To take a stand
Everyone from the hotel stood in line as Y/N and doppio paced back and forth drill sargent style. The crew were also joined by Cherri and even Lucifer. Lucifer kinda wanted to stop diavolo from you know causing a war but he also wanted a really cool stand. He thinks having one is all the rage and will make him hip with the young ones. Cherri just wanted to kick some ass so when angel told her what was going on she just had to get involved.
Y/N: ALLLLLRIGHT! Ladies and gentlemen today is the day of your piercing! Each of you will pluck up the courage and willpower to take the arrow and plunge it into your very heart.
Doppio: It's also gonna be dangerous! If you don't have enough pure will and spirit the arrow will kill you so only the best can posses a stand.
Y/N: And standing infront of me are some of the best and sexiest sons of a bitches in all of hell and I know you all got what it takes to use a stand!
Charlie: Yes sir! (Salutes)
Cherri: (laughs) Fuck yeah dude!
Niffty: (He's so hot I want him to dominate me.)
Husk: So who's gonna go first?
Vaggie: I think I should-
Lucifer: Oh me! Me, me, me!
Lucifer raises his hand like a playful child and walks to Y/N.
Lucifer: Let the big man show you how it's done.
Y/N: Sweet we got our first volunteer! Doppio?
Doppio picks up a bow and readies the arrow.
Doppio: Way ahead of ya bro.
Lucifer goes pale when doppio aims towards him.
Lucifer: (Laughs nervously) Hey hey uhhhh k-kiddo? H-how does this whole getting stand thing work?
Y/N: Oh that's easy you get shot with the arrow.
Lucifer: Oh! (Goes pale) How painful is it?
Doppio: it's hell on earth. No pun intended.
Y/N: Yeah think about stepping on a Lego or a upturned plug but ten times worse.
Everyone including the reader shuddered.
Y/N: It's pretty bad buuut I'm sure you'll be fine!
Doppio: Ready-
Lucifer: C-can we rethink this for a second?
Doppio: Aim-
Lucifer: WAIT HOLD UP!
The arrow flies from the bow and straight into Lucifer's chest. The "big man" falls to the floor and immediately cries in pain.
Charlie: Ummmm Y/N are you sure he's gonna be okay?
Y/N: Meh probably.
It took another minute of screaming until Lucifer slowly got up off of the floor. He was hyperventilating and shedding tears.
Y/N: There you go wasn't so bad was it? How you feeling big man?
Lucifer: So this....... this is what penetration feels like.
Alastra snickers at Lucifers discomfort.
Lucifer: (Scowls) Oh yeah haw-haw keep on laughing just wait until it's your turn!
Y/N: Well looks like the arrow found you worthy then again you are Lucifer. Try to focus and summon your stand.
Lucifer: Okay shouldn't be too hard for little old me!
Lucifer emits a blue aura and seconds later he successfully summons his new stand. The stand had a thin appearance resembling a knight. It's skin appeared to be made out of metal and it held a rapier in its left arm.
Name: Silver chariot
Destructive Power : C
Speed: A
Range: C
Stamina: B
Precision: B
Developmental Potential: C
Lucifer: Ohoo cool! It looks so badass it's like a stick legged knight!
Silver chariot looks at his master in a assaulted manner. Apparently he doesn't like being compared to a twig.
Lucifer: (Looks at Y/N) What can it do? Slice up bad guys? Phase through walls? Make me a kebab!?
Y/N: I don't know that's something you need to find out for yourself.
Lucifer: Now another are we gonna get the arrow out of me?
Y/N: Doppio....get the laxatives.
Doppio: Yes sir.
Lucifer: Laxa.....tives?
Doppio brings out the laxatives along with a bag of taco bell.
Doppio: If that don't work then I've got an extra spicy taco with your name on it.
Lucifer: (Squeaks) Oh shit.
Y/N: Oh yes shit indeed now get those tablets down your system and then sit your royal arse on that throne.
Lucifer looks at the camera sweeting bullets and clenching his ass. It then cuts to everyone outside the hotel toilet hearing Lucifer's scream from the other side.
