Exorc-stential crisis
Emily sat alone in her room brushing her hair with a golden comb. Heaven hasn't been the same since the reveal of the extermination and the death of Adam at the hands of Y/N and his stand king crimson. Trust between Emily and her so called protector Sera has dwindled since the truth came to light. All her life Emily trusted Sera . Emily couldn't believe that she had agreed and approved of the extermination. To allow the death of sinners who could be redeemed. Sir pentious was the prime example of such redemption here he was in heaven after bodily sacrificing himself for his friends for the people who gave him a second chance when many others would not.
Emily: Sera.....why Sera?......I trusted you but......all this time.....
But there was another thing on em's mind..... someone on her mind.
It was Y/N.
She couldn't get him out of her head. The smile, the hair, the looks the personality everything. She admired how he stood up to Adam when pucci forced him to plead his case. From what she heard from pentious he was also a natural fighter taking down hordes of exorcists single-handedly. Usually she wouldn't cheer for something like this but now the line of good and bad and heaven and hell were so blurred making her ask herself.....who are really the angels here and who are the devils?
Emily: I wish I could see you again Y/N. Maybe I could use my angelic magic and make a portal to hell but is it safe? What would the other angels think?
A knock on the door shakes Emily out of her mood and her smile returns.
Emily: Come in!
The door opens and the newly redeemed sir pentious lets himself in.
Sir pentious: Why hello missss Emily! How are you doing on this fine heavenly day?
Emily: Oh sir pentious! Urmm I'm doing just fine! How are you settling in?
Sir pentious: Wonderfully my dear although some of the angels especially that lute women give me quite the nasssty look.
Emily: Ignore them they don't like giving an honest person like you a chance.
Sir pentious and Emily are seen walking through heaven heading straight towards the chapel.
Sir pentious: So.....m-mind telling me why we're going to this chapel?
Emily: I need to see if father pucci is still there. It serves as his home and place of prayer.
Sir pentious: Wait isn't he that priest Y/N told us about? The one with the stand?
Emily: Yeah I heard him talking to Sera he's going to go to hell and fight Y/N. I have to try and talk to pucci see if I can convince him to stop.
Sir pentious:That fool wants to fight........Y/N of all people?
Emily: Yes.
Sir pentious:...............
Sir pentious starts laughing hysterically but Emily looks at him with a serious expression.
Sir pentious: Hahahaha (Slaps tail)..........You ssserious?
Emily: (Nods)
Sir pentious: Ohhhh w-well that idiot signed his death warrant. What is he thinking? I've seen Y/N in combat first hand and that priest has nothing on him!
Emily: Even so I need to try and stop him. If Y/N kills pucci it could start a war between heaven and hell.
Sir pentious: Oh! Right! I.... didn't think about stuff like that. Yeah a war would be kinda bad.
Emily: Kinda?!
Sir pentious: Okay really bad.
Emily barges into the chapel followed by sir pentious and knock on pucci's room but no one answers.
Emily: Come on please be in here.
Emily opens the door and looks around but pucci was nowhere to be seen. Some of his belongings were missing apart from his personal diary which layed on his bed.
Emily: Oh no......
Sir pentious: Something tells me that our friend has already made his departure.
Emily: Maybe his diary could tell us something.
Emily grabs the dairy and flips to the a page that has the most recent update.
Father Pucci: Log number 89. Today marks the day I shall leave the comfort and protection of the holy land and delve down into the land of the dammed. What the lieutenant told me about Adam's demise has left me disturbed. It is not Adam's demise that concerns me the fool was always careless and egotistical I knew it would be a matter of time until his reckless behaviour would be his reckoning. It is L/N's stand which concerns me. From what I've learnt by rumors and word alone king crimson has the ability to manipulate time but how and what facture of time does it manipulate? To find my answer I must confront Y/N personally and if he proves to be too much of a challenge I will retreat and begin my path to obtain heaven itself. I've taken the book with me but if I misplace or lose it I have left the needed information of the heaven plan in this journal so I can return and memorize the instructions.
