00. The mistake
00.- The mistake.
I dropped my bag on to the floor and greeted my mother in the kitchen with a small smile. I grabbed an apple , walking out of the kitchen picking up my bag once again and jogging up the stairs. I unpacked my school bag taking out all my history notes and books out. Let the studying begin.
I must of been studying for about three hours now , when my mum interrupted my studying with her calling my name for dinner. I let out a deep sigh and made my way down the stairs. I sat there eating in silence while listening to my dad moan about his boss being moody and how he deserves more pay then he gets. My younger sister Alice was throwing her food at me... she was three years old and a pig.
''Mum can you tell her!" i groaned , pushing back my chair and standing up.
''Alice , food is for your mouth not too throw'' my mother explained like the little brat would know that.
''Where do you think your going?'' My father said making me stop in my tracks from leaving.
''I need to study...'' i sighed
''Oh you study too much! , Aren't you seeing Ashton tonight?'' my mother asked.
Ashton was my best friend , since well... since forever. He only lived a few streets away so i spent most of my nights at his house or he was always at my house. But today i didn't really see him at all apart from at lunch.
''No... now if you excuse me i have some revision to do'' i said and ran out before they could say another word.
I walked back into my room , getting back in a comfortable position.
My door creaked open , i looked up at my mother who squinted her eyes through the darkness.
''Honey time to go to sleep now'' she spoke
''Its midnight... time to sleep'' she repeated. Midnight already? I've been studying all night oh that sucks... that really sucks.
''Okay'' i nodded , and closed my laptop placing it on the floor and turning off my lamp.
''Goodnight'' she spoke , and left the room.
''Night'' i responded.
I placed my head on the pillow closing my eyes , when i felt a vibration under my head , i sat up and groaned , taking out my phone Ashtons name appeared on the screen. I unlocked my phone and answered the call.
'''Ashton!! Seriously its midnight... go to sleep'' i groaned
''Meet me at usual place... please! I need to tell you something important''
''ASH-''' ... He hung up on me ... wait till i see that boy.
I swung my legs over the side of my bed , placing my feet on the cold floor. I walked up to my wardrobe pulling out some black skinny's and a grey t-shirt. I grabbed my phone and opened my door quietly. I tip toed across the landing and down the stairs. I slipped into my converse and tied them up as fast as i could , grabbing my coat and opening the door closing it and running across the driveway. All i need is my mother screaming for me to get back inside.
Mine and Ashtons usual spot to meet was the park it was where we spent most of our years together and its where we first made back when we were small toddlers. My mum tells me i was playing in the sandpit one day and these older boys crushed my sandcastles and Ashton hit them on the head with his shovel making them run away crying. He helped me rebuild all of the sandcastles and then i guess thats what made me fall in love with him... as a friend of course. I would never think anything more then that of Ashton. Sure he was not that bad looking his beautiful light brown eyes and his adorable dimpl-... who am i kidding he was drop dead gorgeous and a part of me did fancy him. Maybe i could tell him that tonight?.
Ashtons P.O.V
Since getting home from school my mind has been driving me crazy , i couldn't concentrate on anything not even drumming took away the curly hared blonde blue eyed girl i'm best friends with and madly deeply in love with. She just looked so beautiful today and i guess i realized that if i don't tell her soon how i feel she will move on.
So... later on that night i called her and arranged to meet her at our usual spot... the park. I know its crazy to meet at midnight in some old park but Shelby knew me so well she probably didn't find it weird at all.
I sat on the swing set waiting for her , i had a few minutes to plan out what exactly i was going to say. Once i knew what i was going to say i took a deep breathe and just waited. I heard a few screams from a short distance away but didn't think anything of it... it was probably just some girls coming home drunk from the club across the road. Nothing bad ever happened in this neighbourhood so nothing to be worried about.
I took out my phone and realized it was now 1am... where could she be? I dialed her phone but it just went straight to the annoying message ''please leave a message after the tone beeeeep'' Damn it her phone was off. Maybe she got hurt? or maybe she just couldn't be bothered to come she did yell half my name down the phone before i hung up... or perhaps her mum caught her leaving the house. I sighed and sent her a quick text saying i would just talk to her in the morning. I walked back out of the park and back to my house. Why would Shelby stand me up like that? I guess i'll have to tell her tomorrow.
Shelby's P.O.V
I walked down the deserted streets and decided i would take the short cut to the park rather then walk the long way around. The short cut was down a small alleyway that i always took... i know what your thinking. DON'T DO IT SHELBY!! DON'T GO DOWN THE ALLEYWAY AT MIDNIGHT!! But chill , the place i live is full of old people its a quiet street so no boggey men around. I took out my phone to open the torch app but it was a black screen signalling i had no battery. Great just great.
