Chapter 19: Off to school+authors note
Funny reader is entering school in story and it's summer for me irl. Also I am starting to read the magna and light novel cause well I have only seen the anime and it will help me add you this is some what after the anime ending. Continuing from there is the magna which I will start reading.
Q&A for you guys: What is you favorite anime other then the devil is a part timer?
Spiri's answer: To avoid making a list and keeping you from your reading time I will just say I can't decide cx
I wake up to something sprayed at my face and some cold water. I hiss trying to cover my face and then get poked on my side. I finally sit up to have more water sprayed in my face I shiver rubbing my eyes.
"Why! I was peacefully sleeping" I say to the culprit who was Ashiya. Maou was no where to be found Urushihara was next to me sleeping soundly I look over to what was thrown at me it was clothes. i picked it up it looked like a uniform that Chiho always is wearing but a different color. "What's this for?"
"For school remember I signed you and Lucifer up"
"Why me you guys just found out I was not just a cat so it seems a little out of no where"
"Well we already were planned to send Urushihara since his name was cleared up and just added you we already got you an ID we used the alias you came up with and your 17 a year younger then Urushihara" he says crossing his arms. I give him a confused look he just keeps staring down at me. He takes something out of he pocket and throws it at me. I look at the little card it was me but with my alias Light with a last name Shiro probably Alsiel last name.
"Well since both of you have nothing better to do other then staying here or going out just messing around"
"Ok and?"
"And...if you both go to this high school you will get more knowledge of this place that and if you get a high school diploma as they call it you will have more and better jobs open to you both. Especially since stupid isn't really helping with the computer situation"
"Umm..but will we be able to go anyways"
"Well I needed to know much more so I asked Chiho a bunch of questions during the lock in she told me that you both will be most likely placed during 'second semester' as third years, school is almost over so you both might graduate early according to her"
"Ok..." I say staring clueless at him trying to process this. He sighs handing me two bags they were big with lots of pockets. I stare up at him more confused but he just gives me a smile.
"Those bags you are both going to need to put some contents the school gives you you will carry it around Chiho gave it to me for you guys and the uniforms that I launched at you are required to worn at all times during school"
"Now wake the idiot up meanwhile I make breakfast..." he says putting his apron on and tying a rag to his hair. I lightly tap the purplenette next to me he waves a hand to stop me only to fall like a rag doll. He then stirs in his sleep for a bit only to stop and starts lightly snoring.
"I' not...morning..." He mumbles pretty loudly awkwardly attaching to my leg like it was a pillow. I was about to grab the sprayer to spray Urushihara to wake him up only to be startled by a loud smack.
"I don't need you tainting my precious daughter you disgusting NEET!" Ashiya shouts kicking Urushihara away from me waking him up. He sits up grabbing his side groaning in pain facing the opposite direction from us. He turns around at glares me not noticing the infuriated Asiel behind me.
"(Y/n) what was that for!"
"It wasn't me I w-"
"Now don't touch her or you got something coming for you"
"What! I didn't ugh..." I launch the clothes and and the back pack at him. He stares at me giving me a weird look. He looks down at the things I launches at him confused. "What are these for?"
"It's for school we are both going..."
"You're coming also um ok I did some research we aren't going to be there for long" he asks trying to open the bag. I roll my eyes opening the bag. He glares at me imitating the way I opened it. I stick my tongue out at him as he starts going through the bag.
"Ok here you guys go you are both lucky I got a good bargain for the food I got won't last us long though" he say I turn around there was some scrambled eggs on the table. I grab the fork near it and start eating. It was pretty good Ashiya is a great cook even if it is just eggs.
"You're welcome for the food by the way" he says cleaning up his counter. Urushihara joins me by sitting right next to me and starts eating. I finish first then grab the uniform that was thrown at me again. If we have to wear these hopefully it fits. "So we have to wear our uniforms?"
"Yes and please change into them, Chiho really wanted you to go with her but is uncomfortable with Urushihara coming along" He says not facing us the fallen angel scoffs in annoyance and continues eating. I look at the uniform one more time before getting up.
"Ok then I am going to change in the bathroom" I say going into the bathroom the two guys say nothing as I close the door behind me. I start stripping my clothes off letting them sit on the floor. Finally grabbing the uniform I slip it on. It fit me but was slightly baggy on me it wasn't plain still wasn't the best though. It was just like Chiho just different coloring compared to hers. I run my fingers through my semi-tangled hair untangling it a bit. I pick up my clothes from the floor and walk out. "I'm ready" I say launching the clothes I took off into the dirty clothes basket. Before a pair of arms wrap around me I stand there in shock. I look at the figure to see bleach blonde. "Um....Ashiya?"