Charlie and vaggie look at Y/N with a petrified expression realising what fresh hell they were soon to endure.
Y/N:........ I'm sure he's fine. So who wants to be next?
Everyone apart from niffty steps back.
Niffty: Me next! Me next!
Y/N: Niffty it is!
Doppio: Do any of you have any bleach and hand sanitizer because trust me we're gonna need it.
After Lucifer was done shitting out the arrow and after a thorough clean the arrow was ready for another piercing. Lucifer watched while sitting on a bag of ice silently weeping.
Y/N: Alright niffty your up! Are you ready to get your own stand?
Niffty snatches the arrow from doppio and runs towards a lone cockroach and stabs it.
Niffty: Stab stab stab!
Y/N: No niffty you need to stab yourself not the cockroach.
Niffty looks at Y/N before looking at the arrow.
Niffty: Ohhhhhh.......PAIN!
Niffty stabs herself and unlike Lucifer she began to giggle and laugh enjoying the pain she was feeling.
Niffty: Yay pain! It feels so good! Hahaha!
Vaggie: Geez look at this little masochist.
Alastra: Well that's niffty for you.
Charlie: You'd think we'd be used to it by now.
Angel dust: I mean she's not the only one in the hotel who has a fetish.
Cherri: What a weirdo.
Niffty laughs away as the arrow deepens into the skin. The process eventually stopped even though niffty didn't want it to.
Niffty: Awwww it doesn't hurt no more.
Y/N: But the good news niffty is you now have a stand!
Niffty: (Eye sparkles) I do!?
Y/N: Yeah!
Niffty: YAAAAAY!
Niffty summons her stand and Y/N is met by a grotesque figure who was foaming from the mouth like a rabid dog.
Name: Purple haze
Destructive power: A
Speed: B
Range: C
Persistence: E
Precision: E
Development potential: B
The stand was nightmare fuel....a perfect match for our favourite little one eyed maid.
Husk: What the fuck is that?
Alastra: What a terrifying creature!
Niffty: It's perfect I love it! I'm gonna use it right now!
Niffty takes Purple haze to a small group of bugs her stand emits a purple fog which seemingly poisons the air causing the bugs to foam up and slowly dissolve.
Niffty: You cannot escape us now.
Charlie: Ummmm Y/N? Not to sound negative but was it a good idea to give niffty a power like that?
Y/N: No but I dare not refuse.
Vaggie: Come on you can't be scared of her are you?
Y/N: Do you know what's she like in the bed with me? She takes hardcore to another level!
After having niffty crap out the arrow (To which she enjoyed the painful experience) It was now Cherri's turn and she was gonna take it like a man.
Cherri: Come on buddy shoot me already! I can take it!
Doppio: Alright your asking for it! Incoming!
Doppio takes the shot and Cherri takes it like a boss not screaming in pain or falling to the floor. She stood up and slammed her fist on the table.
Angel dust: Yeah that's my girl right there what a champ!
Cherri: (Groans) That's all ya got ya sharp munter!?
Y/N: She definitely handling better then I did. (Fuck that's hot.)
Doppio: And a lot better then Lucifer.
Lucifer: Yeah just pour salt on my ass cheeks why don't ya?
Cherri smirks as the pain subsides and wipes the sweat off her cheek like it was no big deal.
Y/N: (Claps) Bravo! Damn you nailed it like a soldier Cherri!
Cherri: (Winks) I live to please especially if it's you handsome. Whoo that was intense not gonna lie I'm gonna need a drink to cool down after that.
Cherri grabs a glass which upon touch explodes.
Cherri: What the!?
Charlie: Holy shit!
Angel dust: Cherri baby what was that!?
Cherri: I dunno I ain't got any bombs on me shit just blew up for no reason!
Y/N: Then maybe (Points) That would explain things.
Cherri turns around and sees a humanoid cat figure standing behind her looking right back at Cherri.
Name: Killer queen
Destructive power: A
Speed: B
Range: D
Persistence: B
Precision: B
Development potential: A
Cherri looks at the figure and realises that it was her new stand.
Cherri: Did you cause the cup to blow up?
