Ch. 9.5: Bits of the Past
~Jonathans Pov~
A loud knocking on the door is what woke me up. I groan and sit up looking around. Mini and Lui were gone already. They must already be eating breakfast knowing them. The knocking continues and I reach a hand up to see if my sleeping mask was on. It wasnt. It had fallen off sometime during the night and I hope neither Lui or Craig had seen my face. The handle starts to turn and the door starts open. "W-WAIT!!" The door opens and Craig walks in holding a bowl of cereal. "Hey Jon, Its breakfast and you need to wake-" He looks up and his eyes widen. I cover my face and I hear the bowl break against the floor.
~Craigs Pov (Before he walked in)~
"Hey guys Im gonna go wake up Delerious. Its ten in the morning. And you said we had to get up early. If we need to, he has to as well." I stand up and start to walk to our room, but I stop and quickly grab the bowl of cereal, eating it while on my way back to our shared room. The others laughing as I walk to the room.
I knock for a few minutes and hear a groan. 'Fucking Finally.' I put the spoon in the bowl and turn the handle, hearing a muffled voice, but choosing to ignore it and open the door.
"Hey Jon, Its breakfast and you need to-" I look up and my eyes widen. His sleeping mask wasnt on and I got a good look at his face.
(Too lazy to describe it so have the picture at the top of the chapter and Imagine three scars going across his right eye (Sky blue eye) and his left is a royal blue and his hair is only a bit longer and shaggy.)
I drop my bowl and it shatters at my feet. He throws his hands to his face to cover it. "GET OUT!!!" I hear people running down the hall and I quickly ran out the door, slamming it behind me.
"MINI?! WHAT HAPPENED WE HEARD SOMETHING BREAK!" Tyler runs up to me and starts looking me over. "You didnt hurt yourself did you?" My face flushes and I shake my head shyly. "N-No, I just...Uhh...Walked in on Delerious changing and Ran out, I accidentally dropped the bowl." He nods and stand up from checking my feet for cuts. We both soon notice that we were extremely close to one another. I see a light pink kue form on his cheeks and he looks away. "Uh, Yeah you're fine. Get back to the kitchen."
~Jonathans Pov (Later in the day)~
I'M still slightly freaking out somce Craig saw my face. No one has EVER seen my face...I know he's going to want to ask questions about it. I see him walking alone in one of the many hallways, probably looking for someone to talk to...or me.
I jog over to him and tap his shoulder, he yelps and turns around, but he sighs when he sees its only me. "Jonathan! You nearly gave me a heart attack!!" He clutches his chest and attempts to steady his breathing. "Sorry Craig, but I know you would find me and talk to me..about my face." He looks up and he nods. "Wanna go to our room? Lui isnt in there, he's hanging out with Nogla." I nod and we head to our room that was, luckily, close by.
Once we were inside, the door firmly locked, and the both of us sitting on the bed; he started his questioning. "How did you get the scars? Is that why you're right eye is a sky blue and not the darker blye of your other eye? How did it even change color? How-" I put my hand up and he stopped talking. I reach up and hesitatingly take off my mask and set it to the side. "One at a time. How I got them, Well..." I sigh and rub my hands together nervously.
~Craigs Pov~
I watch him as he gets ready to tell me. Me, slightly jumping in anticipation. "My mother had died in a car crash to go get something for me from the store. My dad, He blames the entire thing on me. He would beat me with anything available. One day, he came home extra angry and drunk off his ass. One thing led to another and he managed to use the broken end of a beer bottle to seriously scar up my face. And as for the color, is had lightly got my and something happened, I dont know what but that eye has been sky blue ever since." I nod my head and sigh. I never had the best childhood either. "I know how you feel. My parents never really liked me either..."
I turn and lift my shirt up to the middle of my back. A tattoo just above the hem of my pants, Not big but not too small either. Big enough to read it, but small enough to not be noticed too easily. They made me get it as a reminder of what I am, 'Worthless Faggot'...Thats what was read.
Jonathan gasps and gently pulls my shirt back down. "I guess we both have fucked a up past huh?" He chuckles sadly. We still dont know of Lui's past...Maybe we'll talk about it later. My ears flatten as I, too, chuckly. My tails limp on the bed. Jonathans as well.
Our ears perk up at the sound of footsteps and Jonathan quickly grabs his mask, putting it on. A single, loud knock ripples through the silent room. I get up, unlocking the door and opening it to Vanoss. "Training time boys."
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