The heaven plan goes as followed-
What I shall need is the lives of more than 36 people who have sinned, because those who have sinned harbor a strong power within and in a land such as hell sinners are in a plenty supply-
I will also need the bones of a by-gone saint blessed by god before the saint left the divine plain. Something I have already acquired and taken with me.
There are also 14 phrases that I absolutely must remember
Spiral staircase-
Rhinoceros beetle-
Desolation row-
Fig tart-
Rhinoceros beetle-
Via Dorōsa-
Rhinoceros beetle-
Singularity point-
Rhinoceros beetle-
Singularity point-
Secret emperor-
I'll engrave these words onto my stand so I won't forget them. What is most necessary is courage. I must have the courage to destroy my stand momentarily. As it disintegrates my stand will absorb the souls of the 36 sinners and shall give birth to something utterly new.
Whatever is born will awaken. It will show interest in the 14 phrases that I shall utter... My friend will trust me and I will become his friend.
Lastly, I need an appropriate location. The top of the grand chapel the highest point in all of heaven the closest to god and his divine presence.
Go there and wait for the New Moon...
That's when Heaven will come.
And then Y/N will finally meet his maker. May god protect me in the land of the doomed. May he guide me on my path over heaven.
Emily eyes widened realising that pucci was already in hell and searching for Y/N.
Emily: This is bad he's already looking for Y/N I need to warn him!
Emily uses her magic and conjures a portal to hell.
Emily: There now I don't need to leave through the gates that would be too suspicious.
Sir pentious: Miss Emily wait! Are you sure you want to step through that portal? Hell is a dangerous place and I doubt anyone down there will be polite to you especially with all the past exterminations.
Emily: I know......but I have to do this Y/N needs to know what's going to happen.
Sir pentious: Well if you insist (Salutes) I wish you luck brave seraphim.
Emily takes a deep breath before flying through the portal into hell.
Sir pentious: Because if you want to survive a day in hell you'll need all the luck you can get.
Outside heavens gates lute shines her spear before taking flight heading straight to hell.
The camera pans to the hazbin hotel. It was still under construction after a week from the attack. Everyone was busy fixing the hotel for the grand reopening. Husk was busy fixing the bar angel and niffty were putting the finishing touches on the second floor and doppio Y/N and cherri bomb had just finished with the main lobby which looked brand new. Alastra was busy in her radio shack broadcasting Y/N's victory to hell she made sure Vox got the broadcast which infuriated him much to her enjoyment. Charlie and vaggie watched the crew with a smile. The hotel was slowly being put back together piece by piece brick by brick so Charlie's dream of redemption wasn't dead just yet. Little did she know with pentious now in heaven her dream had already become reality. Y/N walked over to the two and wrapped them into a hug.
Y/N: And that's the reception done.
Vaggie: Great work babe.
Charlie: Looks like it was never destroyed........(Sigh).
Y/N: What's wrong Charlie?
Charlie: I just wish pentious was here to see this.
Vaggie: And razzle too.
They look at a picture of the outside of the hotel. Everyone was in the photo and the camera focuses on pentious doing a peace symbol. The camera switches to Dazzle who's finished sweeping the floor. Dazzle turns round expecting to see Razzle and give the broom to him but finds no one. He drops the broom remembering that Razzle was dead and starts to cry. Y/N picks him up and hugs Razzle in an attempt to comfort him.
Y/N: I know girls we all miss those two. But if we just give up now what would their deaths mean? We have to keep looking forward and keep on moving it's what they would have wanted.
Y/N gently sets Dazzle on the sofa and puts a blanket over him after he cried himself to sleep.
Y/N: We lost pentious and Razzle but we are not losing anymore.
Charlie: But what if we do?
Y/N: We won't.
Y/N kisses Charlie who nuzzles his chest.
Y/N: I'll make damn sure of it.
Just then Y/N gets a call from his phone. He checks the caller and it was Formaggio.
Y/N: Now why is he calling me at a time like this? Girls give me a moment please.
Y/N walks away from Charlie and vaggie and answers the call.
Y/N: (Whispers) What is it Formaggio? This has better be important.
Formaggio: Yeah it is boss don't worry. We got a batch of new recruits fresh with their shiny new stands. We need ya to take a look at them when you have the time of course.
