An uneasy alliance
Inside a long abandoned apartment complex pucci was sitting on a chair tending to his wounds. He had heavily underestimated Y/N's strength and intelligence pucci and his stand were thrashed mercilessly by King crimson or "Emperor crimson" in the knowing eyes of hell. Pucci's mind however was focused on what Y/N had said when they fought.
End of flashback
Father pucci: The arrow.....of course he aims to obtain it. How could I be so foolish to show it's existence to him? One must wonder of his power and influence and to think only recently this lands rulers have become aware of him and his syndicate.
A knock on the apartment door is heard gaining Pucci's attention.
Father pucci: Enter.
Upon summoning lute walks inside and bows.
Lute: Father you summoned me?
Father pucci: Yes I am in need of your service and of your certain set of skills.
Lute: I am at your command sir.
Father pucci: I have come to the conclusion that Y/N is a big threat to not just heaven but to hell as well. I dare say I've not seen such a display of power in all my years. I believe that his stand alone surpasses Lucifer's strength. He needs to be destroyed.
Lute: ( Like hell you will! I hope he rips out your heart!) Sir with all due respect how much of a threat does he make himself out to be? He's only a member of that worthless hotel.
Pucci summons whitesnake and nods to his stand who nods back. Whitesnake then slaps his master and gently pulls out Pucci's memory disc and shows it to lute.
Whitesnake: Here.
Whitesnake rams the disc into lute's head.
Whitesnake: See the truth for yourself.
Lute holds her head as Pucci's memories pass by in a matter of seconds. The disc reveals Y/N's true nature to lute as well as his fight with pucci. After showing enough whitesnake takes out the disc and places it back into his masters head. Pucci wobbles for a moment before regaining his footing.
Father pucci: Now you know why I see him as a danger to heaven.
Lute eyes were as wide as they could be. She now knew that it was Y/N who killed the exorcist but she didn't expect him to be a powerful criminal overlord.
Lute: I don't believe it. You'd think he was a honest person seeking redemption......(God that's so fucking hot. To pull the strings like that and for no one to suspect a thing. Oh dominate me daddy.)
Father pucci: If he was to find a way back to heaven and obtain the requiem arrow they'll be no stopping him. But to stop him I will need to regain my strength and evolve my stand. It is time for me to achieve heaven itself and achieve a power given to thy by god himself. But to do this I will need you help.
Lute: Say the order sir and I will fulfill it to the letter.
Father pucci: (Smirks) Adam chose well he was lucky to have an lieutenant as well disciplined and as loyal as you. I need you to bring me 36 sinners and I need them alive. I know with your occupation as an exterminator killing sinners is a part of you nature but I must ask you to restrain yourself just this once.
Lute: Why would we need sinners sir? And why do we need a specific amount of them?
Father pucci: Trust me lieutenant-
Whitesnake shows the saints bones to lute.
Father pucci: All will make sense in due time.
Lute looks at the bones before turning back to pucci.
Lute: Of course sir. I will gather the demon trash for you.
Father pucci: And if by chance you run into Y/N or any of his associates i want you to defend yourself with this.
Pucci takes out a disc from his bag and has whitesnake give it to lute.
Whitesnake: Treat this gift as if it was bestowed onto you by god himself.
The disc sinks into lute's head she holds her forehead in pain bearing through a nasty migraine.
Lute: (Groans) Thank you....sir.
Lute salutes and makes her leave walking to the roof of the apartment. The weather takes a turn and starts to rain heavily.
Lute: Oh Y/ naughty little sinner. Trying to take over hell and put it under you control. Personally I couldn't care less what pucci wants but if thinks he's going to take you from me then he's heavily mistaken.
A thick fog swoops in and covers the area.
Lute: I'll play his game and gather the sinners and while I do I'll kill every single girl in that shitty hotel who dares to take you from me. I'll be sure to start with that traitorous little whore Vaggie.
A figure slowly forms behind lute.
Lute: Then once I'm done I'll drag you back to heaven where it will be just me and you. No sinners, no princess, no radio demon no one! No one is going to get in between us Y/N......NO ONE!
The figure stands behind lute and crosses it's arms.
Lightning rings out as lute laughs like a maniac her laugh becomes more deranged as it does.
Cut to inside of the meeting room used by the overlords for meetings. Carmilla Carmine had gathered the overlords once more to discuss the threat that diavolo presents. Figures such as zestial, alastra, Y/N, Charlie, Doppio and Rosie were present even Vox, Valentino and velvette were there although there was tension between him, alastra and especially Y/N.
Carmilla: Hell's mightiest sovereigns I thank you for coming at such short notice. I'd also like to thank miss Morningstar for gracing us with her presence to represent her father and for all of demon royalty.