Killer queen nods his head in the affirmative.
Cherri: Oho fuck yeah! I can make shit blow up now! This is fucking ace! Thank you Y/N you've just made my life in hell ten times better!
Y/N: Don't sweat it Cherri.
Cherri: Now it's time for the shitter!
Cherri heads into the toilet and not a single scream was heard. After her business was concluded she stepped out of the toilet like all was good.
Cherri: You'll find it sitting in the toilet covered in fifty shades of brown and red.
She then grabs Y/N's shoulder and pulls him closer.
Y/N: Cherri?
Cherri: (Grins) How bout you and me head up into your room? Let me give you a way of saying thank you for the stand.
Y/N: Say less babe. Doppio your running the show until I come back I'm sure you got everything covered!
Cherri leads Y/N to his room while Charlie and vaggie glare.
Angel dust: Ooooooh hoes are jealous.
Angel dust: Yeah keep telling yourselves that.
Next up was husk who needed a moment to prepare.
Doppio: You ready husk?
Husk: Just give me a sec gonna down some liquor maybe it'll ease the pain.
Husk reaches down for a bottle of vodka on the floor giving doppio a good view of his ass. Doppio blushes and his grip on the quiver loosens accidentally firing the arrow...... straight into husk's ass.
Vaggie: Oh I felt that!
Cherri: Now that had to hurt.
Charlie: (Groans) He's gonna feel that in the morning.
Angel dust: Now that's penetration at its finest!
Doppio: Oh shit husk I didn't mean to shoot you!
Doppio: I'm so sorry.
Many of the hotel residents look away as the arrow sunk into husk's ass. He hissed and growled and clawed at the ground begging for it to stop. Eventually it did and husk took a deep breath and sighed of relief.
Husk: Uhhhh thank god that was the worst pain I had ever felt in my entire afterlife.
A arm reached down and picked husk off the floor.
Husk: Thanks kid
Doppio: That's not me who picked you up.
Husk: Then who is this-
Husk looks at the person and sees a stand dusting him off. What stuck out most was a timer located on its forehead.
Name: Moody blues
Destructive power: C
Speed: C
Range: A
Persistence: A
Precision: C
Development potential: C
Husk: Oh I assume this is my stand right?
Doppio: Looks like it.
Husk: Just next time make sure you warn me before you decide to shoot me in the backside.
Doppio: (Chuckles) Yeah my bad.
The two of them laugh it off before they look at the others. They quickly noticed the smirk coming from angel and knew exactly what she was thinking.
Husk: I recognise that smirk and whatever image you got in your head get it out.
Angel dust: (Smirks) Too late.
The camera then cuts to doppio aiming the arrow towards angel.
Husk: Seeing that your all smug how about you go next angel?
Angel dust: Well if you insist.
Angel calmly walks forward and lets doppio take the shot. But instead of screaming angel began to-
Angel dust: Mmmmmm harder!
Angel dust: Oh Y/N you naughty boy!
Husk crosses his arms and shakes his head. Vaggie looks at angel unamused alastra smiles Lucifer was creeped out and Charlie sighs.
Charlie: We should have seen this coming.
Vaggie: Of course this would turn her on.
Husk: Why am I not surprised.
Angel dust: OH HARDER!
After making lord knows how many moans and horny noises angel sat up and felt something on her eye. It was something that resembled a scouter from dragon ball and then everyone saw a small plane appear infront of angel and hover around.
Name: Aerosmith
Destructive power: B
Speed: B
Range: B
Stamina: C
Precision: E
Developmental Potential: C
Angel focused on the plane and then the eyepiece she saw a radar showing her the surrounding area with small blips that marked her and everyone's location. She guided the plane across the room before it lands next to her.
Angel dust: Not bad this little guy ain't that bad. Got some serious firepower as well.
Vaggie: Wow these stands come in all shapes and sizes. Wonder what ours will look like.
Doppio: Your about to find out. (Looks at Charlie) You ready?
Vaggie holds Charlie's hands reassuring her.
Vaggie: Don't worry babe I've got ya.
Charlie takes a deep breath before nodding yes.
