Ain't that niffty?
Inside of the Vee's headquarters vox was sitting down on a chair looking at a set of monitors holding his screen in annoyance.
Vox: Urgh I cannot believe that I have to work with alastra and that damn human I can't believe it! After all the shit they've done to me that old hag Camila wants me to just bend over and kiss their ass?!
He looks at a monitor showing diavolo during his fight with pucci.
Vox: Honestly I'm more tempted to try and partner with this diavolo just to spite them. Sure a war with heaven sounds crazy but if we were to win we could gain some serious power and influence. Maybe working with this guy might not be such a bad idea.
Vox ponders to himself tapping his fingers together he is then disturbed by his partner Valentino who walks in holding a letter with his and Vox's name signed on it.
Valentino: Got a letter for ya Vox. The strange thing is that it's signed for both of us.
Vox: Hmmm that is odd might be someone from a news station asking for an interview or maybe an overload willing to make a partnership.
Vox takes the letter from Val and opens it.
Vox: Lets see what we have here......
Vox mumbles a sentence as he read the letter at first he didn't seem worried but when he kept scrolling down he became more and more frightened to the point his eyes were about to pop out from the screen.
Vox: No....nonononononono not now why do they have to come now!?
Valentino: Vox baby chill out what's the big deal?
Vox shoves the letter infront of Val's face.
Vox: Re-read it.
Val does as instructed and goes pale when he sees who's names are at the end of the letter.
Valentino: Oh shit baskets.
Vox: Yeah shit indeed. They haven't even given us any warning like last time.
Valentino: It's gotta be one of their surprise visit. They love to just show up uninvited it's a kink I swear!
Vox: We'll.....let's get dressed into something more stylish and professional they are coming over in the next few hours.
Valentino: So much for having an easy day.
Outside of the hazbin hotel niffty our loveable yandere maid was busy throwing away the trash. It was one of her favourite hobbies making sure the hotel was spick and span she also hoped it would swoon over Y/N who as we all know by now has a uncomfortable obsession with him.
Niffty: Goodbye nasty nasty mess see you never!
Niffty throws the trash into the dumpster but as she did a dead cockroach fell from one of the bags.
Niffty: Oh no you don't.
Niffty stabs the roach with a pin and plucks it into the bin.
Niffty: Bye bye.
She then slams the dumpster shut and skips away happy with her work. The camera then pans into the dumpster where it focused on the dead roach.
Because you see this was not any other roach niffty had killed.
It was the roach she had accidentally pierced with the stand arrow before she pierced herself with it.
The roach began to glow bright yellow and then it's antenna twitches as the roach comes back to life with a vengeance against our little one eyed maid as a group of shadows surround it.
Inside of the hotel niffty was walking towards Y/N's room. She had finished her early morning cleaning and was now having some time off so she was spending it the only way she knew how.
She has a stalking problem you see.
Niffty: I wonder how my favourite bad boy is doing. Maybe he's in the shower again (Laughs) I'm wet just thinking about it!
But before she could peep on Y/N who was in fact currently taking a shower after his heated night with Lilith she encountered one of her greatest adversaries.
Her enemy stood at the end of the hall antenna twitching it's buggy eyes stared at niffty refusing to break eye contact.
Niffty glared at the insect which made a noise that sounded like a laugh before it spread it's wings and flew off.
Niffty gives chase and tried to stab the roach mid air but it proved too fast and nimble.
Niffty: Purple haze! Fuck him up!
Summoning her stand niffty let's purple haze loose who just like her master tries to kill the roach going so far as to use it's lethal gas.
But somehow the roach outflew the both of the them and flew out of a window into the open.
Niffty jumps out the window and falls to the ground face first.
Niffty: (Sighs) Pain.
She then gets back up and chases after the roach heading deeper into the city.
Y/N yawns as he walks out his room stretching his arms. King crimson was next to him arms crossed and pissed off.
King crimson: Congratulations Y/N you have just had sex with Charlie's mom and Lucifer's ex-wife. How does it feel giving into lust and banging the queen of hell?