"You look so cute I am sorry but you do!" He says finally letting me go he takes off his apron hanging it up near us. There was a knock at the door Urushihara was already changed I guess he didn't care Ashiya if was watching or not.
"Oh hello Chiho"
"Morning Mr. Shiro-san" I look at the door she bowed and look back up she takes in peek inside a little upset. I walk over to both of them she smiles when she sees me. "Hi (Y/n)-chan"
"Hi Chiho"
"You ready to go?"
"No not yet"
"Come in" Ashiya says letting the strawberry blonde inside. She sits by the table going through her flip phone. I crouch next to Urushiara I grab the bag behind him as he looks through his I tap as I get up. He looks up at me only to look away.
"Let's get going dude"
"Um yea...whatever"
"Ok let's go you two" she says excited she pulls me out of the room and rushes me down the stairs. We start walking with Urushihara not far behind us. We reach the exit of the apartments when we hear yelling behind us. We stop in our tracks and look behind us.
"Guy wait can I walk with you also"Kudokuna yells running up to us she reaches me and Chiho panting. She had the same uniform like both of us but the coloring was like mine. She finally stops panting and stands up straight. We keep going forward I turn when I feel a tap on my shoulder expecting it to be Urushihara to annoy me. Instead I find Matthew there I stop walking and face him I look at him. He was wearing a uniform also I guess he is going to school to. He had his hand behind his head and a small smile on his face.
"Um hey (Y/n)" I wave my hands he looks and me weird. I motion him to turn so I can whisper in his ear. He goes lower so then I can reach his ear I cover so the people that stopped behind me don't hear me.
"Outside my name is light ok it's an alias we all have one" I whisper step back he nods understanding I pat his shoulder. Urushihara passes by eyeing him not looking very happy and just passes us. I look over to him and back at Matthew sensing the tension coming from the fallen angel. His back was to me avoiding all eye contact. Is this jealousy I am sensing from the hikikomori. I look over to Matthew and smile as he awkwardly smiles back. Guess what Urushihara did didn't seem to phase him at all.
"Light who is that?"
Completely forgetting about the two humans in front of us not knowing what to say I stay completely quiet. "I'm Matt Kazuko I am Light's childhood friend sorry for not introducing myself a second ago I moved away when we were younger and came back a few months ago. She didn't know i arived until yesterday so she when I saw her walking the same way to school I just had to come along. My apologies again"
"Oh it's go I guess, nice to meet you Kazuko-kun" Kudokuna says before she keeps walking forward Chiho eyes both of us only to continue pace with Kudokuna. I start following them adjusting the big bag someone messes my hair I look up and see Matthew playfully smirking. I fake glare at him just so he could fake being hurt I chuckle when I feel a stare on me. I look in front of me only to find Urushihara back right in front of me. That was really strange could he have been staring at me. Wait I completely forgot his wing could be broken it probably still hurts a lot. I can't question him right now Kudokuna is right here and I don't think he wants Chiho or Matthew knowing about it either.
"Hey (Y/-Light..."
"Are you mad at me?"
"For what..?"
"..." I stayed quiet was I mad. He left me and he couldn't contact me no matter what I can't blame him. He shouldn't beat himself up for leaving. Why would I be mad at him it never was his choice. I shake a head giving him a big smile. His cheeks tints pink and lets out a chuckle rubbing his arm.
"So are we still up for today?"
"Of course I haven't seen you in forever but it really depends.."
"Oh really why do you mean it depends"
"Well 'mom' barley let's me and Urushihara out we have sneak out most of the time and someone else from...ente isla...probably won't be trusted so maybe on that...but I guess I could try"
"Why are you with them in the first place?"
"Well I was sorted adopted by one of them making me there child I guess...honestly I have no idea myself but he sure as hell thinks of me as a daughter after what happened this morning..."
"What do you mean adopted?"
"Well I was stuck in my cat form and with out my magic I couldn't do anything to turn myself so I walked to find a pet store"
"Oh gosh.."