I walked down the alleyway. Pausing when i heard a loud scream... um. I carried on walking shrugging my shoulders knowing that there was nothing to be afraid of. I walked as the sound of crying and pleading and shouting got louder and louder. I slowed my walking down to a few steps at a time. I heard a gunshot and i paused , i carefully looked around the corner and thats where i saw a man about 6ft looking down at a women laying on a floor he held a gun pointing down at her as he shot her another two times.
My eyes widened at the scene before me and i must of gasped as the man... the killers head snapped towards me he looked at me in the eyes and we kept eye contact for like two seconds but it felt like an hour. I finally realized what was happening as he pointed the gun in my direction , i swallowed hard. I was going to die... The man lifted his right index finger to his lips and i squinted my eyes shut.
RUN SHELBY RUN!! My mind screamed to me. But i couldn't i was frozen in place. The sound of police sirens stopped the man from blowing my brains out and he dropped the gun and turned around... searching from where the sirens were coming from. My brain and legs finally co-operated with each other and my legs began running back through the alleyway the way that i came.
I could not believe how fast i was worrying , i was out of breathe but i continued to run i would not stop until i knew i was safe. I could here footsteps running behind me and yelling and cursing. I ran and ran and ran until i got to my house. I grabbed the key from under the door mat and opened the door as fast as i could. I slammed the door shut and ran up the stairs , crawling under the covers and closing my eyes.
The next morning , i faked ill. I didn't really want to be going into school today with the events that happened from last night. Once Alice was taken to daycare and my parents had left for work i got up from my bed and decided i needed to go tell the police about what i saw last night. I quickly changed into some suitable clothing and made my way downstairs. I took my keys and swung the front door open to be pushed back inside and slammed against the wall.
My eyes widened and i was once again face to face with the man from last night. The man who had killed the innocent women before my eyes.He had a smirk on his face as he pulled me up from the wall just to slam me back against it , i flinched at the contact a few tears fell from my eyes.
''Where do you think you were going?'' his voice spoke with no emotion. I was too frightened to speak i just gulped and squeezed my eyes shut hoping this was all a dream.
''I SAID WHERE DO YOU THINK YOU WERE GOING?'' he yelled throwing me on to the floor. I whimpered tears flooding my vision.
''I-I-... I don't know''.
''I think you was going to the police , i think you was going to snitch on me and get my locked up''
''I-.. please don't hurt me'' i cried
''Why? Why shouldn't i hurt you?... huh? WHY SHOULDN'T I ?'' He yelled kicking me in the stomach
''I... I wont tell anyone , i promise! I won't tell anyone'' i whispered
''Ha... no you won't will you''
''Lets make a deal shall we?'' he proposed pulling my arm up helping me to stand.
''If you tell... anybody or if anyone finds out. Your precious family and friends will be the next victims on my list to kill... and i will make sure i will kill them right in front of your eyes'' he smirked , dropping his hold from me making me fall to the floor. And with that ... he was gone.
The rest of the week i stayed at home and cried , i told my parents i probably had food poisoning for school lunch and told Ashton i wanted to just sleep it off. I knew i had to leave the house at some point but whenever i did i saw him... the man. He was always hanging around my street waiting for me to run to the police. He was always watching who came in my house and who came out.
I haven't slept since i witnessed the death of the poor innocent women i know what i have to do... i know i have to do something that could put everyone's lives in danger but i need to.
I need to tell the police.
That night i told my mother about everything she was shocked and terrified but agreed i had to tell the police. To make sure we wasn't followed we all went to a restaurant downtown then me and my mother left through the back entrance into a taxi. We had to be safe didn't we? We pulled up outside the police station and a tear strolled down my face.
''Don't worry , it will be fine'' my mother promised squeezing my hand tight.
Once i was in the interview room my mum had to wait outside , she gave me a tight hug and a reassuring smile. I told the police everything and had to write a statement. Once that was done they told me to wait outside while the discuss somethings which made me nervous.
''Mrs Brooks'' a short chubby curly haired women called , my mum nodded and walked up to her. I stayed put and watched the women exchange words with my mother. When they were finished my mum turned around with tears in her eyes. She swallowed hard trying to stay strong and i was now scared of whatever the women had told my mum.
''She.. Shelby yo- you have to listen to me okay and not get upset'' she sniffed , i nodded as if to say 'continue'.
''They-y...They think its better if we send you away. So you won't be in harms wa-.''
''They are going to have you fake your death , then they will re-locate you to England Okay? I'm so sorry sweetheart but this is for your safety and ours. If the Man thinks you've killed yourself he will know he is safe okay'' she wiped the stray tears falling down my face.
''Will i ever see you again?'' i hiccuped
''In a few years i guess? I'm not sure they'll be giving you a new identity. I'm so sorry... i'm so so sorry'' she broke out into tears.
''Mrs Brooks you'll need to sign a few things'' the women from earlier said , My mother took a deep breath nodding and scribbling her name down on a few contracts.
I can't believe this was happening too me.
A/N -
This is just a prologue i guess , the next chapter will be carrying on the flashback but go into present time afterwards. I'll be posting the next chapter today as well because its basically just part 2.
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