Y/N: She can fuck me anyday I mean did you see the way she worked that ass? Gyatt damn!
King crimson: Your so horny you put a hellhound on heat to shame. Do you have any form of sexual self control?
Y/N: How would you feel if I said no?
King crimson groans before disappearing. Y/N just shrugs his shoulders before walking off. He walks downstairs into an empty living room. Most of the hotels denizens were still fast asleep being that it wasn't even 9 o clock yet. Hungry Y/N makes himself some toast and a cup of coffee and walks outside getting some fresh air while looking at his ride.
Y/N: (Sigh) Just another day in hell. Got to go to the hideout today need melone to track Pucci. I need to make sure he doesn't get the drop on me. I already now of the other overlords plans so if I can track the priest I can continue to control and manipulate the situation without the fear of being attacked.
Y/N then looks at the bracelet that was given to him by Emily.
Y/N: Maybe I should pay Em a visit I mean if I I'm going to attack heaven then I need to know it's layout and it's security especially around the church where the requiem arrow lays.
????: We found you.
Y/N hears a voice from below and looks down where to his suprise he is greeted by three little humanoid insect creatures.
Stand name: Harvest
Destructive Power: E
Speed: B
Range: A
Stamina: A
Precision: E
Developmental Potential: C
Y/N: What in god's name? What type of creature are you? Are you some form of insect or something?
However they did not answer instead more and more of these little bugs appeared from multiple hiding places while others flew in. Y/N put his guard up as the army of bugs surrounded him getting closer and closer.
Y/N: (Looks at the camera) Oh shit.
Back with niffty she was busy chasing the cockroach who was still flying away evading it's attacker. Niffty used purple haze to try and poison the bug not realising she was running in a busy street unintentionally melting the skin off of passing sinners killing them.
But to niffty they were just casualties of war nothing to really worry about.
The roach then flew higher getting out of reach escaping niffty who was now upset and angry.
Niffty: Awwww he got away. (Pouts)
Bad niffty.
????: I found you.
One of the creatures from before flies through an open sewer drain and runs to niffty with a note. Niffty immediately crushes the creature making her feel better.
Niffty: Good niffty.
She then takes the note which had a picture and writing on it.
To the one eyed bitch
We have him.
Come to this warehouse or he dies.
Niffty's one eye widens on the picture was Y/N who had been knocked out and tied up by the creatures who made mocking gestures. Niffty's eye began to twich and she started to foam by the mouth like a rabid dog.
Niffty: Y/N.....THEY HAVE MY.....MY BAD BOY.
She looked straight at the camera with a crazed smile.
Y/N groans as he wakes up upon realising that he was tied up he tried to call out his stand but king crimson did not appear. Apparently after screwing Lilith king crimson has had enough of Y/N's horny ass and was refusing to help.
Y/N: Ohhh great.
He looked down and saw an army of the little yellow insects he then looked below him and saw a giant meat grinder. They were all laughing at Y/N saying the same thing from before when they caught him.
Y/N: Juuuuuust great.
The cockroach from before flies up from the crowd and hovers infront of Y/N laughs.
Cockroach: Quite an impressive power isn't it? To conjure an army of loyal subordinates whenever I desire convenient is it not?
Y/N: (A talking stand using cockroach!? Okay what drugs have I taken? What type of moonshine was in my coffee!?) Listen buddy I don't what your problem is but if I were you I'd-
Cockroach: Aspettare (Wait) aspettare aspettare! Uh uh uhhh I'm the one talking here not you.
Y/N sucks his teeth and growls.
Cockroach: Now be quiet until I tell you otherwise amera
Piccola macchia di merda! (You little shit stain)
Y/N: (Oh so he can talk shit in what type of day am I having?)
Cockroach: I'm the one in charge here you are nothing but a means to bring that one eyed psychopath to path straight to me.
Y/N: Niffty!? The hell do you want with her!?
Cockroach: Oh come now you should know why. You really think I would forget what she's done to me? After she stabbed me with that arrow for no cause or reason.
Y/N: Wait just a second.....(Eyes widen) your the cockroach she killed with the arrow now it makes sense!
