Members of passione
Y/N AKA Diavolo
Bio: After his near battle to the death against risotto Y/N earned the respect of his men and the right to rule over passione. He is the defacto leader of passione regardless of the circumstance and will not hesitate to make an example out of his men if they were to step out of line. Running a double life working both as a helper for the hazbin hotel and as a criminal overlord Y/N will do whatever it takes to seize control of hell and it's many gangs and turn passione into a syndicate that will be feared by demons exorcists and overlords alike.
Stand: King crimson
Destructive power: A
Speed: A
Range: E
Persistence: E
Precision: ?
Development potential: ?
Main ability: King crimsons main ability is that it can erase time for up to ten seconds. During this period only Y/N can alter his actions and his opponent will remember nothing during this period of time. Y/N cannot harm his opponent during this period however and instead resorts to getting into a tactical position or throwing blood onto his enemies eyes.
Sub stand: Epitaph
Effect. When activated epitaph gives Y/N a vision of ten seconds into the future of what could happen to him. This makes sneak attacks difficult against Y/N although the visions made by epitaph aren't completely accurate and may misinterpret Y/N's actual fate.
Risotto Nero
Bio: The deadly assassin that gave Y/N and king crimson a run for their money. He's no stranger to murder claiming his first kill at the age of 18 on a drunk serving time after he killed risotto's cousin in a car crash four years prior. Cold cunning ruthless risotto is the go-to guy when you want someone to...."disappear".
Stand: Metallica.
Destructive Power: C
Speed: C
Range: C
Stamina: A
Precision: C
Developmental Potential: C
Main ability: Metallica gives its user the ability to manipulate iron whether it be from nearby sources or even iron in another persons blood or their own! The user can use the iron in objects to create an vast amount of weaponry and can even use iron in blood to create sharp objects killing that person from the inside out or to even cloak themselves making the user invisible.
Bio: Polite cool headed but a bit of a creep around women melone is the least confrontational member of passione seeing that his stand can be remote controlled and take the heat instead. As an information guru no one's online secrets are safe from him theres nothing more satisfying for melone then when his well thought out plan goes off without a hitch it's di malto!
Stand: Baby face.
Destructive power: A
Speed: B
Range: A
Persistence: A
Reliability: Dependable
Development potential: Dependable
Main ability: Baby face is a stand in a shape of laptop who can create a second autonomous stand which needs to be implanted into a preferred strong willed female (Non-sexually thank god) Although the method of transfer is known only to melone. Once the second stand known to melone as "junior" manifests it takes only mere minutes for the stand to fully grow up. Junior is a self aware stand that can think and act on its own but is heavily influenced by melone who communicates with the stand through baby face. Juniors performance in the field varies on how good it's "mother" was in terms of strength of will. Junior can also turn people into small cubes and manipulate them and transform them into anything it wishes and even transfer itself to other items. The major downside to junior is that if the "Mother" was too strong willed junior can disobey melone's command and in even worse cases go rouge fight and act on its own accord.
Bio: The more relaxed and chill assassin within passione. Formaggio is a guy who doesn't take things too seriously and is someone who you can sit down with have a laugh with a few drinks on the side. But don't let that fool you formaggio is ruthless and sadistic when he needs to be and will show no remorse to his target killing them with a smile on his face.
Stand: Little feet.
Destructive Power: D
Speed: B
Range: E
Stamina : A
Precision: D
Developmental Potential: C
Main ability: Even though little feet is considered to be a weak stand formaggio still uses it's ability to a deadly degree. After little feet scratches something or someone with it's sharp finger it can shrink down that object or person to a molecular level weakening an enemy stand if his opponent is shrunk. The transformation takes a few minutes to complete and formaggio can return that object or person back to it's original size in an instant. Formaggio can even shrink himself and little feet but doing so also weakens himself.
Bio: Llluso comes across as a arrogant and egotistical assassin who is a dick to almost everyone around him except Y/N of course. He is especially unpleasant with his victims who are powerless before him showing them no mercy. While he is arrogant he is also calculating and calm minded when backed into the corner so he has the skill to back up such bravado.
Stand: The man in the mirror
destructive power: C
Speed: C
Range: B
Persistence: D
Precision: C
Development potential: E
Main ability: The man in the mirror is able to create a mirror world on a smooth surface which it and it's user can enter and drag other people into. It can also drag specific parts of its victims into the mirror like taking his lower half of his body disabling them. It can even take stand users leaving their stands alone in the real world but the stand can be commanded but it's user will not be there to guide it. If the mirror is smashed it will only create more portals for the man in the mirror and it's user to switch into.
Bio: The older brother of pesci prosciutto is as serious as they come. He means business day in and day out 24/7. Prosciutto is a serious man who will not take any form of weakness from anyone which usually results in him lashing out at his less serious and more nervous brother pesci.
