The return of the ripper
???? POV
Tell me have you heard the tale of the infamous murderer Jack the ripper?
The scene opens up to revel the inside of a bar as the sun began to set. Many of the towns inhabitants were having a few drinks to cool off on the hot summer day while many others were having a laugh with family and freinds.
????: It's the tale that I've adored for so long a man that wrecked havoc on the streets of London so long ago and ended the lives of many women most who were prostitutes.
The camera pans to the counter of the bar where a boy with black hair and eyes was having a drink while his eyes were focused on a group of teenager's.
????: What made Jack unique was the fact that he never got caught for his crimes he never paid for his actions not many serial killers can pull of such a feat infact the only other murderer I can think of is the zodiac killer.
One of the teenagers of the group stands up and stomps out of the bar heavily intoxicated the boy stands up and pays the barmen for the drink and gives him a tip before leaving the bar and walking into a dark alley.
????: For someone to take another person life and escape without facing justice they must be good.........and I am very good. It was only a matter of time until someone took over the mantle as Jack the ripper and that me.
A figure walks out of the shadows revealing a masked man wearing a clock and a tophat who had a razor sharp knife in his right hand.
Y/N: My name is Y/N L/N but you can call me Jack.........Jack the ripper.
No ones POV
Inside the nearby forest the drunken teenager stumbled throughout the woods holding a half finished bottle of whiskey. The ripper was following the teenager sticking to the shadows waiting until the right moment to strike. The teenager began to sing while bumping into tree after tree his vision becoming more blurry with each second all the while Jack was getting closer and closer. Now the two were deep into the woods and the drunk boy collapsed he tried as hard as he could to stand up but the alcohol in his system had taken full effect. With his prey immobilised Jack made his move and jumped from the nearby bushes and pinned the boy to the ground. Jack took out his blade and bought it down the weapon digging into the boys eye. The boy screamed and punched the ripper who grabbed his hand and used a hidden blade hidden under his sleeve and stabbed through the palm of his hand. The ripper slowly pulled out the knife which ripped out the boys left eye from its socket earning a scream from Jack's victim. Jack then bought his right hand down slicing through the boys hand cutting his veins the floor of the forest became soaked in blood. The ripper began to stab the boys abdomen tearing out chunks of flesh with his gloved hands. The boy used his free arm and took a pocket knife from his pocket and struck at the ripper who dodged the attack and pinned his second arm to the ground and got up and stamped on it earning a gruesome snapping sound that echoed throughout the forest just like the pained screams before it. The ripper decides to wrap things up and used his knife to slit the boys throat and stood back as he watched the boy gurgle and struggle on the forest ground as he took his last breaths suffocating on his blood. After 3 agonising minutes of gurgling and muffled screams the boy finnaly falls limp and passes away. Jack gave one look at his handwork and used the blood from his victim and wrote a sentence on a tree and placed the body under the tree. With his work finished Jack tips his hat to the victim and dissapers into the night unaware that a women in a suit who appeared to not have a face watched his murder unfold before dissapering in a sudden static that covered the screen.
The next day
It didn't take long for the authorities to find the butchered corpse of the teenage boy they were quick to close off the forest and search the area for the person responsible for this disgusting no success.
What made the Sargents blood go cold was the sentence that was written with the boys blood.
The victorian ripper send his regards I look forward to terrorising your little town.
The ripper.
This bought fear into the hearts of those who were present at the crime scene it was mocking them they were too late to catch him and he was laughing at them. The chief curled his fists he knew what monster they were dealing with someone was picking up where the ripper left off after over a hundred years the monster of London had now returned eager to bring his reign of terror to the people of this small american town.
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