Y/N: (Whispers) Good I'll head to the hideout now. Have them ready for when I get there.
Y/N ends the call and looks at his friends who were now gathered together.
Y/N: Sorry guys but I have to go. Just got a call from a news station. They want me to hold an interview with them.
Husk: Seriously? That's the fifth one this week.
Y/N: Guess hell can't get enough of me.
Doppio: Yeah every overlord must know your name by now.
Angel dust: Y/N L/N the hunk who fucked heaven with a sandpaper condom.
Niffty: The ultimate bad boy (Giggles)
Doppio: Niffty can you not be a horny gremlin for just five minutes?
Niffty: No.
Y/N: Well best not keep my fans waiting I'll see you all later.
Vaggie: Try to promote the hotel Y/N!
Y/N: Will do love ya adiós!
Y/N walks out and jumps into his car. The scene changes to Y/N driving high speed through the streets listening to his favourite genre of music.
Y/N nods his head to the beat as he drives towards his destination. Watching the car drive by atop of a building was lute who flys after him keeping a distance between her and Y/N trying not to be seen.
Y/N arrives outside his hideout and jumps out his ride listening to one last song which makes him feel motivated. He melts into the shadows and then diavolo is seen walking past a corner earbuds in his ears walking like the boss that he is.
Diavolo pushes open the doors to the main room and greets his men.
Diavolo: Gentlemen.
Illuso: Hey boss glad to see your in high spirits.
Diavolo: Of course passione is soon to reveal itself and take over hell how could I not be in a joyous mood? So where are these new recruits?
Prosciutto: (To pesci) Bring em in!
Pesci: Right!
Pesci walks into view with four people in tow.
Pesci: Here they are boss the fresh meat!
Diavolo: Lets have a look at them shall we?
Diavolo walks towards the four and stares into their souls.
Diavolo: Alright you with the orange hair what's your name?
Squalo: Squalo sir! The man next to me is my partner tiziano!
Tiziano: Reporting for duty sir! Give the order and we'll fulfil it to the letter.
Diavolo: Hmmmm yes unswerving loyalty a very good trait. A good first impression.
King crimson appears and looks at the third recruit.
King crimson: You. What is your name?
Prosciutto: His name is carne although he doesn't speak very often.
King crimson: Then I hope that his stand can speak for him instead.
Diavolo turns to the last recruit.
Diavolo: And now the cowboy. Who are you?
Hol horse: Names Hol horse sharpshooter and gun for hire......for the right price of course.
Prosciutto: Hol horse was a unique situation.
Diavolo: In what way?
Prosciutto whispers into his ear.
Prosciutto: (Whispers) He was hired by Vox to kill you. Risotto found him and convinced him to drop the contract and join the gang. Promised him triple the pay Vox was offering.
Diavolo: (Whispers) Does he know of my real identity?
Risotto: (Whispers) No. For all he knows you and Y/N are two different people.
Diavolo: (Whispers) Good. (Turns to his men) I expect all of you to represent passione well. Remember once your in this gang there's no getting out and I expect you to die for passione if needed is that understood?
Squalo: YES SIR!
Diavolo: Excellent your all dismissed risotto will approach you with your first contract when ready.
Diavolo walks into the brothel where melone (Suprise suprise) Was enjoying the show.
Melone: Oh yeah Di molto this place screams Di molto!
Diavolo: Melone..........
Melone: Oh! Uhuuu boss didn't see you there!
Diavolo: Too busy looking at the girls ass?
Melone: Wellllll y-yeah pretty much.
Diavolo: Of course you are. Never mind have you had any luck with our little deal?
Melone: Actually yes I have! Turns out after Adam kicked the bucket some of the exorcists went rouge figured that they should entertain themselves after the extermination was called off. And after a bit of convincing I've managed to strike a deal with a few money hungry exorcists. In exchange we get some blessed weapons for our stand-less members. We're already arranging the location so by tonight the deal should be done.
Diavolo: Excellent but make sure risotto, illuso and Formaggio are present. This are exorcists after all make sure the men keep their guard up and remain vigilant.
