Back to school
In a deep dense forest in the dark of night a loud siren pierced the clouds ringing across the land. The siren was one used to alert people of an incoming tornado prompting them to seek shelter immediately. However no tornado had touched down that night and within the forest a frightened hiker ran as fast as he could running from something hidden from the camera.
Hiker: Oh god oh god oh god oh god!
The sirens wailed louder as they got closer to the hiker as the ground began to shook. The sounds of static and distorted voices drew nearer bringer the hiker to tears. He runs faster but trips on a log spraining his ankle immobilising the poor hiker.
But no help came the sirens became deafening and the hiker looks up and screams in fear. The camera zooms away from the forest as the sirens blare out and a scream of agony shrieks out followed by a gruesome snap and popping sound.
Ahhhh what a lovely night of sleep I'm feeling so refreshed. The bed was warm and the night was bliss. I sat up stretching out my arms letting out a small yawn. Before standing up I look at Tina who was laying beside me sleeping peacefully. I smile before giving her a kiss on the head and then leaving the room it would be rude to wake up her so I'll let sleeping beauty rest.
Upon entering the kitchen I am welcomed by slenda, Jane,Bella and Jill.
Y/N: Mornin.
Slenda: Good morning to you too Y/N I hope your night was pleasant.
Y/N: It was fantastic slept like a baby.
Jane: I assume Tina's still asleep?
Y/N: Uh huh she's still in bed.
Slenda: Someone has to wake her up you and Tina have college in a hour.
Bella: I'll wake her up leave it to me.
Bella gets up and leaves not before waving at me shyly and smiling. I'm happy to see that I have a fan of my work I wonder if there are any other people who might idolise me?
Slenda: Now before I let you leave Y/N I must first make you aware of the rules of the household.
Jill: (Sigh) Great she's about to talk about the rules.
Y/N: And these rules are?
Slenda: The first is that if you plan to commit a murder make sure nothing leads anyone to the mansion so be discreet. Secondly if we hear any rumours about fellow cryptids then we will attempt to find this cryptid and invite them to our household.
Jane: We believe that we're stronger as a pack.
Slenda: The final rule is to never harm a fellow cryptid it is forbidden. If we encounter a creature who's acts hostile towards us you are allowed to fight back as an act of self-defense. I trust that you'll abide by the rules?
Y/N: You have my word sweetheart a gentleman's vow.
Slenda: Excellent now please do eat. You have a day of schoolwork ahead of you and breakfast is the most important meal of the day.
After the rules were set in stone I happily tucked into my breakfast. It consisted of eggs, toast and sausages with a cup of coffee my go to meal when starting my day.
Soon after Tina joined us at the table although her breakfast was less healthy being two bars of chocolate and three cans of monster. I took a sausage from my plate and fed it to Tina who happily ate before kissing me on the cheek.
It shouldn't surprise you that me and Tina were a thing I mean we did kiss and sleep together. Although this act of love seems to have sparked jealousy in Jill and Jane. Not sure about slenda her expression is hard to understand because....ya know.....she doesn't have a face.
Once breakfast was adjourned it was time for me and Tina to go to college. The trip there was pretty uneventful......minus the crime scene where mark's body layed. I took a quick peek and saw Mark's father who was a police officer weeping over his son's loss.
Boohoo too bad should have raised him right. I mean why would I feel guilty guy was a psychopath and coming from me that say's something.
Tina: (Smiles) Asshole had it coming.
Y/N: Damn right babe damn right.
Me and Tina walked into college grounds holding eachothers arms while passing students gawked in shock and jealousy. The girls couldn't believe that the "school freak" had landed such a hottie while the boys were just shocked that she had a friend.
Male student 1: Ayo bro look at that! The weirdo got a man.
Male student 2: It's the new kid who layed out mark too!
Male student 3:
Male student 1: You think she's blackmailing him?
Male student 2: For sure man.
Female student 1: Girls are you fucking seeing this?
Female student 2: How did that bitch get that hunk!?
Female student 3: Ugh that whore when I get my hands on her.
Tina: (Oooh hoes are jealous as they should be!)
To rub salt into the wound Tina wraps her arms around me hugging my arm. This only pisses off the other girls even more but we all know Tina did this on purpose.
Y/N: Do you really have to rub it in their faces?
Tina: Nope but it feels good.
I playfully roll my eyes before we enter class and study through a typical day in college.....
That is until the end of the last lesson.
After learning some shite about algebra something I doubt I'll ever use in life I was approached by the headmaster of the building.
Headmaster: Mr Y/N could I please have a word with you?
Y/N: Of course. (To Tina) I'll catch up with you okay? I'll see you back at the house.
Tina: Okay bye love you.
Y/N: Love you too.
After parting with my sweetheart the headmaster led me to his office.
Headmaster: I do apologise for scooping you up unexpectedly but we have some people here who wish to speak with you.
The headmaster opens the office door and I'm greeted by two men wearing brown long coats and black trousers.
But what got my attention was the police badge on the side of their coat.
Headmaster: Gentlemen this is Y/N L/N our most recent exchange student.
Y/N: It's a pleasure.
Jon: Likewise young man. Detective Jon shayde and this is my partner Tom booth.
Tom: And we're with the state country police department.
