Sweet screams are made of these
After leaving the body of that boy to rot I had successfully returned to my humble abode where I kicked off my shoes and slumped down on my sofa. A smile crept onto my face the weekend had arrived two days of freedom where I could relax to my hearts content. While some would enjoy this break playing video games or by hanging out with thier friends I use my free time to prowl the streets as the ripper eager to find my next victim and thrust my blade through thier flesh! I turned on the T.V and zoomed through the channels seeing if any program would gather my intrest. Unfortunately nothing came up.......(sigh) Daytime television isn't what it used to be. The cartoons weren't anything special neither! Renemember shows like Kim possible teen titans and kids next door? Ahhhh those were good times shame that modern day cartoons can't even light a candle to the classics. Seeing that nothing was worth my time I decide to turn on my DVD player and watch one of my favourite movies silence of the lambs........yes a serial killer watching a movie about a serial killer the irony isn't lost on me neither.
No ones POV
As Y/N settled down and begun to watch his movie at the back of his house a figure dressed in a white jumper peaked over the fence that separated Y/N's garden with the forest behind it. After spotting Y/N through the window the figure ducked down out of sight and called someone on her phone.
????: C'mon Tina pick up already for crying out loud...........Hey Tina I'm at the place and I've found our guy. Are you damn sure this kid's the ripper?
Tina: I'm positive I saw him kill that bastard from school! I even got a video of the murder too here I'll send it to you.
Tina sends a video to the unknown figure who pressed play and watched Y/N as he did away with the bully.
????: (Whistle) Okaaaay yeah that's pretty brutal.
Tina: And don't you think it's weird Y/N shows up when the ripper starts to go on a rampage?
????: I can see where your coming from Tina. Alright I grab him just gotta wait for the right moment to strike!
Tina: Renemember what the boss said about keeping him alive. Try NOT to kill him will ya?
????: Yeah yeah I know but after this I'm finding someone and I'm stabbing them!
Tina: (Sigh) Sometimes I don't know how we deal with you jess.
Tina hangs up and the figure who's name is now known as jess takes a butcher knife from her pocket and shines it on the evening sun.
Jess: Now all I gotta do is play the waiting game Y/N won't even know what hit him!
Timeskip Y/N's POV
The time was now 1 AM in the night I was peacefully resting in my bed gathering energy for the day ahead. My head was resting on my soft pillow and my blanket covered my body keeping me warm it was true bliss!
Unfortunately that bliss was interrupted as something had caused me to stir something wasn't right I could feel it. I awoke from my slumber but kept my eyes shut and then I felt something that no one wants to feel when they're awoken in the middle of the night.
Someone or something was touching my leg and whatever it was had pinned me to the bed the only limb that I could move was my left arm which was slowly reaching towards my knife which I always had under bed for an occasion such as this. The sounds of giggling rang through my ears whoever this was is now looking down on me i could feel thier breath on my face the intruder's face was mere inches away from mine. Once I felt my left hand had taken hold of my knife's wooden handle I slowly open my eyes seeing who the intruder was. The person was a girl with pale white skin with a white jacket and had black hair and black pants. What her most unique feature however was a smile that was carved onto her face and her right hand held a syringe which held some form of liquid meant to drug me or worse.
Y/N: What....the-
Without warning she lunges the syringe towards me but I quickly swing my left arm and my knife cuts through the syringe spilling it's contents. I then slip my right leg free and kick her in face knocking her off my bed stumbling through my open bedroom door into the living room.
Jess: Tch that fucking hurt!
I get off my bed and rush towards my attacker who takes out a butcher knife and our blades meet entering a clash.
Y/N: Nice try girl but I'm not an easy person to catch off guard.
Jess: Heh yeah I knew that I mean the cops ain't catched you yet haven't they jack?
Y/N: I have no idea what you mean!
Jess: Suuuure you don't the cops don't know who the ripper is but we sure do!
Y/N: We? Your a part of a group? Who sent you after me!?
Jess: Give up and I can take you to her.
Y/N: A kind offer love but I'll pass I prefer not to trust the words of a deranged lunatic.
Jess: Being stubborn huh? (Sigh) I love it when my prey plays hard to get!
The attacker punches me in the stomach and then tries to slash my arm but i evade the strike and grab her arm and try to lunge my knife into her throat but she grabs my hand and then bites down into my arm her sharp teeth tearing through my flesh forcing me to let go of her arm. She then delivers a swift headbutt and pushes me to the floor where she starts to strangle me. With my vision becoming more blurry I quickly react by kicking her in the stomach causing her to let go of my neck and then lift her up with my two legs and throw her into my cabinet breaking the glass door digging shards of glass into her back.
The attacker gets up and I unleash a barrage of deadly attacks. I throw a punch which the attacker evades and tries to slash my neck but I duck the attack and I counter by slashing her stomach leaving a small cut she then ducks one of my attacks but I push her into a chair breaking the furniture.
The attacker was getting pushed into a courner while I kept up my assault leaving her no chance of countering my moves. She tries to sweep my feet but I grab her leg and use all of my strength to toss her into a wall. She tries to get up and slash me but I catch the hilt of the knife and twist her arm until she dropped the blade. Now with two knifes in my hand I slowly walk up to the girl eager to put her down for the headache she's caused me.
Y/N: Well well looks like this little fight is over. You gave it your best shot hell I'd say your the toughest person I've faced so far but it takes more then a few cheap shots to take the ripper down.......this game is over!
I plunge the knife towards the girl who rolls avoiding the blade and jumps over my couch and quickly opens a window.
Jess: Over? (Laughs) The game's only just begun. We'll be seeing eachother real soon Y/N buh bye!
The girl jumps through the window and I quickly go through my back door to chase her but by the time I got to my back garden she had already hopped the fence and dissapered into the forest.
Y/N: Ohhhh.....bollocks.
This could be a VERY big problem.
No ones POV
Jess ran as fast as she could into the forest trying to ignore the pain she was in. She ran deeper and deeper into the forest until she came across an old mansion which served as her home for many years. She stumbled into the main hall where two of her teammates where having a match on a games system. Upon seeing jess and the condition she was in they immediately ran over to her and helped her back on her feet.
Tina: Jess?! Oh my god what happened to you!?
????: Look at the state of you it looks like you've been in a car accident!
Jess: That guy.....Y/N. He's tougher then he looks that's for damn sure!
Tina: Y/N did that to you!? (I knew he was tough but to fight off jess.....) Get the boss down here and tell her to bring some bandages!
????: Right!
The girl runs upstairs to get her leader and Tina helps jess sit down on a sofa and slowly took out the pieces of glass in her back. Minutes later the girl returns but this time with another person. It was the same faceless women from before the one that witnessed jack claim his first kill. The women was clad in a black dress with a bright red tie wrapped around her neck and had black hair and tentacles which were sprouting from her back.
Jess: Boss......sorry i-i couldn't-
????: Don't say anything jess you tried your best your not at fault here. We shouldn't have underestimated what that boy was capable off.
Tina: What do we do now?
????: We'd be foolish to try and attack him at his home again. He will be expecting another attack after tonight. We'll have to wait until he's on the hunt that's when we'll strike and this time I'll be assisting you.
Tina: Got it.
The faceless women looks at a picture of Y/N given to her by Tina before the screen turns to static and the chapter comes to an end.
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