Melone: I'll be sure to send the message.
Melone gets grabbed by two succubus demon who take him towards a private room.
Melone: Woah but uhhh I gotta go boss! Because right now the stand in my pants is starting to awaken!
Diavolo looks on and sighs in annoyance.
Diavolo: (Sigh) The things I have to deal with so help me satan.
The camera switches to lute who was still busy looking for Y/N. The sun had set and the night had arrived but she still continued her search.
Lute: Where is he where the fuck did he go!? He couldn't have just vanished!
Lute groaned but keep searching and eventually she regained sight of Y/N. He was hanging by the docks drinking a beer he got from a bar nearby.
Y/N: Mmmm damn this is good what is this beer called again? (Looks at the label) "Beelze-Booze honey edition" This shit reminds of the honey flavoured Jack Daniels!
Lute: There you are!
Lute dives towards Y/N and let's out a battle cry. Y/N hears the cry and turns around and blocks the suprise attack grabbing the spear with both hands.
Lute: YOU!
Y/N: Oh why hello again. Wasn't expecting to see you so soon.
Y/N flys up and lute gives chase trying to stab Y/N with her spear.
Y/N: How are things in heaven by the way? How's the exorcists doing without Adam? Also condolences I'm sure the jackass's death has gripped heavens heart as I say that very sarcastically.
Y/N skips time and gets behind lute who smacks him with her wing and throws him onto a rooftop.
Y/N: And by the way love the hair did you do something with it today?
Lute: Shut the hell up human!
Lute lands on the roof and walks towards Y/N.
Y/N: I have a name you know and it's not "Human" it's "Y/N" please get it right. Anyway why are you here huh? Trying to cause another extermination are ya?
Lute: Only for you to fuck it up? No I'm here for you!
Y/N: (Raises eyebrows) Ohhhh me? Oh lute I didn't know you would.
Lute throws her spear at Y/N who uses his stand to erase time. The spear passes right through Y/N who walks behind Lute with his arms behind his back.
Y/N: Come on Lute at least try to suprise me.
Time resumes and Y/N pokes lute's shoulder. She twists round and engages Y/N in a fistfight.
Lute: Ever since you showed me pity, ever since you killed Adam you have been the only damn thing on my mind!
Y/N counters the punches and the two try to wrestle eachother to the ground.
Y/N: (Smirks) Yeah I have that effect on ladies.
Lute trips Y/N and tries to strangle him. Y/N looks to his right and sees a group of exorcists flying by.
Y/N: You didn't tell you bought your friends with ya. What is this a gangbang now?
Lute: What!?
Lute looks around and sees the exorcists heading towards a warehouse carrying a large crate.
Lute: What are they doing here? I came alone and where are they going?
Y/N: I'm more curious about what they're carrying.
Lute lets go of Y/N and flies towards the warehouse. Y/N smiles and follow close behind.
Lute flys to the warehouse and slips through a hole in the roof and hides behind some crates. Y/N lands next to her the mirror behind them reflects thier image but for a second a figure was seen looking at them through the mirror.
Y/N: Oh I love being a detective it's like Scooby-Doo all over again. We gonna split up and look for clues?
Lute: You! Why are you following me!?
Y/N: Woah lady hold up weren't YOU looking for ME?
Lute: Tch I was until now.
Y/N: Ain't that a switch up?
Lute: Shhhh if you don't want me to kill you keep you mouth shut. Someone's coming.
Y/N: Yeah as if you could kill me.
Lute and Y/N look on as the exorcists meet with Risotto, Formaggio and a squad of armed men each brandishing a blessed weapon. Y/N gets serious when he sees risotto.
Y/N: What the fuck why is he with them?
Lute: You know him?
Y/N: Yeah remember in the court room in heaven when they showed me fighting? (Points to risotto) That's the guy that almost dropped me.
Lute: What? He almost killed you?
Y/N: Uh huh. Get too close to him and he can make blades slice out of your skin. He's dangerous if your in his range your done for.
Risotto: So you finally showed up. Do you have the merchandise we ordered for?
Exorcist: Yeah it's in the crate.
Risotto: Show us.