Charlie: Oh no please the honours mine.
Vox: Before we begin with this boring conversation I have one question. Seeing that this is a meeting for overlords why is he here?
Vox points to doppio who gives him the middle finger.
Vox: And why is HE here with HER?
Vox points at Y/N and alastra Y/N gives vox a cold stare while alastra retains her smile.
Carmilla: Seeing that he defeated Adam one of heavens most strongest angels I decided that he should be involved. He did humiliate you as well and that's enough for me to like someone.
Valentino: Now hold up I wouldn't say he was-
Y/N: Val shut up no one was asking you.
Valentino: (Whimpers) Yes sir.
Vox: Hey no one can speak to my partner like that except me!
Y/N: Awww you mad cause i folded your boy while I'm fucking your girl?
Vox: No shit I am IT'S BAD FOR MY IMAGE!
Carmilla: (Sighs) That didn't take long.
Zestial: T'was to be expected.
Charlie: Guys come on let's just calm down and take a deep breath.
Y/N: Keep crying about it Tu, pomposo, mediocre pezzo di merda! (You pompous mediocre shit stain)
Vox: Oh wooooow he can speak Italian didn't know we had Benito Mussolini in here!
Y/N: Bitch please you wanna be Killer keemstar with all your broadcasts and clout! Drama alert! Drama alert! Breaking news Vox leader of the vee's is a whiny little bitch!
Velvette streams the arguement online.
Velvette: This is gonna be grand. Vox vs Y/N the rematch!
Charlie: Now now let's not cause a scene-
Carmilla: Don't waste your breath princess they're not gonna listen.
Zestial: I believe that thy have witnessed enough.
Just as vox and Y/N charge at eachother the two of them are picked up by a large figure who appears between them.
Name: Wonder of U (WOU)
Stats: ????
WOU: Such behaviour is immature and will not be tolerated.
Wonder of U puts the two back into their seats. To say everyone was surprised was an understatement. Who would have guessed zestial was a stand user?
WOU: Please do try to act professional in a dire situation such as this.
Zestial: Thank you for the assistance old friend.
Zestial looks at everyone with their jaw dropped.
Zestial: Tis something amiss?
Doppio: That's....a stand!?
Y/N: Zestial when did you?-
Zestial: Ohoo tis nothing! I have always possessed such a power. One never needed to reveal it till now.
WOU: If I'm excused I shall take my leave.
Wonder of U turns his back and walks to the elevator. Everyone watched as it pressed the button closing the doors.
Zestial: A polite and suave fellow is he not?
Carmilla: (Clears throat) Indeed now let focus on why we are here.
Charlie: Try not to attack eachother that won't help with anything.
Y/N: No promises Charlie.
Carmilla: Back to the situation at hand we have gathered here today to discuss the situation of this "diavolo" and his underground organisation. Why we may not know how this syndicate remained hidden for so long what we do know however is that their leader intends to take over hell, kill any overlord who defies him and potentially start a war between heaven and hell.
Valentino: And how do we know all this for sure and do we even have to take this guy seriously?
Doppio: Damn right we do! Did you see him kick that priests ass?
Y/N: He's also in possession of blessed weapons.
Carmilla: He is? Please elaborate.
Y/N: A few days ago I caught his boys making a deal with some crooked exorcists. They got at least one crate of weapons while I destroyed the second. So by the looks of things they've got some connections with the exorcist army.
Charlie: They have friends in really high places.
Rosie: Theres only one reason why ya need a blessed weapon.
Carmilla: To kill those with divine blood.
The overlords grew worried finally coming to terms of how of a threat passione is.
Y/N: Theres also a good chance passione's filled to the brim with stand users.
Zestial: Strength in numbers as one would say.
Charlie: This jerk also wants to kill Y/N!
Carmilla: I beg your pardon!?
Velvette: Say what bitch?
Y/N: Diavolo reckons I'm too big of a threat and he's set a price on my head and he even threatened to kill my friends.
Vox: (Murmurs) I haven't got a problem with that.
Doppio: I heard that shut your mouth!
Vox: Whoahooooo! Big talk for someone who owes me a debt!
Za hando appears behind doppio and taunts vox to come closer.
Doppio: Then how about you come and get it?
Vox: (Eyes widen) When did you get that!? Like no seriously when? You didn't have that thing not until recently were you holding back on me!?
Doppio: Nope got my stand after Y/N pierced me with the arrow he got from Val's place.
Valentino laughed nervously tugging his shirt collar as Vox slowly turned towards him.
Alastra: Oh how unfortunate such powerful so close yet so far.
Vox: You had one of those arrows?
Valentino: Hehe well I uhhhh-
Vox grabs Valentino and puts his face next to his.
