Chapter 17: Old friend new troubles
Guys....ugh I mean seriously I get you guys might like the name it's just I cringe every time I hear it or even say it. I just don't feel it anymore...I know some people take my author notes seriously but most don't which drives me mad sometimes but anyways I hope you enjoy the chapter and I guess i'm also asking my friends for some help for the name to I guess all i've seen is one vote and a suggestion for a title so yea...
Btw the lemon is going to take me a while to finish just make sure to check out Spiri's Big Journal of things where I also answering Q&As, Oc's back stories, upcoming stuff, and one shot requests. That is where the lemon is going to be it has nothing to do with the plot but still has the story line in it aka a spin off so yea make sure to check out for that to read the lemon...
(A/n: P.S. if this book goes great and gets more comments there will be a second book it all depends though and the second book will have TWO lemons that will happen in the actual story so yea...)
Q&A for you guys: Are you an otaku or a weeaboo!?(don't worry I don't judge)
Spiri answer: Is cancer an answer...?
Urushihara: ...
Urushihara: I don't know but-...
Spiri: I'll just say cancer xc
Urushihara: But that isn't-!...ugh...never mind....
Anyways back to the story...
I let go of him I am so happy to see him I thought I would ever see him again but here he is right in from of me the blonde idiot who never left my side when we were kids...
Past~9 years ago
(A/n: Finally who was the idiot who never mentioned why exactly the rea-....oh right carry on...)
I was sitting in the grass looking up at the blue sky I sigh I was in an a little hill looking at the beautiful flowers surrounding me. I hear a giggle behind me and feel something on my head. I turn around so I can meet some big bright blue eyes. I look on top of his head a colorful flower crown was on top of his short fluffy blonde hair I touch my head feeling something soft. I take it off to find some beautiful (f/c) flowers I stare at it in awe.
"You like it?"
"Like it...I love it!" I say putting the flower crown back on giving him a hug pulling him down to the floor landing on the flowery grass. We both laugh he is now laying of the floor I pick out a random flower and set it on his face. "Where did you manage to find this colored flowers"
"Follow me" He says blowing the flower off his face quickly getting up holding his hand out to me I giggle at the sight of his hair he still have his flower crown but other various grass sticks and leaves got stuck to his hair when he landed to the ground. I grab his hand helping me up from the ground. Still holding hands I pick the things out of his hair causing him to blush and smile awkwardly. When I stop he starts running off taking you with him. "Come on this way.."
As we kept going heading through some trees you reached a pond and a river bringing water from a waterfall that can be heard nearby surrounded by a lot of trees but no (f/c) flowers you look at him in confusion. "Where are the flowers?"
"Right here" he says chuckling. He takes me closer to the water and finally seeing the beautiful (f/c) flowers adorning the top of the water making them look more beautiful. I kneel down as he does the same I pick one out smelling the flower there wasn't really a smell to it but a hint of (f/s favorite scent). I put it in his hair giving him a grin his gives me a toothy grin revealing his sorta sharp teeth. "Hey maybe we should go back (Y/n) it's getting pretty late..."
We walk out of the small area we both run into something knocking me down landing on my rear and flower crown landing who knows where. I hear Matthew gasp he didn't fall but I did. "Hey dude what crap is your damn problem!"
"Leave me alone you twerp go back to your parents and take your stupid girlfriend with you!" He says starting to walk away I slightly get embarrassed at the girlfriend comment. I look up at Matthew his back is towards me and his fists are balled up.
"Don't you dare say that who are you to just go around and start yelling at people" He says starting to shout. I quickly get up and go in front of him trying to calm Matthew down.
"How about you bratty children fuck off and leave me alone!" The guy shouts back quickly turning around slapping me purposely. I collapse onto the floor I hold my cheek it stings I feel tears wanting to come out.
"Seriously dude what is your damn problem your sure as hell have one if your going to slap someone you don't even know!" He says yelling up at him the guy just glares down at him.
"And what are you going to do about it brat!" He spats in his face smirking evilly at him Matthew wipes his face and brings his hand out to help me up. I take his hand as he helps me up he smiles kindly at me brighten up the situation.
"Hey let's go it's getting very late" He says picking up the flower crown with one hand and placed it neatly on my head taking me away from the mean guy. His grip on my hand was tight he was very mad. "Don't worry it's not like were ever going to see him again anyways..."
"Um ok...thanks for helping me by the way.."
"Anytime (Y/n) remember I am always here for you!" He says spinning me around I giggle at his sudden playfulness. We start slowly walking heading into town.