Doppio: Then hold still.
Charlie and vaggie embrace as doppio unleashes the arrow. Charlie holds back her tears as the arrow spears into her chest. Vaggie holds her tightly as demon magic flares up from the wound causing the arrow to shatter mid way splitting it into pieces while a smaller peace submerges into Charlie's body. Charlie couldn't withstand the pain and collapsed fainting.
Lucifer: CHARLIE!
Her vision became blank as she passed out. The darkness lasted for seconds until her ears flickered open. Her head sat on Y/N's lap as he gently caressed her cheek.
Charlie: Y/N?
Y/N: Heya Charlie.
Charlie: When did you get here? I thought you and Cherri were-
Y/N: We were until doppio came knocking I rushed down as fast as possible. I'm glad your okay you gave us all a heart attack especially your dad he's been worried sick.
Charlie slowly sat up rubbing her chest trying to ignore the pain.
Y/N: Woah woah take it easy Charlie you need to rest don't rush it.
Charlie: (Groans) So this was what it was like for you?
Y/N: It's like that for everyone we all just react differently. Fun thing about me was when I got pierced I collapsed just like you did.
Charlie: (Laughs) Did you cry as well?
Y/N: (Look away) Noooooo?
Charlie smiles at Y/N cuasi him to sigh.
Y/N: Alright I did shed a tear or two.
Charlie playfully rolls her eyes and then vaggie walks into view.
Vaggie: Charlie.
She immediately pulls her into a hug and then two stand appear behind the two. The one behind Charlie was a feminine stand with blue skin and green glasses and the one behind vaggie was a yellow skinned figure with pink kiss stickers covering it's body.
Name: Stone free
Destructive power: A
Speed: B
Range: C
Stamina : A
Developmental Potential: A
Name: Kiss
Destructive power: A
Speed: A
Range: A
Persistence: A
Precision: C
Development potential: A
Y/N: Well I'll be damned.
Charlie: Wait....are these our-
Y/N: Stands? Yep I don't know how or why the arrow the both of you a stand. Maybe it's because of your spiritual connection between eachother I don't know. Oh and also about the arrow-
Y/N takes out the shattered pieces of the arrow from his pocket.
Y/N: Yeah turns out constantly using and putting it in contact with demon magic tends to wear the arrow down.
Charlie: So it's broken.
Y/N: (Nods) Mhmmm. The only person who didn't get a stand was alastra.
Vaggie: Personally I think that's a good thing. She's as powerful enough as it is.
Y/N: We're trying to find all the pieces of the arrow doppio reckons he can fix it and put it back together. (Laughs) That's something I just have to see.
Charlie and vaggie laugh and slowly get up and walk away.
Vaggie: How about we help him find the rest?
Charlie: Yeah that sounds fun.
Y/N: Right behind you girls.
The lovers share a kiss and open the door being greeted by Lucifer and the others.
Lucifer: Charlie! (Hugs Charlie) Thank the seven rings your okay! Don't you ever scare your pops like that ever again!
Charlie: (Struggles) I won't dad. Please let go I'm suffocating.
Lucifer: Oh no your not leaving my sight for her rest of the day!
Charlie: Daaad I'm not a little girl anymore.
Lucifer: Your still my precious little angel to me!
Vaggie: He's quite protective isn't he?
Y/N: Tell me about it......
Y/N looks around but doesn't see alastra.
Y/N: Where's alastra gone?
Inside of her radio shack alastra walks to her twirling a piece of the arrow between her fingers.
Alastra: Y/N my dearly beloved I must thank you for giving me such a amazing gift. To bring such a powerful artifact straight to me and the others-
Alastra jabs the piece into her knuckle letting it sink in.
Alastra: And don't you fret I have not been left out I will reveal my new power when I see fit. But it will be worth the wait.
Two red eyes appear behind alastra as she takes her demon form.
Alastra: Things will end the way that I have envisioned and i will do what is needed to realise my vision. No matter who dares to stand against us.
Alastra looks behind her and stares at her stand.
Alastra: And I know I can reli on my new assistant to make my dream a reality. Is that right............
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