Ch.15: Am I in Love?
~Craigs Pov~
My lips crash into his and our eyes widen. I feel a pressure on my hips and I feel him press his own lips harder against mine. I've only known him for a few week, but this feels so right. I press my lips back against his and he smiles. I smile back letting my body press against his. I hear a squeak and lift my body away from Tylers to look at the doorway to the hall leading to the bedrooms and see Lui standng there. My heart rate quickens and I release from the kiss. "L-LUI!!" I yell and Tyler looks over at him. "Shit..." Lui covers his eyes and runs into one of the rooms. I look down to Tyler, trying to even my breathing. "W-Why did you kiss back?" I ask nervously. He looks into my eyes. "Are you complaining?" He asks, hurt in his eyes. I lean down and peck him on the lips again. "No." Tyler growls and flips us so Im on bottom. "Good~" He kisses me again and I whimper into the kiss. He pulls away. "What is it Craig?" I sigh, "Can we take this slow? I want this to be romantic and not us immediately go at each other...Im sorry if-" He pecks my cheek and sits up, helping me sit up as well. "Dont be sorry, I admire you for saying something and not being quiet about it." I smile and get up. "Im gonna go look for Lui."
~Luis Pov (After he ran out)~
I wasnt supposed to see that! I run into a random room that I thought was mine and into the bed, I pull the cover over my head and sigh. Suddenly a loud snore from right next to me makes my heart stop. A sudden warmth envelopes me and I notice a pair of arms snake their way around my waist and up around my chest.
I look over my shoulder and my face explodes in heat. David's face right by mi e and HE'S CUDDLING ME IN HIS SLEEP!!! I try to wiggle away but he hugs tighter. He puts his face in the crook of my neck and breathes onto it. It hit a sensitive spot on my neck and my ears and tail appear as I let put a breathy moan. He sniffs the air and hugs me as tight as possible and mummbles 'Mmmm Lui...' Under his breathe.
The door creeks open and Craig sticks his head in and covers his mouth to keep from laughing. I narrow my eyes and motion for him to come closer. He obeys, comming closer. I whisper/yell, "HELP MEEEEE!" He holds up his pointer finger and rushes out the door, only to come back with Tyler and they both have a silent laughing fit. I glare and flip them off. Suddenly David starts to stir and he somehow flips me over and snuggles his face into my chest. Tyler and Craig, no longer able to control their laughter, burst out laughing.
David opens his eyes groggily, cursing under his breath. He sits up rubbing an eye, "Wat goin on?" He asks sleepily, his accemt thick from being drousy. I stiffen when he looks down and sees me. He quickly stands up on the bed, losing his balance and falls into the floor.
Another roar of laughter and the two laughing idiots fall to their knees, not able to breathe. Tyler giving out a loud Wheeze which makes Craig laugh harder. "S-SHUT UP YOU TWATS!!!" I yell in my kid voice on accident. Tyler starts to pound his fists on the ground. I smirk. "AT LEAST I DIDNT KISS HIM!!!" David groans and looks over the side of his bed to the two, now silent, males that are now looking at me.
"You two kissed?!?! MY OTP HAS SAILED FOOKEN FINALLY!!!" He jumps up and grabs me, spinning around happily; until he noticed and put me down. "S-Sorry." I blush and chuckle shyly, "It's fine."
~Time Skip~
I cant get David out of my head! Ever since this morning I haven't been able to get any though of him to leave me alone. Anytime I look at him my heart stops and I feel my stomach do flips. This feeling is new to me. Am...Am I in love? Is this what love feels like?
I walk around until I bump into Evan, quite literally. "Sorry Evan...Hey! Can you help me?" He nods, "Sure, what do you need?" I rub the back of my neck. "I have this weird feeling in my stomach when I look at David. Like there's a tingling in my chest and my heart beat quickens or it feels like its stopped all together! I dont know what's happening to me!" (In this story Lui has never had a crush on someone or anything like that).
Evan smiles and chuckles. "What's so funny?! Im inthe middle of a crisis!" Tbat makes Evan laughs as he puts a hand on my shoulder. "Lui, you're in Love."
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Sorry this Chapter is short, hope you guys dont mind.
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