I didn't have a family...they discarded me a long time ago...cause I was 'different' now I'm here...Matthew is the only person I know...he has a family...they didn't like me though cause I was 'different'. They refused Matthew to hang out with me anymore calling name like dirty filth and useless trash. But Matthew didn't stop hanging out with me he felt bad and the only person who considered him a friend and not free money. He wasn't rich he just seemed cause his parents help with the church a lot of people considered him a brat and kids our age only became friends with him cause of his money that he didn't have... So now were together forever friends until the very end...
Until that one day...
I yawn stretching in my little cardboard box house. I sit up fixing my ripped and tattered pastel (f/c) dress. Run my fingers through my hair a couple of times some what untangling it. I get out of my little box to find a plate wrapped in tin foil near my very little home. I unwrap the tin foil to find (f/f favorite food) all somehow stuffed in the plate with (whatever utensil if needed...) on top of it. I smile grabbing the (utensil...if needed) and mouth thank you I pick up the plate about to start eating when I find a little piece of paper on the ground that was under the plate. I set the plate down and pick up the note and read it.
'Dear (Y/n),
Here is some food...I don't want you to starve after all...when you finish can you meet me over by the meadow and bring the plate...I don't wanna get least my parents are away they are going to be away for a we can hang out all day! And hey like I said i'll always be there for you...Plus I have something to show you don't keep me waiting! ...hope you like it...
I smile at the note as I quickly eat the food. I quickly grab my little satchel putting the plate and the (utensil...if you needed one) in the satchel then I head towards the river near the spot we hang out at. I start heading towards the meadow.
Finally arriving to the meadow I find Matthew laying against a tree with flowers all over him. I silently chuckle noticing that he didn't see me come. I go around and head behind the tree going to scare him.
"BOO!" I fall down at the sudden shout making me shriek making me land on my bum. I watch as he falls to the floor and starts laughing getting leaves, flowers and stick in his hair again. He then sits up in front of me giving me a goofy grin.
"Your a butt!" I say pouting he starts calming down and sits up he sticks his tongue out at him I do it back. After a little bit of silence we both burst out laughing rolling around in the flowers. I lay on my side he rolls over towards me and faces. He flips on his back looking up at the sky he sighs.
"Isn't the sky pretty?"
"Yea it is..." I say laying on my back.
"Hey (Y/n)..." He says facing me again and I turn to face him to.
"Do you like me?"
"What!? Why would you ask that...Of course I do!"
" miss me?"
"Matthew wha-"
"My parents are dead..."
"I don't know...I got home snuck in to my room and earlier in the morning I went to go get some breakfast...they weren't there....I went to they're find disembodied corpses..."
"Matthew this must be horrible for you..." I say I get closer to him hugging him on the ground. He flips us over so he is on top of me making the hug more personal. I feel his breath on my neck. "Are you going to be ok...?" I feel him nod. He is taking this very strongly he hasn't shed a tear at all. "What do you mean you have to go..."
"I have to help fight...since I am alone I have to help with the war now..." He says shakily my eyes go wide. "No you can-"
"Will you miss me?"
"But I-"
"That not an answer.."
"Yes I will..."
"Never forget..."
"and always remember..."
"Angel and devil" We say together he lets go of me getting up and sitting next to me. I sit up and look at him feeling tears roll down my cheeks he uses his thumb to wipe them away.
"The note..."
"Is that what you meant by 'my parents are going to be away for a while'..."
"Yea I couldn't say in the note...but at least now you know what I actually meant...and I won't be leaving until tomorrow so we have a whole day to just I have something to show you" He says quickly getting grabbing my hand pulling me up and dragging me somewhere. When he slows down he goes behind me covering my eyes with one hand and grabbing my hand with the other. He goes slow leading me somewhere telling where to step.
"Here we are" He says uncovering my face I gasp as I feel tears spill from my eyes. Using sticks and my favorite flowers and some colors he made a little sign in the clearing that says...
'When were here together were never alone and we will never be'
Best day and last I had with him...I kept him in my mind...never saw
I let go of him as I use my arm to wipe the tears trying to escape. He scratches the back of his head a little embarrassed. He is so much taller then me and looks so much more different.
"I missed you"
"And I missed you like I said you're never alone..."
"Um sorry to interrupt...this...uh...reunion...but who is that...oh and let's not forget...THE RANDOM PUDDLE OF FUCKING BLOOD!"
And.....done sorry it took me a while but I got stuck on some parts and yea so now I finally got my crap together and stupid stress weeks over and yea i'll try to update more and thanks for reading. Spiri out :3!
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