The exorcist uses her spear to pry open the crate. Lute gasps when she sees the crate was full of blessed weapons and Y/N was concerned or at least acting concerned.
Y/N: Oh fuck me.
Lute: Those are blessed weapons!
Y/N: Why do these guys need so many?
The two were so concentrated on the deal they didn't notice illuso's stand slowly exit the mirror ready to make a grab for them.
Risotto: Good...... Formaggio give em what they want.
Formaggio walks to the exorcists and hands them a case full of counterfeit heaven bucks.
Formaggio: That should be more then plenty.
Exorcist: Good. Let this be a start of a beautiful relationship.
Y/N: Ohhhh your loyal soldiers are rubbing elbows with a bunch of thugs from hell. That's gotta sting eh Lute?
Lute: Those backstabbing traitors! When I get back to heaven they're as good as dead!
The man in the mirror jumps at Lute and Y/N grabbing them by the back of the neck dragging them into the mirror dimension.
Lute: WHAT THE!?
The man in the mirror drags them through another mirror throwing them to the ground in front of risotto before jumping out followed by it's user illuso.
Formaggio: Woah what the hell!?
Exorcist: Lieutenant!?
Risotto: (Glares at Y/N) You.
Y/N: Me!
Illuso: Look what I found hiding behind some crates. They thought they could listen in to our little deal and conversation. We can't have that now can we?
Lute: You traitors! What are you doing making a deal with the hellbound!?
Exorcist: Sorry "Lieutenant" But we only took orders from Adam not some grouchy bitch who thinks she's hot shit and knows what's best.
Y/N: Ohhhh damn that's harsh.
Lute: I'll see that you all are kicked out of heaven for this!
Risotto: That's if you leave this warehouse alive.
A thugs walks up to Y/N and puts red electronic cuffs on his wrists.
Y/N: Hey what the hell are you putting on me?
Risotto: Stand restricting cuffs so don't even try to bring out your stand. Now we still have one more shipment to purchase and our new business partners here are going to fetch it for us. Illuso takes these intruders away and lock em up somewhere. We'll deal with them after the deal is done.
Illuso: Got it!
Illuso grabs the two and leads them to a large storage room with an iron door.
Illuso: Get in there you two and try not to fuck eachother will ya?
Illuso pushes them into the room and slams the door shut locking them inside. Lute punches the door and jiggles the handle but the door doesn't budge.
Y/N: Well ain't this a total clusterfuck? Here I am stuck in a room with a girl who most certainly wants to either A fuck me B kill me or C fuck me and then kill me.
Lute: Stop messing around human use your stand to get us out of here already!
Y/N: Fine I'll try maybe these cuffs are nothing but a bluff. KING CRIMSON!
Uhhhhhhh king crimson?
Yeah no I can't summon him or use his powers. They're not fucking around with the cuffs they actually meant it I can't use my stand or erase time or even predict my future.
Lute: So you can't do anything right now?
Y/N: No not really but I can tell you a joke. What do you call a blind German?...........À "Not-see". Ehhhh you see what I did there?
Lute: Seriously? Your gonna make a nazi joke now of all times!?
Y/N: Ohhhh so you want more nazi jokes after we get out.
Lute: NO! GRHHHH DAMMIT STOP TAKING THIS AS AN ABSOLUTE JOKE! Why haven't I just killed you already?!
Y/N: Because I'm too hot and goated with the sauce.
Lute has enough of Y/N's remarks and shoves him into a wall making a bottle filled with a pink liquid shake towards the edge of the shelf.
Lute: That's it I've had it with you and your smart mouth! If your not gonna be of any help I'm just gonna beat you to a damn pulp and shut you up!
Y/N: Hmmmm kinky.
Lute punches the wall making the bottle shake again and fall off the shelve.
Lute: I am going to fuck you up-
The bottle lands on Y/N's head spilling the liquid all over him and Lute. The two fall down and Y/N rubs his head.
Y/N: Owwwww that hurt ohhhh I think I got brain.....d-dizzy.
Lute: Urgh.....what the hell is this shit?
Y/N: Yeah what is this?
Y/N picks up the bottle and reads the label.
