Ch.12: Jonathan/Lui's Story
~Jonathans Pov~
I raise my word riddled arm in the air slightly. "I'll go..." Craig nods and the others sit either on the floor or on a chair.
~Story time~
"Mom? Where's the chocolate syrup?! We need it to make our ice cream sundae complete!" I yell to my mother. In the background a happy father. "Who knew six year olds need so much?" A giggling woman with chestnut hair, a round face, rosey cheeks, and the most amazing blue eyes that anyone would get lost into walked into the room with me and dad. "We did, because we chose to have a bubbling little baby. Boy or girl. He is ours. Now where are our car keys, he's not wrong about syrup." Dad hands her the keys from behind his back and kissed her cheek. "Don't be long now, We all want that ice cream sundae!" She giggles and pecks his cheek back. "Of course dear." She grabs her coat and walks out the door. I run to the window and look through the curtain, waving madly at her. The biggest and widest smile on my face. She looked over at me before she drove away. Smiling and waving back before taking off.
Little did I know that would be the last time I saw her blue eyes, her hair, her smile, her everything.
I run towards the kitchen and put the three sundaes, that will never be eaten, in the freezer for later. I hear my dad turn on the tv and Spongebob come on. "Come on! Nickelodeon is still on!" I cheer and run into the livingroom and into my dads lap, earning a loud 'Oof!' and a chuckle from him.
Halfway through the fifth episode my dads cellphone rings. "I'll be back buddy let me get this." I nod and get of his lap. He walks into the hallway leading to the bedrooms and I sit on the couch. After five minutes I hear sobbing from down the hall. I turn off the tv and slowly walk down the hall. "Daddy?" I ask as I walk down the hall. His sobbing getting louder as I get closer.
I soon reach mom and dads room to see Dad sitting on their bed crying. "D-Daddy?" He looks up, teary eyed and broken. "Why are you crying daddy?" I ask scared. "Your mother...she's...S-she's-" He broke into more sobs and I walk over, sitting on the bed and hugging him. He hugs back. "She's...dead..." I stop and look at him confused.
"What does dead mean?" I ask quizically. "She's never comming home..." I start to tear up. "But moma said she'd be right back. She was going to get us chocolate syrup for our ice cream and we would be happy!"
Dads sobs go silent. The kind of silence you'd hear around three am. Everyone asleep. Nothing making a noise. Chills go down your spine. Fear creeping in. And finally, It strikes.
Dad grabbed me by the hair and slammed my head down on his nightstand. "GAH!" I yell out and claw at his hands in my hair. He slams my head down over and over before grabbing a beer bottle, busting its end and-
~Present time: End story time~
I pause and put a hand underneath my mask, running my figers over the three scars sitting on my right eye. "Im done...I dont want to talk about the rest..." I say and wrap my arms around my knees.
~Lui's Pov~
"I guess I'll go now?" Jon nods and I sigh. "Alright."
~Story time~
I lightly limp home from school. I had twisted my ankle a bit from jumping off of the playground equipment.
I walk in and my mother walks up to me. "Lui, sweetie, me and your father need to be away for a few days, so we called your uncle Greg to come watch you!" My blood runs cold and I feel myself pale. My uncle, who looks like hes a crack addict, steps out and into view. I gulp and pretend to smile. "H-Hi uncle." He sneers and smirks. "Hello Lui. Cant wait to have some fun! Right?" I nod slowly and he claps. "Alrighty! You two get a move on so you're not late!" He says lightly pushing the two parents to the door. "Bye Lui! We'll be back soon honey!" Mom yelled and closed the door.
Greg turned and smirked at me. Ready for some fun?" He asks with an evil chuckle. I shake my head no rapidly. "You really think you have a choice?!" He laughs and grabs my arm. "No! Stop, Please!!" He takes me to the gyest bedroom and he thriws me down onto the bed. He reaches into the nughtstand and grabs handcuffs, cuffing my hands behind my back. He pulls out two suitcases from under the bed, one for clothes, and the other for pleasure.
He opens the pleasure filled suitcase. But for me, it was everything but good ir pleasurable. He quickly rips off my clothes and grabs lube and a large dildo from the suitcase. "NO PLEASE!!! STOP!!! I DONT WANT THIS! I DONT-" Suddenly A ball gag is in my mouth and my cries are stiffled. He puts some lube on his fingers and inserts three into my hole. I scream as he roughly pulls them in and out. I cry and cry, but there was no one to save me.
After a few minutes of that he tales them out, but i didnt let my muscles relax. I know whats comming next.
He lubes up the dildo and rams it into my ass. All the way to the hilt. I scream bloody murder into the gag and writhe around in pain. He slaps me and starts to move it in and out, touching my gentials.
This happens everytime he's here. My mom and dad never fi d out. If I told them they either wouldnt believe or they would throw him in jail. But he said he would find me and hurt me.
Soon he stops and grabs a branding stick out of the suitcase and uses a blowtorch from our shed to heat it. Once heated he puts it on my lower back on the left. My screams were unending...he did that so I would never be rid of him.
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