Valentino: Hey how was I supposed to know what it was? All I ever used it for was for a few pornos know and then.
Vox: You didn't even use it against him?
Vox points at Y/N.
Valentino: How could I? He was kicking my ass!
Vox: What do you mean your dick fell off!?
Valentino: He cut mah dick off with a pair of scissors!
Vox hears the sound of scissors opening and closing and looks at at Y/N with a pair of bloody scissors giving him a creepy smile.
Y/N: I am here to take your foreskin. Prepare to lose penis privilege.
Vox backs off holding his nuts.
Vox: Nope. I've lost my arm but I'm not losing THAT.
Carmilla: It is clear that this organisation poses a threat to us and to all of hell. That is why we are hear today to discuss how we will deal with passione and it's leader.
Charlie: Oh oh I have an idea!
Rosie: Then lets hear it princess.
Charlie: How about we work together!?
Y/N: Woah woah wait one second Charlie! You want me-
Vox: To work-
Y/N: With him?
Vox: Of all people?
Velvette: Is she high?
Charlie: The only we can stop him is if we work together as a team!
Doppio: What is this power rangers?
Y/N and vox look at Charlie and then slowly turn towards eachother and look at eachother dead in the eye.
Y/N: Hehehe.
Y/N starts to laughs becoming hysterical in a matter of seconds.
Charlie: Y/N? Why are you laughing? What's so funny?
Just then Vox also began to laugh like a maniac confusing everyone.
Valentino: What the hell? You too vox?
Doppio: What is going on anymore?
Charlie: Why are you two laughing was it something I said?
The two continue laughing Charlie joins in by laughing nervously. The trio laugh while everyone looked on even alastra was confused and then suddenly Vox and Y/N look at Charlie and shout.
This startles Charlie causing her to fall back into her chair.
Charlie: (Startled) Okay. You could have just said no.
Carmilla: As much as you two hate the thought of working together miss Morningstar is right. Diavolo is both a danger to Y/N and his friends and a danger to Vox and his empire. Our chances of preventing this madman from bringing total anarchy to hell is that we must stand as one only then will we have a chance to prevail.
Vox growls having to choose wether he works with the man who humiliated him or have some lunatic tear down everything he's worked for.
Vox: As much as I want to rip you apart with my bare hand I gotta protect my brand and my name. So I'll agree to this alliance.....for now.
Y/N: Ditto although I doubt it'll last long.
Vox: Agreed.
Vox takes his leave followed by valentino and velvette.
Alastra: Is it me or is there suddenly less tension in the room?
Carmilla: (Sighs) Que dia (What a day) Have we all come to an agreement?
The overlords nod.
Carmilla: Then this meeting is adjourned.
Doppio: Oh thank god.
Y/N: I need a beer after all that.
Everyone gets up but Carmilla calls out to Y/N.
Carmilla: Y/N before you go can you come here for a moment?
Y/N walks to Carmilla who to everyone's suprise hands him her number.
Carmilla: (Blush) My number.....I wish to arrange a meeting with you. Seeing that you've dealt with passione before I want to know what you dealt with and what we need to expect.
Y/N grins and types the number into his contacts.
Y/N: Of course anything for you Espléndido (Gorgeous).
Carmilla: (Blushes) Excellent.
Y/N is then grabbed by a jealous Charlie and alastra and is dragged away from Carmilla.
Charlie: Oh would you look at the time it's getting kinda late we should get back to the hotel!
Alastra: Agreed!
Carmilla smiles before walking away and past her daughters who share a smirk.
Clara: Do you really think he gave him her number just to "Meet him"?
Odette: Come on sister you and I both know the REAL reason she gave him her number.
Clara: You think mother's in love?
Odette: Totally. A hundred percent.
The scenes cuts to Y/N and king crimson walking down the hotel corridor. Y/N was shattered after the meeting and now wanted nothing more but to slump onto his bed and clock out.
Y/N: Argh man I'm completely drained god how do people who work in skyscrapers deal with meetings like that on a regular basis?
King crimson: Do you truly think vox will stick to this alliance?
Y/N: Come on crimson you and I both know he won't not with the bad blood between me and him. I don't need to be a genius to see the writing on the wall.
King crimson: And it's not like we haven't dealt with him before. But this time we'll make sure he stays down.
Y/N: Agreed.
Y/N opens a door and walks into his room.
Y/N: But that's for another time right now I'm too tired and my bed is looking very tempting and very comfortable.
Y/N yawns and turns on his light. He turns to his bed and freezes in his tracks. Someone was sitting at the end of the bed waiting for Y/N to return. Y/N's eyes wide when he realises who it was.
Y/N: No way it can't's you.
????: Y/N L/N.............
We finally meet.
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