Sex potion (Hardcore edition)
Love at it's roughest and toughest!
Made by Asmodeus in the house of Asmodeus.
Y/N: Uhhhhhhh........ it's.....not good I can tell you that.
Lute: What is it?
Y/N shows lute the label and her eyes widened.
Lute: No.....your joking right?
Y/N: Nope......
Lute: That actually was.....a-
Y/N: Yup.
Y/N looks at the bottle to see when it kicks in.
Y/N: It say here that after......a minute has passed since contact with the skin the effected person and their partner will suffer a uncontrollable sex drive for eachother for the next.........three hours.
Y/N looks back at Lute who had hearts in her eyes. Y/N also had the same symptoms along with a boner and the two look at eachother until Lute pounces on Y/N.
King crimson realises what's about to happen but can't intervene because of the cuffs.
King crimson: (Oh shit I can't stop it I can't punish the horny harlots no god damnit SON OF A BITCH! NOOOOOOO!)
🍋Lemon alert! Lemon alert! You've been warned! 🍋
King crimson: (GOD DAMNIT!)
Y/N grabs lute and pins her to wall and pulls her pants down. He whips out his "Stand" and starts teasing lute by rubbing her entrance with it.
Lute: Stop teasing me and just ruin me already you stud!
Y/N: (Grins) Oh your gonna wish you never said that!
Y/N slams his "Stand" into her earning a clap from her ass and a loud moan from lute.
Y/N starts to pound that angel ass like no tomorrow.
Y/N: Oh sweet mother of christ your ass is so fucking tight. Does every exorcists ass feel this good?!
Lute: No babe just mine. My ass is all that you need.
Y/N grabs Lute's hips and starts thrusting faster.
Lute: Oh my god, oh my god, OH MY FUCKING GOD DON'T YOU DARE STOP!
Y/N pulls up lute's shirt and plays with her breasts as the two reach their limit.
Y/N: Tch.......F-fuck.........I can't....... TAKE IT ANYMORE! TAKE MY LOAD YOU NAUGHTY BITCH!
Lute screams as Y/N blows his load inside her and the two of them fall on top of eachother.
🍋 End of lemon. The horny is over I repeat the horny is over! 🍋
King crimson: (I failed.....I could not stop the horny (Looks at the readers) I hope your happy now you harlots.)
King crimson will remember this.
Lute and Y/N take a deep breath and give eachother a moment to recover.
Lute: That was......so fucking good.
Y/N: Damn right it was.
Lute smirks sits on Y/N's stomach and whispers into his ear.
Lute: (Whispers) Ready for round two?
The camera switches to Formaggio and illuso the two of them were heading to the storage room where they're keeping Y/N and lute prisoner.
Formaggio: You don't think the boss is gonna be pissed at us for locking him up?
Illuso: Relax I'm sure he understands. We need to make sure people think he's got nothing to do with us. So if him and the exorcist escape the exorcist will go back to heaven and tell them he's clean and the priest was wrong about him!
Formaggio: Yeah that does make sense I can see where your coming from.
Illuso: Now let's separate those two and do a little interrogating.
Formaggio: On the exorcist right?
Illuso: Yeah not on the boss obviously.
The two approach the storage room but then-
Lute: (Muffled) PLEASE DO DADDY!
Formaggio and illuso freeze and look at eachother.
Illuso: (Blush) Oh.......ummmmmm.
Formaggio: (Blush) Ah so it's THAT type of interrogation.
Illuso: I say......w-we come back in a hours time.
Formaggio: Yeah.....give em some privacy.
The two back off leaving Y/N to do his thing and Lute was that thing. Three hours later the potion finally wore off and now Y/N and Lute were lying on the floor next to eachother in awkward silence.
Y/N:............That.....was...... something.
Lute: I can't believe......that you and me......
Y/N: Yeah and why did I enjoy it more then I should have?
Lute: Yeah I was thinking the same thing.
Y/N: Lets just find a way outta here and speak of this to no one.
Lute: Agreed.
The two get up and put their clothes back on and hear Formaggio and illuso walk down the hall. Y/N thinks of how to get out then looks at the roof and gets an idea.
