Chapter 1- Into the Game
*Kirito's P.O.V.*
"Kirito!" I looked over and saw Asuna holding two sandwiches and smiling. "Look what I made!"
"THOSE LOOK GREAT!" I lept forward and face-planted. Ow, even video games hurt! It's been so long since I last put on the NerveGear and actually played Sword Art Online.
"Have some manners, Kirito! What's the magic word?" Asuna scolded me.
"Please?" I mumbled. She handed me my sandwich.
"Here ya go!" she looked so happy. It had been 2 years since the S.A.O. incident and the two of us hadn't played together since then. So this is the first time we'd really hung out and had some fun. We both started munching down our sandwiches and were halfway through when a Aincrad town guard walked up.
"Are you two Kirito and Asuna?" he asked.
"Uh-huh." I mumbled through my sandwich.
"Councilor Yuiler has requested your presence." he said very high-and-mighty like, which was VERY annoying.
"Yuiler's a councilor now?" I asked through bread. Asuna gave me a 'shut up' glare.
"Do you know what she wants?" Asuna swallowed her last bite.
"No, ma'am. But, the intel seems very important, and she seemed very stressed when she asked for you." the man saluted and walked away.
"Well. THAT was eventful." I chuckled. Asuna sighed, then laughed.
"Let's just go see what Yuiler wants."
After a while we got to Yuiler's council house. We told the guard who we were and he opened the gate and told us to go to the front desk and tell the attendent who we were. Asuna and I walked up to the desk. There was a pink haired girl sitting there, reading a book.
"Excuse me, we're supposed to see Yuiler?" Asuna politely asked. The girl looked up. "Lisbeth!?" Asuna gasped.
"Hey! Lisbeth! Long time no see!" I walked up and joined Asuna.
"OH MER GOSH! Kirito! Asuna! I never thought I'd see you two in Sword Art Online again. How are you?" she ran around her desk and hugged us both.
"We're fine! Is this your new job?" I gasped as she let go of me. She smile proudly.
"Yup!" she chirped.
"What about the sword shop? Did you shut it down?" Asuna asked worriedly. Lisbeth shook her head and laughed.
"No, silly! This is just a part-time job to earn me some extra cash." she said as she walked back to her desk. "Well, I need to get you to Councilor Yuiler!" Lisbeth typed our names into the computer then got up and led Asuna and I to an elevator. We went up and saw Yuiler at a desk.
"Councilor Yuiler, ma'am? Kirito and Asuna are here." Liz said tentatively. Yuiler looked up and a tired smile appeared on her face.
"Thank you, Lizbeth. You are dismissed." she said. Lisbeth nodded at her, then us and went down in the elevator.
"Yuiler! What do you need?" Asuna got straight to business.
"We've heard that there's a... player killer, on the loose." Yuiler sighed. "She has pink hair, wears a blue and pink sailor schoolgirl dress, and has a rainbow bow in her hair."
"She doesn't sound dangerous." I said.
"Oh, but she is," Yuiler looked at me and the glare sent chills up my spine. "She just touches a player, and they are electrocuted and instantly get a game over. This isn't the strangest part. She doesn't EXIST. Not as an N.P.C., not as a player. I don't think she's even alive! But, she... she has a concious, I just don't get it! So, I'm sending you two after her." she suddenly looked so tired.
"Alright, where is this player killer?" I growled.
"Last we heard of her, she was on level 47. In the Field of Memories."
"Then we're going there, now! Asuna, come on! We gotta stop this player killer!"
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