"Yea so someone or something thought I might of ran out so they went to return me but since I didn't belong there they decided to take me in and give me to someone else landing me here"
"Wow good thing that didn't happen to me"
"Yea I guess"
"How did you get here anyways you never explained that to me"
"Oh yea I forget to tell you about that"
"Tell about what?" I hear Chiho say I look at her in surprise I wave my hands trying to signal nothing she just nods. "Well were here you guys were really into the conversation that you didn't seem to notice that we got here we only heard the last part of the conversation"
"Well this is where I separate from you guys I need to get to the library bye and nice meeting you Kazuko-kun" Kudokuna says before entering the big building there was some students outside. I look around to not see Urushihara anywhere.
"Where is Urushihara?"
"He already went inside he said he already got bored and went inside so I have no idea but Matt your new also right" She says approaching him I bet she can already he is not human. He nods awkwardly looking away. "What year?"
"I think third"
"Ok I guess I am helping you all I don't know about Urushihara but he can find it himself since he decided to ditch us now follow me" She says walking ahead we follow her inside the building there was more students inside. We got stared out some people obviously knowing we are new. We reach the office. We walk in to find Urushihara, a girl with blue hair, and a black haired dude at the desk.
They called us out by names I kept talking to Matthew ignoring everything only to have name called then his and Urushihara's. I went up and got papers containing locker combinations, a time sheet, schedules and some other papers.
Finally having got all the papers we needed we got out of the room we started finding the lockers with Chiho's help of course mine was right next to Lucifer's and Matthew's was behind ours. Chiho's was well far away from ours but still some what nearby. I put in my bag and take out the binder looking at the schedule we all had the same homeroom just without Chiho which really wasn't helpful. I look over to Urushihara who still seemed grumpy for probably the same reason.
"Hey Urushihara.."
"..." The locker door was in beside of him so I had no idea if he was upset or something. I sigh and feel a hand on my shoulder I look behind me it was Matthew smiling I give a slight smile. We all walk to class with the fallen angel still not near us. I sigh heading down the halls which are now pretty empty. I kept lookings at the room numbers beside the doors and look down at the papers to see if it would match. With out Chiho to help it was really difficult finding this out but I have managed. There was a slight uncomfortable silence I didn't bother to look at Matthew busy trying to find the room. When we finally reach the door I look behind me to still see Urushihara keeping his distance.
I stand right next to the door to our homeroom feeling slightly nervous. I sigh about to open the door only to be stopped by Urshihara. He pulls my hand away as he opens the door.
This is going to be a long day....
I FINALLY DID IT I ALWAYS FEEL BAD WHEN I DON'T for the lemon....I still feel a little weird writing and showing the draft to my friends didn't help so I have no idea anymore cx.
RANT:(Don't read this if your easily angered or judgmental... -.-)
Not to be rude but if I do mess up something could be told about it I don't always reread the chapters when I finish the story I rather not unpublish the chapters just to edit it...also getting really upset cause the reads seem to be going down. I feel like a lot of people are loosing interest which makes me upset. I was the original person to come up with a Urushihara/Lucifer x Neko!reader. I know this cause when I wanted to write a story about Urushihara I wanted to be unique and when I was looking for fan fictions with different something!readers and I found out there was no animal!reader so making the neko thing. Yes I know there is a completed Urushihara x neko!reader I found it recommended to me....honestly reading it...I knew it was like a copy of mine only the way the reader got there and situation...the plot is still I said I know how I am going to end it from the start but I had more then one idea so expect more then one ending...but what really upset when I looked through the comments of the story...I found most of the people I had at the start of the story there...That really made me upset honestly...I haven't finished it yet cause like it is completed unlike mine...I am going to finish it soon cause if it ends like the true ending for this story it will seem like I am copying...also I know I don't update I just don't wanna end the story right away I could have ended after the game store fight thing....but I didn't cause you all wanted more so I added more depth to the story....the plot may not be clear yet but it will be soon...which the story name will make much more sense and why I wanted to change it so badly...I know I am making a lot of mistakes I just don't wanna disappoint...seeing comments supporting honestly really even though I don't reply it really helps...I wanna see comments cause I wanna know if people are still out there reading each time I get notified for a comment I smile....I know this cheesy but it really is a struggle...not only that I show my friend how weirdly successful this is becoming...I tell them to check it out only for them to act like it's not a thing...I feel like I am just complaining now...I have no idea if any of you will reply I just don't like writing the story if it feels like only a few a reading...
I really am not doing this to be noticed on wattpad I just wanna know people are enjoying my stories and that I am not just writing just to be out there...
If you actually read this and at least some of my author's notes really appreciate it...Spiri out..
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