pray.
Timeskip by the aubergine man
The doors to the pizzaplex kitchen swing open and Y/N peeks his head through looking around the room.
Y/N: Helloooooo?! Maintenance!? I'm here to fix your oven!
He called out only to get no reply.
Y/N: No one's here guess the chef's had better things to do.
Y/N takes his toolbox and checks the oven at the other side of the kitchen.
Y/N: Now-
Y/N pulls the oven away from the wall and uses his flashlight to survey any possible damage.
Y/N: Let's see what's wrong with ya.
Checking the back Y/N had found that the wire connecting the plug to the machine was cut open. Sparks fell from the open gash threatening to land of something flammable and catch fire.
Y/N: Oh yeah I definitely see the problem.
Y/N radios his partner Vanessa.
Y/N: Hey Vanessa I found the fault in the oven. The wires exposed and could start a kitchen fire at any given time.
Vanessa: Could you fix it?
Y/N: I'm no bob the builder but I can cover it with some duct tape. It's a temporary fix though so morning comes we gotta tell the boss wouldn't want to place going up in flames.
Y/N pulls out the plug before putting on a pair of thick gloves.
Y/N: Safety first.
He then takes out a roll of duct tape from the toolbox and slowly wraps the tape around the wires. But halfway through he hears the sounds of heavy footsteps coming from outside the kitchen.
Y/N: Urmmm what the hell is that?
Then out of nowhere chica barges in looking for food.
Chica: Mama bird's getting hungry where's my delicious pizza!?
Y/N: (This just complicated things.) Chica is that you?
Chica: Who's there? Is someone trespassing?
Y/N: No chica it's just me Y/N. I'm sitting behind the oven.
Chica walks to Y/N who was still wrapping up the wire.
Chica: Whatcha doing?
Y/N: Fixing this busted ass oven. What about you? What brings you here?
Chica: I'm hungry silly. I need a nice slice of pizza after a long day of performing.
Y/N: Wait you guys need to eat just like humans do?
Chica: Not really but I still do I mean who doesn't love stuffed crust?
Y/N: Oh I hear ya sister I love me a pepperoni pizza I'm not gonna lie.
Y/N cuts the tape and slowly stands up and pushes the oven back into place.
Y/N: Aaaand done! Not my best handiwork but this will do for now. Should keep it going until someone gets it replaced.
Y/N's stomach begins to growl having grown hungry after his hard work.
Chica: (Laughs) Looks like someone's hungry.
Y/N: (Blushes) Yeah running around and fixing things does that to you. Guess a early morning snack wouldn't hurt.
Chica: Yeah dude lets eat!
Y/N: But there's one small problem though.
Y/N gestures to kitchen devoid of life except for him and chica.
Y/N: Their ain't no chef's they were deactivated earlier in the night.
Chica: Then we'll just make a pizza ourselves.
Y/N: I don't think I'd be that good of a cook. I'm a nightguard who fixes robots and patrols halls not a Masterchef.
Chica: Oh don't worry silly it's all really simple. Here-
Chica grabs Y/N's hand and leads him to another oven.
Chica: Let me help you.
Y/N: You sure you want me to help? I might end up burning it.
Chica: We all gotta start somewhere why not here and now?
Y/N shrugged his head in agreement and him and chica start to make a pizza. Chica does her best to guide Y/N through showing him how to shape the dough and how to spread the sauce around the pizza evenly. They each had their own separate pizza and put a hefty amount of cheese on the base as well as their favourite toppings. Chica had anchovies on her pizza while Y/N was more of a meat eater and put things like ham and pepperoni on his.
Once they were happy with their pizza the two of them placed their pizza into the oven set the right time and watched as the oven heated up and slowly caused the cheese to melt.
Y/N: And now we wait.
Chica: (Groans) I hate this part!
Y/N: Same.
Chica and Y/N sat down next to eachother and watched the food through the oven window. Chica leans her head onto Y/N's shoulder shocking Y/N. He looks to chica who seemed comfortable resting on his side and then looked back at the oven and waited.
15 minutes go by and the pizza was finally cooked. Y/N puts on gloves and carefully pulls out the tray holding the pizzas and carries it towards the counter. Chica eager to tuck into her food grabs Y/N's hands and helps him lay it down while leaning forward behind Y/N accidentally rubbing her cheek on his face on a few occasions. Y/N was flustered but didn't say nothing and platted up the steaming food.
Chica: (Clucks) Finally!
Y/N: Dinner is served.
Timeskip promoted to you by fazbears delicious cheesy pizza.
Y/N: And then I weaved from the side and gave her the dukes!
Chica and Y/N were sitting on the empty main stage pizza in hand talking to one another. Y/N had just finished telling chica how he escaped Monty's clutches when had to fix her rooms lightbulb.
Chica: No way did monty actually fall for that?
Y/N: Yep. Oldest trick in the book but she still took the bluff.
Chica: If that was me I would have been maaaaad.
Y/N: Does monty act that way to all boys or is it just me?
Chica: It's just you she never acted like this to anyone else. Hell the last time someone tried flirting with her monty almost ended up ripping the guys chicken nuggets off.
Y/N: Chicken nuggets?.......What do you mean by chicken nuggets?
Chica points towards Y/N's crotch and he immediately catches on.
Y/N: Ohhhhh.....right yeah I see what you mean.
Chica: She has a bit of a temper. The moment she gets pissed she's trashing her room and screaming like a lunatic.
Y/N: I pity any man or machine who angers that gator.
Chica: Don't pity them because their already dead.
Chica grabs another slice of her pizza but she doesn't pick anything up. She looks down only to realise she had eaten all of her pizza.
Chica: Awwww man! My pizza is finished.
Y/N grabs a slice of his pizza and holds it out.
Y/N: You want some of mine?
Chica: (Eyes light up) Yes please!
Y/N gives chica the slice which gets devoured within seconds. Chica licks her lips and then hugs Y/N.
Y/N: Whatever you say chica. (Well isn't she a ray of sunshine?)
Chica was surprised by the sounds of bells chiming from out of nowhere. Y/N looked at the alarm on his phone which played the chime as the clock struck 6.
Y/N: Aaaand that's the end of my shift.
Chica: Your leaving already?
Chica was upset that Y/N's shift was already over but Y/N used his hand to make chica look at him.
Y/N: Don't get all down sweet cheeks I'm back on shift tomorrow night from midnight to six.
Chica: Why don't you pop by during our opening hours? We'd love to see you at one of our shows it would be a blast!
Y/N: Maybe if I have the time maybe but right now all I want to do is get back home and snuggle up in my warm and cozy bed.
Y/N smiles at chica and walks away.
Y/N: Good luck with your performing today. Knock em dead chica knock em dead.
Chica watches Y/N leave with a lovestruck look in her eyes.
Chica: Will do sugar......will do.
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