Y/N: Hey lute I got an idea.
Lute: What is it?
Y/N: Fly up to the roof and I'll climb above the door. We're gonna give these guys the shock of their lives.
Formaggio uses the keys and unlocks the door and him and illuso walk in.
Formaggio: Alright you two better not still be going downtown in-
Formaggio stops when he doesn't see the two.
Formaggio: Here?
Illuso: Where did they go? They couldn't have escaped could they?
The camera pans up showing lute hovering above them and Y/N hanging on the door frame.
Lute: Ready?
Y/N: (Nods)..........NOW!
Formaggio: What the-
Y/N and lute pounce on the two smacking their heads on the concrete floor knocking them out.
Y/N: Goodnight sweet prince. Heh that always works.
Y/N takes the keys and unlocks the cuffs which fall off his wrist allowing him to use king crimson and his abilities.
Y/N: That's better now let's try this again.......king crimson!
This time king crimson appears.
Y/N: Good to have you back buddy!
King crimson: Yes.....indeed. (I will have my retribution on the horny ones.)
Y/N: Now let's get the fuck out of here.
Y/N leads the path while lute follows close behind. They pass a corner and see two exorcists blocking the path ahead.
Lute: Great two of the traitors are blocking the way and I haven't got a weapon.
Y/N: Let me change that......king crimson.
Y/N erases time and walks past the two exorcists. King crimson appears behind one and nods to Y/N and when time resumes it's flow Y/N and his stand take the guards down in quick succession with king crimson snapping the first guards neck and Y/N snatches the blessed dagger from the second guards waist slitting her throat with it.
Y/N: Dead before they could even blink.
Lute wanted to snap at Y/N but she remembered that these exorcists went rouge doing a deal with sinners going against heavens rule. They would have been kicked from heaven anyway so what was so bad about killing them?
Y/N: Here-
Y/N tosses lute the blessed dagger.
Y/N: A weapon.
Lute:......I...I could have done that by myself.
Y/N: Yeah sure you can. Let's try to get out of here without raising the alarm. We dealt with those two but the other guy could still be here and I'd rather not mess with him right now.
Lute: But we can't let them have all of those blessed weapons.
Y/N: Yeah and why they have secured the first batch they still have the second crate to buy. They might be making their second deal right now.
Lute: Then let's make sure they don't leave the warehouse with it.
Y/N: Since when were you the good guy?
Lute: S-shut up.
The two sneak through the warehouse until they enter the main area where the rouge exorcists and Passione's goons were busy making the final deal. Risotto watched the deal sat on top of a container and kept his eyes on the crate full of weapons.
Y/N: Oh yeah he's got his eyes on that crate there's no sneaking past him.
Lute: So we gotta hit them and hit them hard.
Y/N: Mhmm I'll distract him and the thugs and exorcists while you can take a grenade from the crate and blow the weapons to kingdom come.
Lute: You sure you can take all that heat?
Y/N: I mean I did beat Adam's ass along with countless other exorcists after all.
Lute rolls her eyes and sneaks to the crate staying in the shadows. Y/N grabs a spear left on a crate by a exorcist and takes aims. As the exorcist and thug shake hands the spear flys towards them impaling the both of them. Y/N reveals himself and summons his stand.
Y/N: Sorry boys and girls but this deal is off!
Risotto: Damnit......GET HIM!
The thugs and exorcists attack Y/N with their blessed weapons giving lute a better chance of reaching the crate with all of the heat on Y/N. King crimson uses it's fists to deflect a storm of bullets away from Y/N who kicks an exorcist and takes the spear he used earlier and brings it down on the exorcists head piercing right through the mask and into the skull and brain. Y/N gets a vision of him being grabbed by two thugs and grabs a dagger throws it at a thug hitting him in the throat then turning his spear around impaling a second thug just as he jumps towards Y/N. An airborne exorcist sees lute heading towards the crate and swoops towards her. Y/N sees this and throws the spear hitting the exorcists wing causing her to slam into a container letting lute finish her off by taking the spear and plunging it through her heart. Risotto uses the blood of the deceased exorcists to create a batch of blessed swords and launch them at Y/N who kicks one away before dodging the rest. Lute runs for the crate cutting down two thugs with her spear and one exorcist by digging her heel through her throat.
