Chapter 15: No I didn't mean it!
Omg you guys thanks for the comments they really helped me honestly I do wanna be a writer when I grow up and I am thinking of making a book of my own for my friends series it still has no name yet but we'll come up with one. She has a wattpad talking about the characters from her series her name is Lisa Lieanna I am following her so please check her out. Also check out my other friends kawaii_clown.
Q&A for you guys: What genre stories do you all like?
Spiri answer: Fan fiction obviously but no seriously I guess it would be Fiiction all of the fictions cx
Hope you enjoy the chapter and keep on reading! c:
It was morning I climb out of the box fort everyone else was still sleeping I grab one of the new outfits I got and just head outside. I open the door then close it walking into to the hallway and head down the stairs I find a girl my age maybe younger outside near the washing machine she was behind it looking down she had a big pair of head phones on. I decided it would be bext not to bother her so I ignored her. About to reach the sidewalk I feel a hand on my shoulder. I turn around to find Urushihara why was he here.
"Can I help you...?"
"What are you talking about where are you going" He asks me staring right into my eyes both of his hands were now on my shoulder. Should way. I sigh I remove his hands off my shoulders. "I am just going for a walk can you go back and not walk up Ashiya and Maou in the process"
"Ummm... you sorta can't you kind a woke all of us up when you opened the door and also Ashiya wants to tell us both something but you have to be there his words not mine" I roll my eyes and follow him back up. When we climb the stairs I slip I close my eyes obviously Urushihara failed to grab me before I make impact to the ground not hitting the ground I land on something. I open my eyes to find the girl from before she was on the floor and I landed on her.
"Ummm would you please get off me..." She says I quickly stand up feeling stupid. She dust herself off picking up the bag she dropped also the head phones that fell off her head.
"I'm really really sorry"
"Don't worry it's fine lots of people fall when it comes to these stairs"
"Umm...ok if you say so what is your name by the way"
"....Oh...uhh it's Kodokuna Yujin what about you guys..."
"I'm (Y-..ow! i'm Light..."
"And i'm Urushihara"
"Well I should get going" She suddenly says running up the stares luckily not falling then goes inside. I look over to Urushihara all he does is shrug. We just go up the stairs carefully this time and head in the hall way she wasn't there so we just enter the apartment Ashiya was starting to make food and Maou was reading a newspaper article. (AN: RUN BITCH RUN!!!! THE APOCALYPSE HAS STARTED D:!).
"Ok now you two have to go to 'school' cause you guys can go to 'high school' don't worry it's only for a couple a months it's better so you guys blend in more since your both technically should be they're like in a few minutes but you both are starting tomorrow anyone feel this is bad" Ashiya says setting the eggs and rice on the table I quickly raise my hand along with Urushihara as Maou slowly raises his hand. "Well to bad you two are going anyways better then you both doing nothing all the time other then causing trouble." He says gesturing to the ton of boxes I caused which are still they're since yesterday.
"Open this door JUST OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR!" There was a lot of impatient knocking then I obviously hear Emi yell from the other side of the door.
"Nose goes" Maou says out of no where as he point at his nose me and Urushihara do it at the same time we all look over to Ashiya who was obviously confused. He just gets up opening the door then getting his faced slammed in as Emi just casually storms in. He crosses her arms tapping her foot furiously looking at Maou. Maou stares at her for while then realizing why she is here.
"Oh yea and (Y/n) you are hanging out with Emi and Suzono(I haven't mentioned her a while IDK how to spell her name cx) for the day cause you need 'girl' time"
"Great you should get going then" Ashiya suddenly says pushing me out of the room along with Emi. We stood out in the hallway there was an awkward silence until I broke it.
"Why....?" Is all I say she just sighs and heads over to knock on Suzono's door. We wait for a bit and no answer. Suddenly Emi bangs the poor door scaring me. Suzono finally opens it and greets us she still doesn't know who I really am.
"Oh greetings Emi and Light" She says in the dull monotone voice bowing down her head. Emi stares at her weirdly then Suzono finally walks out of the apartment locking the door behind her. "Can a friend join us she was here before any of us got here she is sorta a very shy person"
"I guess it's fine don't forget we have to get Chiho and Rika to ok" Emi says Suzono slowly nods as she knocks on the door next to her apartment. Suddenly the door slowly opens as someone peeks through.