Stand: The grateful dead.
Destructive power: B
Speed: E
Range: B
Persistence: A
Precision: E
Development potential: C
Main ability: The grateful dead can rapidly increase the aging process of cells speeding the aging of plants animals and humans. There are two ways the stand can do this the first is by releasing a mist that spreads across the area affecting all but the user making it dangerous for enemies and friends alike. The second is by direct touch from the user meaning that it's more safe but has less range. The aging is quickened if the person has more body heat but if the environment is too cool it will counter and reverse the aging process.
Bio: pesci is prosciutto's brother and right hand man. Unlike his bro who has a sense of authority and seriousness pesci is more nervous and doubts his skill and the potential of his stand. This means from time to time his brother gives him a pep talk giving him a confidence boost that he needs.....oooor if prosciutto is having a bad day a slap in the face to straighten him up instead.
Stand: Beach boy
Destructive power: C
Speed: B
Range: B
Persistence: C
Precision: C
Development potential: A
Main ability: Yes that's right pesci's stand is a fishing rod. But don't let that deceive you because beach boy is a dangerous stand when used correctly. Pesci can use beach boys hook to pierce through solid objects like walls and hook itself into a victims body and tear at the vital organs. Then pesci can reel in his catch even if it means pulling a person through a wall. Beach boy also has sensors which can tell pesci how many people are in a room. Although the effectiveness of beach boy is judged by the stamina it's user has so the more exhausted they are the less effective beach boy is.
Bio: Ghiaccio is what is called by some people a "Grammar nazi". If he even hears of a place item or person who's name doesn't sound right or even a word of phrase he WILL go off on one and rant about it. Despite this he is shown to be surprisingly level headed in battle prideful and extremely arrogant because of the stand he possess.....just don't correct him on anything if you know what's good for you.
Stand: white album
Destructive power: A
Speed: C
Range: C
Persistence: A
Precision: E
Development potential: E
Main ability: White album is a unique stand in that it's not a figure or even an item like beach boy. It is actually a suit for the user to wear. This gives the user the power to drop the temperature around him to below subzero and manipulate ice. They can freeze a person solid and smash them to pieces with a single punch. They can use the ice to form blades and skates for them to use. They can even freeze the air itself to create a shield of frozen air that can deflect gunfire right back at the enemy. The suit is also highly durable and insulated so it keeps the user warm but there is an open hole at the back of the neck which serves as a weak point.
Bio: In terms of depravity and out right cruelty. Cioccolata and his partner Secco are the most demented members of passione. In his past life Cioccolata worked as a doctor along with his assistant Secco but his hospital would be the last hospital you'd ever want to end up at. He purposely gave his healthy patients an inadequate amount of anesthetics so they woke up mid operation squirming in unbearable pain while Secco recorded it all for his partner's sick kicks. He also drove many poor elderly people to suicide just for the hell of it. Heartless uncontrollable and with a lust for blood pain and anguish cioccolata is one of the worst denizens that hell have ever housed and regardless of what Charlie would say he has far crossed the line of redemption for the atrocities he's committed both in death and in life.
Stand: Green day.
Destructive power: A
Speed: C
Range: A
Persistence: A
Precision: E
Development potential: A
Main ability: Green day is one of the more terrifying stands out there. It releases mold into the air through holes in it's body. The mold begins to infect a victim when they lower their altitude this happens even if someone does something small such as grabbing something from the floor or even kneeling or sitting down. The lower the victims altitude is the quicker the mold consumes them and then spreads to another. Because the mold spreads from one victim to another it has an almost infinite range meaning that if the user really wanted too then green day could wipe out whole cities in a matter of minutes! Also thanks to his medical expertise cioccolata can infuse the mold with himself and sow himself together even if has half of his body is dismembered. Green days ability is only made more deadly by the stand oasis which is fittingly used by his partner in crime Secco.
Bio: Cioccolata's partner and at many times his pet Secco was his assistant when they were surgeons back on earth and recorded every moment of a patients death for his partner's pleasure. Secco acts like a dog towards cioccolata doing whatever he can to please him so he can be given his sweet succulent sugercubes. But when he puts the pet act aside he can become one of the most dangerous opponents to come across and when he's working with cioccolata and his stand green day the two of them become a near unstoppable force of nature.
Stand: Oasis
Destructive power: A
Speed: A
Range: B
Persistence: A
Precision: E
Development potential: C
Main ability: Just like white album oasis is a stand that the user can wear. Upon touch oasis melts the ground liquefying it. From there the user can submerge into the melted ground and after getting out of range by ten meters the ground solidifies. The user can swim underground however it is pitch black so they must rely on their hearing to find their target. The user can drag their victim underground and liquify the person with a single touch. They also can use oasis to launch liquid rock at someone and after it leaves the users range the rock solidifies becoming a deadly flying projectile.
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