She reaches inside the crate for a grenade but risotto sees her.
Risotto: No you don't you sly bitch.
Risotto creates blessed daggers and shoots them at Lute.
Y/N: Lute watch out!
Y/N skips time appearing infront of Lute blocking the daggers which got jammed into his stomach.
Lute: Y/N!
Y/N: Give me a grenade!
Lute hands Y/N a holy hand grenade and pulls the pin of one in the crate.
Y/N: Think fast chucklenuts!
Y/N throws the grenade towards risotto before him and Lute fly out of the warehouse roof.
Risotto: Aw shit!
Risotto takes cover before the grenades go off. The grenade in the crate sets off a chain reaction with the ammunition causing a huge explosion which kills everyone in the room apart from Risotto who used his stand to attach his arm and leg back on.
Y/N and lute continue flying avoiding the gunfire from the thugs and exorcists outside of the warehouse.
Y/N: I don't know about you but I think we overstayed our welcome.
Lute: You think!?
The two keep flying until they're sure they're safe and land in a alleyway. Y/N leans on the wall as his injuries start to take their toll.
Y/N: (Groans) Yep the adrenaline is gone and pains kicking in.
Lute checks his wounds wrapping them with a bandage to stop the bleeding.
Lute: You didn't need to protect me look at what happened to you!
Y/N: But I still did guess is was in the heat of the moment.
Lute: Your unbelievable.......There I've wrapped your wounds that should stop the bleeding.
Y/N: Awwwww so you do care! I knew you were a softie.
Lute: (Blush) S-shut your mouth and also give me your phone.
Lute snatches Y/N's phone and types something in before handing it back to Y/N.
Lute: Now I gotta go and tell Sera about the rouge exorcists but make no mistakes I will be coming back for you.
Lute flys off and Y/N just smirks.
Y/N: And I'm already looking forward to it Lute.
Y/N checks his phone and to his suprise sees lute's number in his contacts with a message pinned on the number.
Lute: ❤️I'll see you soon handsome ❤️
Y/N:...........(Looks at the camera) Ohhhh yeah I know where this is going and I'm loving it!
Y/N whistles the MacDonalds theme and walks to his car. Back at the warehouse risotto watched the fire engulf the warehouse as illuso and Formaggio approached him.
Risotto: Do you two mind telling exactly how the hell did the boss and the exorcist escape?
Illuso: They got the jump on us.
Formaggio: Literally. We got knocked out wasn't anything we could do.
Risotto: I thought you two were meant to check on them.
Formaggio: (Blush) Yeah! But uhhhh we kinda forgot yeah that's it we were sloppy!
Risotto: Course you were. Well doesn't matter we still secured one crate and we can easily arrange for another deal. Let's return to the hideout and await for further orders.
Risotto walks away while illuso shows Formaggio the empty sex potion.
Illuso: I think I found the cause of the bosses sudden sex drive. Look an empty bottle that held lust. The liquid was everywhere inside the storage room.
Formaggio: Ohhhh yeah that'll explain it!
Illuso: Hey there's more text on the back.
Formaggio: What's it say?
Illuso: It say "Disclaimer the potion has a 100% chance of turning any female user into an obsessed yandere towards the male user".
Formaggio: The fuck is a yandere?
Illuso: I don't know maybe it's some condition like HIV, herpes or some shit.
Formaggio: Whatever it is I doubt it'll cause anyone trouble. Let's just get back to base and hit the hay.
Illuso throws the bottle away and walks out of the warehouse with Formaggio by his side.
Inside of lute's room lute can be seen on her bed looking at her phone. On her screen was a picture of Y/N and king crimson. Lute's laughs sinisterly and looks at the camera showing hearts in her eyes.
And the chapter comes to-
King crimson: Oh no I don't think so.......you thought I forgot about the lemon scene from earlier? Hehehe..........NO. YOU HAD YOUR FUN BUT NOW.....I GET TO HAVE MINE.
King crimson: Ahhhh now I feel much much better.
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