"Kodokuna will you like to join me and three other of my friends for a day out?" She asks the girl I landed on not so long ago. I see her nod she closes the door some shuffling can be heard and she walks out.
We went to this mall near Emi's place we found Chiho on our way I learned a lot about Kodokuna according to her she goes to the same school as Chiho they are both the same age her mom is on a business trip so she is by herself right now. We hanged and did lots of things so we stopped at a moonbucks and started talking there.
"Emi is it true you like someone" Rika saysout of nowhere as Emi chokes on her coffee. I just keep sipping (f/d) (Favorite drink). Finally when Emi is done dying she slams her fist on the table surprising all of us.
"No I do not but I know that you like As-"
"EMI!! What the heck?!" She says covering her mouth before she could say anything we all laugh. Suddenly Suzono looks over to me with a grin on her face. I just slowly sip my drink waiting for her say something. She just keeps staring I put my drink down and say something.
"Suzono you ok...?"
"Oh it's nothing but since we are on the topic of who likes who is it true you have a major crush on Urushihara" As soon as she says that Rika and Emi quiet down and both Kodokuna and Chiho look up from there homework and towards me. What's up with them today first a random hang out day now this.
"I mean I like him but as a friend sort a way"
"Sort a huh?" Rika and Chiho say at the same time leaning in closer to me. I sigh this is going to be a long day.
Urushihara's POV:
I was walk down the street honestly just to find (Y/n) cause I got bored that and Ashiya and Maou sort a kicked me out for a bit. I'm kind a glad my name got cleared so now I can walk outside it wasn't much of a big thing and honestly I wouldn't have gotten caught if I didn't destroy the stupid bridge but oh well. It was some what worth it... According to the tracking devices I put on Emi, Suzono, and (Y/n) they're all at moon bucks.
When I finally reach the cafe I grab some a Frappe for myself and a sugar cookie I look around for a bit I finally find her near the other exit in a booth. I walk up to hear them talking about something was it!? I hide behind a little pillar in the place and listen to what they say.
"It's just who cares about a useless, NEET, lazy and annoying person" I hear (Y/n) say the girls just giggle meanwhile she just looks pretty expressionless. And after all we went through....I just pass by the table letting my hair cover half of my face again.
"Oh Urushihara Urus-"
"Just don't talk to me I'm not in the mood" Is all I say with venom in my voice as I exit the moon bucks and head straight home.
(Y/n) POV:
I watch as Urushihara leaves. Why did he leave. Was it something I said wait was he listening!!! Oh my gosh I need to go get him. I was about to run out and catch up to him but I feel someone grab my arm. i turn around to find Kodokuna looking up at me.
"It's better if you don't....just leave him alone for now right now you need to chill" Is all she says to me it was a little rude but I did what she said. I sit down and sigh I finish my drink as we keep talking.
After a while it got pretty dark outside so we decided we should start walking home Suzono and Emi went to sleep over at Chiho's as me and Kodokuna walked back to the apartments. As we were walking I notice a dog run by us it was a golden retriever it came straight for us so we both jumped away so it wouldn't run us over. That was weird I look over to Kodokuna she looked surprised. I slightly laugh she just give me a weird look as we keep walking. When we finally make it we head up the stairs (like always carefully)... We open the door with her keys and walk into the hallway.
"Hey hope everything goes fine with you and Urushihara" She says heading towards her own apartment when I try looking for the key I notice a note on the door.
'Hey (Y/n),
Me and Maou are going to be gone for a while the 'king' decided to stay for a lock in at his work bringing me with no choice. So I guess you will have the apartment to yourself well unless Urushihara is there cause we sort a kicked him out of the house for a bit cause he was being a nuisance. So by the time you read this he probably might be there. But anyways please don't make a mess the food I left for you both is in the fridge...unless he ate it all. Anyways see you I guess in the morning.
Sincerely, Ashiya/Aciel'
I grab the note finding the key behind it...ok then. I unlock the door and walk into the room...
MWAHAHAAHAHAHAHA!!! Cliff hanger ok so guys I am making the spin-off like right now...*Cough*
Yes it is the lemon....Soooo hope you guy liked this chapter Like I said I like your guys feed back. Spiri out x3
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