Cockroach: She made the grave mistake of granting me such a power. For too long we cockroaches had suffered to be stomped on squashed and kicked. But now the rules have changed once I'm done with you and that maid I will find another arrow and use it to create an army of stand using insects. We shall tear your kind from their place as the apex predators and force you to bow as the inferior race at the bottom of the food chain where you belong!
Y/N:..........Sooooo basically your a communist hellbent on starting a bug uprising against us sinners?
Cockroach: Yes pretty much?
Y/N:...... Where's uncle Sam when you need him? George where are you they're in hell now.
Cockroach: Is that really surprising that communists go to hell?
Y/N: Good point.
Outside the warehouse niffty barges into the entrance with her stand ready to spill some bug blood.
She runs through one of the three large rooms and hears Y/N's voice at other side of the warehouse.
Cockroach: (Wonderful she's right where I want her.) Harvest flip the switch.
The stand known as harvest helps it's other copies pull a lever which activates the grinder and the rope holding Y/N slowly starts to descend.
Y/N: Oh suck my nuts and call me Paul!
Cockroach: Do you hear that niffty? Your little boy toy is about to get crushed into a fine meaty paste. Consider it as revenge for my comrades who you mercilessly killed!
Swarms of harvest the flood the rooms preventing niffty from getting to Y/N.
Niffty: NO NOT MY Y/N!
Y/N: (This is bad if niffty doesn't get to me in time my ass is going to get shipped in a can to cannibal town! Niffty might not be able to get to me in time.....unless....) NIFFTY! IF YOU RESCUE THEN I PROMISE THAT ONCE I'M FREE I'LL.....I-I'LL.......
Niffty: ♫ Ding dong I know you can hear me. ♫
The words marry you echoed through niffty's mind her eye shrunk into the pupil as she slowly took out a knife from her pocket.
Niffty: ♫ Open up the doooor ♫
Purple haze appeared behind niffty foaming by the mouth growling like a possessed hellhound twitching like a lunatic spewing it's gas from every pour.
Y/N's promise has awoken something within Niffty a yandere side that she had long forgotten since her demise.
Yuno gasai?
Niffty's never heard of her.
Bitch please.
Niffty's bout to show em how it's really done.
Niffty: ♫ Ding dong you can't keep me waiting ♫
As harvest charged at niffty more then eager to tear her apart one thing was repeating in the maids mind.
Niffty: ♫ It's already too late♫
Niffty: ♫ For you to try and run away. ♫
And niffty's true power was finally unleashed.
Niffty: ♫ I see you through the window ♫
Purple haze scattered yellow pods from it's skin which emitted the poisonous concoction around the area causing some of the bugs to melt and burn.
Niffty: ♫ Our eyes are locked together! ♫
Niffty slashes through the bugs like a molten knife through butter singing as she did displaying her blood hungry smile.
Niffty: ♫ I can sense your horror♫
Niffty kicks open the second door leading into the second she looks at the cockroach through the third open door.
Niffty ♫ though I'd like to SEE IT CLOSER!♫
Cockroach: K-kill her harvest! Kill this bitch!
Niffty: ♫ Ding dong here I come to find you♫
Purple haze and niffty charge using their strength to poison and stab harvest even ripping off their heads with their heads.
Niffty: ♫ Hurry up and run♫
Niffty twirls around so fast she becomes a tornado which slashes and rips apart the hordes of enemies leaving behind a bloody mess of yellow and red.
Niffty: ♫ Let's play a little game and have fun ♫
Purple haze releases more fumes which slowly melts the rest of the bugs who were in the room as niffty skipped towards the last room. The cockroach was sweating buckets and Y/N was trying to break free as he neared the grinder head first.
Niffty: ♫ Ding dong where's is it you've gone too? Do you think you've won?♫
She then points her bloody knife at the cockroach.
Niffty: ♫ Our game of hide and seek has just begun! ♫
Cockroach: HARVEST!
Niffty: ♫ I can hear your footsteps♫
Harvest begins to combine itself forming a large figure.