Jon: Could you be so kind as to take a seat? We have some questions we'd love to ask you.
Y/N: Of course detective whatever is needed of me.
I sat down and faced the detectives with a calm demeanor.
The first rule of a police interrogation is to never show fear or any sign of being nervous.
Because that's what exactly their looking for. It shows them that your hiding something.
Tom: The headmaster has made us aware of a incident regarding you and Mark Armstrong a few days correct?
Y/N: Yes the boy went at me with a knife and I had to defend myself.
Jon: Yes he was expelled and reprimanded for his action. However security footage showed him stalking you throughout town up until he followed you out of sight.
Tom: The next morning police found his body in a alleyway.
Y/N: He was murdered!?
I say as I act shocked.
Jon: I'm afraid so and as you may know there's a copycat killer taking up Jack the rippers name. Seeing that mark was following you there might have been a chance you have passed the killer in question.
Tom: While you heading home did you encounter any suspicious figures? Did you see anyone dressed in odd clothing or acting suspiciously?
Y/N: Hmmmm I can't say I did. The only people I remember passing was a mother of two, a homeless person and a delivery driver.
Jon: So you didn't see anyone who really stuck out from the crowd?
Y/N: I'm afraid not detective.
The detective Jon shayde narrows his eyes in suspicion.
Jon: I see. We apologise for taking up your time Y/N your free to go by your day.
Y/N: Thank you detective I hope you have a pleasant day.
Jon's POV
I watched as the polite British teen stood up and calmly made his exit. I was shocked to see just how polite and relaxed Y/N he was.
He was calm........too calm.
Tom: Well Jon looks like that lead came up blank. Best we go and report it to the chief.
Jon: I wouldn't be so sure booth.
Tom: Hmmm why's that?
Jon: That boy there was about him the way he acted. It wasn't how most people of his age would behave infront of someone from law enforcement.
Tom: What do you mean by that?
Jon: Think booth most teenagers in this school and many other across the country grow nervous by the mere sight of a police officer even if they weren't in trouble. The sight of the badge is enough to make them sweat. But with Y/ tell me tom did you see break contact or even break a sweat?
Tom: Now that you mention he was collected throughout the entire interview. Something most teenagers cannot do.
Jon: Indeed he was swave, relaxed and more compliant then any other criminal I've dealt with. The personality it reminds me too much of a movie slashers like norman bates.
Tom: A respectable and friendly fellow from the outside-
Jon: That hides a disturbing killer from within.
Tom: That might be so Jon but we have no evidence to tie Y/N with the ripper and he has a squeaky clean criminal record too. As far as the judge would be concerned Y/N's an upstanding citizen of the community.
Jon: We'll I believe there's more to that boy then he's letting on. I have that feeling in my gut and during my 10 years as a detective I've come to trust what my gut says. I'll check his record and mark any suspicious behaviour there's more to that boy then meets the eye.
Tom: Your dedicated to catching this killer huh shayde?
Jon: Damn right I am. I won't just stand by and watch this murderer pick off innocent people booth. Protecting the public was the reason I joined the force.
Tom: As is the reason with all officers.
I stand up and leave the office bidding the headmaster farewell. Holding the notes taken from the interview I sit down in my police cruiser and put the paperwork inside the glove box and start the car and drive.
Jack.....I don't know who you are or where you'll strike next.
But mark my words when I'm through with you-
You'll be waiting in line for the electric chair on death row.
Because detective Jon shayde always gets his man.
I made it back to the mansion after the unneeded interview with the rozzers and was now sat on the couch with my feet kicked up.
I didn't like the way the detective looked at me he knows I'm hiding something I can tell. I gotta be careful about how I act or what I say around him.
Just then Jess walks in and nudges my shoulder.
Jess: Hey ripper slenda wants you and me in her crib.
Y/N: (Sigh) So much for relaxing.
I get up and follow Jess into slenda's abode. She was sat down at her desk holding her hands together.
Y/N: Hey slenda you called?
Slenda: Yes I do apologise for disturbing you especially after a hard day at college but there's been a sighting of another cryptid.
This immediately gathered me and jess's attention.
Jess: Already?
Y/N: Where was the sighting?
Slenda: A few states away in a national park outside of Ohio.
Bruh of course it was Ohio.
Slenda: A hiker went missing in the park last night while witnesses reported hearing tornado sirens coming from the deeper part of the forest. But here's the catch there were no reported tornado sightings the sky was clear that night.
Y/N: But maybe it could've just been a malfunctioning siren.
Slenda: Maybe but this park has had many cases of people going missing and some visitors even claim to hear the voices of the missing people coming from an unknown speaker.
Jess: Yeah this is kinda weird.
Slenda: I'm sending you two to this national park to search for this possible cryptid. I want you to work with one another build up trust and teamwork. You need to work together....god knows what you could encounter out there.
Jess: Got it. We won't let you down.
Y/N: This is gonna be easy peasy lemon squeazy.
Even though saying that I couldn't help but feel on edge. Slenda is right we can't tell what to expect cryptids could come in any shape or form and have powers never heard of before.
But nonetheless I have a mission and I will see it through after packing my gear and giving Tina a goodbye kiss (Much to Bella and Jackie's dismay) Me and Jess set off into the great unknown.
Ohio here we come!
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