Chpater 10: Becoming your friend
Holy crap Im so horrible my phone got lost and I...I IM SORRY *SOBS* OK...ok here it is i tried making it long.
*old sorry thingy idk XD*
I'm really sorry for not posting this part. I left you all waiting for so long. I couldn't write it on my phone and i couldn't get near the computer. And finally i am back and hopefully this chapter is enough for what i missed in that long period of time really really sorry. But hey you got the chapter and ill try my very best to keep on updating in the mean time. But enjoy the chapter :D
Urushihara POV:
I couldn't stop laughing at the scene in front of me but before I knew it (Y/n) whacks me with a wooden spoon.
"Ow what the hell" I say rubbing out the pain on where she hit me. All she does is stick her toungue out at me. I pout 'that hurt'
"Look (Y/n)" *Thud* Ashiya says pushing me away "Explain to me what happened"
(Y/n) POV (finally it's your time to shine...again.....i think)
Ashiya pushes Urushihara onto the floor and Maou follows behind them. Urushihara stays on the floor pouting meanwhile both Ashiya stare at me with annoyed looks. I sigh.
"Ok so when I got home you guys weren't here so I got the extra key from behind the painting an-"
"Wait we never told you it was there"
"I saw Urushihara grab it when you all thought I was just a cat"
"OK go on"
"So then I unlock the door and well there was no food so i decided to make food cause why the shit not and i was hungry so then i decided why not make some ramen i open fridge and of course just pickles, honey and some noodles. So then i went to get food and came back to get some more fo-"
"Where are you going with this and i still don't get how this all got here" Maou says peering over Ashiya's shoulder
"More importantly where on earth did you get the money is what i like to know!"Ashiya just glares as me staring into my soul. I look down to avoid eye contact. I start hearing his foot tap. Then it hit me the perfect lie :D.
"Urushihara gave it to me"
"HEY DON'T PIN THAT ONE ON ME I HAVE MY OWN MONEY" he says shouting at me from the floor. 'dammit'
"Fine I found Ashiya's hidden stash ok now that that's over we can at least eat i didn't make food for nothing"
"Wait you have a hidden stash of money" Maou stares at him surprised. Then out of no where Ashiya just drops to the ground and sobbing on his feet and starts shouting and crying like a baby. "Well not exactly what i was going to expect still works"
"Sire forgive me its all my fault I know I'm useless nothing but trash do it just kill me king Satan do it!!! WAAAAAAHHHH!" He just kept sobbing onto his shoes it was a funny but sad sight. Maou just gave a what the actual hell look. I took the time to grab one of the rice balls i made i put in my mouth then became a cat and jump out of the window i was home free or so i thought.
Urushihara's POV:
I get up to see Ashiya on his knees for Maou 'i knew it'. I look around to notice (Y/n) jump out of the window. "Is she hiding something cause it looked like she was stalling back there hmm" I slowly back out of the door.
Le time skip~ at the park
(Y/n) POV:
I was in human form making my way towards the bench me and urushihara usually sat in. I sit down finishing the rice ball. I notice a certain purplette walking this way. With a really goofy smirk he sits on the bench next to me staring right at me.
"Hello stranger can i help you" I say with a smug look. He just face palms.
"What's up" He says trying to change the topic.
Me being the smart ass i am i had to say it. "The sky now sir let me on my business" I get up attempt to walk away but he grabs the back of the shirt I gave in.
"Fine what" I sigh sitting back down staring at his purple eyes as he stares at my (E/c) ones.
"So whats going on"
I look away "I.....hi..m..r...likhew" I mumble.
"I think....hrmomhmingmheuw"
"Can't hear you"
Now i was pissed.
He flinches at the sudden outburst then realizes what i just said.
"What do you mean..your becoming like me"
"The rebelling, the ignorance, laziness, and online..ha..ha...ahem"
"So thats why you did that well at least we have each other" He chuckles lightly punching me in the shoulder. I punch him back sticking my tongue out.
"Yea hey wanna spend more of Ashiya's money to get some video games" I say smirking at him standing up.
"Oh now your speaking my language lets go" He says standing up. We both laugh heading to the nearest game store.
Le time skip : I~
When we arrived at game go i saw (fav competitive multiplayer game). I kept poking Urushihara and pointing at the game.
"Ow ow calm down we will get it OW!" he says as i accidentally punch him in the end of the sentence.
"Sorry but yay thank you" this time i hug him to death. When i let go of him we just walk in. It was empty I guess were first people there
"Welcome to game go can i help you with anything" A wowan says behind a desk she seemed familiar she had dark blue hair and a pretty revealing outfit. She had a pound of makeup on with blood red lipstick on. I turn to Urushihara he didnt even hear her he was to busy playing one of the sample console games.
"Yea im looking to buy that game out there" I point at the direction of the game i wanted. When i look back at her shes just staring at Urushihara with really seductive eyes. 'figures' I swear she looks shes going to eat him just by the look in her eyes. I act like i dont see it i walk over Urushihara. He was playing mario with headphones on.
I take them off his head "hey i was-" I interupt him by whispering in his ear "Hey go ask for the game that chicks got the goo goo eyes for you" there was a lot of disgust in my voice.
"Ok i dont know what the big deal is i mean......oh god" He says turning to face the cashier then looked back to me.
"She seems scary" he whisper shouts i roll my eyes and push him towards her. 'I want that game and i want it now' i think to myself not realizing that i had my hands on his backs weak point. He let a moan out then his wings appear 'did i just' I turn as red as the cashiers lip stick.
"Crap im sorry" I turn him around he was as red as me. I slowly look over his shoulder to find a light blue haired succubus. Standing behind him.
"I FUCKING KNEW IT" I say as I notice that Urushihara is on the floor now with his eyes closed. 'is he in an trance'.
"Your Saphire you got kicked from hell for having an affair with your own kind isn't that right"
"Correct you foolish little girl I dont know who you are but that fallen angel is mine to keep and ill feed off his love" Shes says with a smirk as a teal aura is around her. She reveals long finger nails she picks him up caressing his cheek. I cant hide no more Urushihara is in a trance so he wont see.
A (F/c-cant match your hair color) aura goes around me.
"haha your funny let go of him and or ill kill you hahaHAHAHA" I start laughing maniacally. All she does is lick his ear. This where you fucked up bitch.
"heheha big mistake
Cliffhanger mwuahaha im back guys and im glad to be i hope to update more your welcome next chapter coming soon. I lave you all. Spiri out cx
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