Niffty: ♫ Thumping through the narrow hallway. I can hear your shard breath♫
Harvest forms a giant version of it's with the cockroach standing on top of it.
Niffty: ♫ Your not very good at hiding! ♫
Niffty and purple haze dodge a swing from the giant harvest and climb on its arm.
♫ Just wait you can't hide from me (I'm coming) ♫
Niffty grins as she climbs up.
♫ Just wait you can't hide from me (I'm coming)♫
Purple haze jams some capsules into harvests arm causing it to start melting before moving to the second arm.
♫ just wait you can't hide from me (I'm coming) ♫
The second arm melts off and harvest starts to collapse with it's legs also starting to melt as niffty crawled closer to the cockroach who was now defenceless.
♫ Just wait you can't hide from me♫
Niffty: ♫ Knock knock I am at your done now I am coming in! No need for me to ask permission.♫
Cockroach: G-get away from me get away.
Niffty: ♫ Knock knock I'm inside your room now where is it you've hid? Our game of hide and seek is soon to end! ♫
The roach tries to fly off but purple haze smacks it and knocks to the ground stuck on its back.
Niffty: ♫ I am coming closer looking underneath the bed but your not here I wonder? Could you be inside the closet?♫
The cockroach looked on helplessly as niffty approached raising her knife.
Niffty: ♫ Ding dong I have found you here (Now your it) ♫
♫ Ding dong I finally found you my dear (Now your it) ♫
♫ Ding dong looks like I have won (Now your it) ♫
Niffty raises the knife for the killing blow.
Niffty turns her head to Y/N who was moments away from being crushed into mince meat. She runs with superhuman speed and snatches Y/N just in time bridal style.
Niffty: SENPAI!
Y/N: Sen-what now?
Niffty: I'm so glad I saved you in time I wouldn't know what to do if I lost you.
Y/N: Yeah guess I owe ya for saving my life nif thanks I'd be dead meat if you didn't save me.
Niffty: So when are we getting married? You did promise me we would after I saved you.
Y/N: Ohhhh yeah that well uhhh you see that was in a-
Y/N is cut off by the sounds of laughter which was coming from the cockroach who had gotten of his back and had taken flight.
Cockroach: Haha you fool you shouldn't have turned your back on me you foolish brat! Mark my words I will return and I will have an army of stand users to boot ahahahahahahaaaaaa!
The cockroach was laughing so hard however he didn't notice the spiderweb ahead of him and flies straight into it and gets stuck.
And as we all know where there's a web-
There's a spider......just like the one that's crawling on the back of your neck right now.
Cockroach: Oh no nonononononono fuck fuck no not this anything but this!
The spider crawled to the cockroach who tried it's best to escape but it didn't budge it was screwed.
The spider bites down on the roach injecting it's poison into its blood quickly paralyzing the roach. It screams for a minute before it stops and stops struggling as the spider sucked up it's insides as a liquid smoothie.
Y/N:.......Huh well that solves that problem.
Niffty: Let's get out of here my dear husband we need to find the perfect ring and dress for our wedding!
Y/N: Woah niffty hold on can we talk about this!?
Niffty: Nope! (Your not leaving me senpai your mine forever and ever.....AND EVER.)
Niffty carries Y/N out the warehouse while king crimson watches from a corner.
King crimson:......(Looks at the camera) What? He was too horny he deserved this.
Outside of the Vee's hideout Vox and Valentino were outside wearing very presentable outfits. Vox was wearing a black and red suit and Valentino was wearing a pink suit with cream white trousers. The two looked nervous as a black limp approached.
Vox: Alright Val ready to give em a show?
Val: Usually I wouldn't unless I was paid but yeah.
Vox: Let's keep things cool and clean easy as pie and a smooth as gravy.
Vox cleared his voice as the limo parked up and passenger door swung open. Two female figures stepped out causing vox to grow even more nervous.
Vox: Hey hey heyyyyy! It's been too long you two glad to see your back after a seven year absence!
????: I'm sure you are Vox and I believe sure me and my friend here have a lot to catch up on. Especially after....recent events wouldn't you agree?
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