Phone Calls and Pizza
"You will not believe the e-mail I got earlier today." I said, leaning across the counter. I was wrapped up in a bubble of good news and excitement.
Cecil moved the hair out of his face. His eyes seem to sparkle when they registered my grin, no doubt feeding off my positive mood. He was that type of person, I guess.
"Okay. So tell me." He said it like the smartass I knew he was.
Oh, but where to begin? My life was turning upside down, but it was definitely for the better. It was a sign that I was succeeding. I was doing what I loved, and apparently I was one of the best at it.
"You know Salus Regional-"
"Salus Regional Hospital, the hospital that gives you wet dreams at night." Cecil interrupted. The monotone in his voice contradicted the look on his face, which made me certain he was teasing me. "The same hospital that only gives internships to people with top GPAs and the most prestigious teacher recommendations? That Salus Regional Hospital?"
I didn't bother trying to hold back my laughter as I nodded. I never realized how much I rambled about the place.
When I was able to talk again, I said, "Yeah, I got an e-mail from them."
"I figured you would. What did it say?"
I took a breath. Now I understand how the phrase 'walking on air' really feels like.
"I GOT ACCEPTED FOR THE INTERNSHIP!" I didn't mean to yell, but my elation had other ideas in mind.
And it was a good thing we were alone in Cecil's apartment, because he started screaming. In fact, what was coming out of his mouth sounded like the most ungodly noise I'd ever heard. I'm pretty sure the gibberish wasn't even supposed to make sense.
He jumped across the counter, his body slamming into mine. I suddenly found myself trapped in a bear-hug.
"YES!" Cecil hollered, choosing to use his words. "I'M SO PROUD OF YOU!"
We ended up inviting our other friend over, Lou Ellen, and ordering a pizza to celebrate.
I spent a lot of time on the phone with my parents, though. I called them to tell the news, but my original intentions for a short conversation were bashed to pieces when they realized what my internship actually meant.
"Wait, so you're moving? To New York City?" My mother's voice filtered through, asking the same question for the third time. She had the tendency to worry.
I rubbed my eyes with my free hand. "Yes, Mom."
My dad piped up. "That's a long trip.... Have you ever been to a city that large? I don't think you have."
They had me there. I was born and raised in a small town, in the heart of south Georgia. Even the University and the Medical School I graduated from had less than twenty thousand students. How did I plan on handling a city bustling with millions of people?
I never thought that far ahead.
I have no idea what I'm doing. The rush of anxiety made me feel like my head was dumped under cold water. I don't even have a clue how the subway system is supposed to work.
"Honey, are you still there?"
"Yeah." My voice sounded high. I coughed to return it to normalcy, to put myself back in control. "I'll be able to handle it.... At least it'll be different. There's millions of people, surely I can convince someone to be my friend."
"When do you need to be there? One week? Two? Have you made living arrangements yet?" My mom asked, concern still dominating every aspect of her voice.
"Five days - and I have to get off the phone, my friends are doing something stupid. Love you!"
"Wait, did you say five-"
I hung up, dodging the other questions that were thrown my way. I expected them to try to call me back, but they must've decided against it - which is probably for the best.
Feeling overwhelmed, I collapsed in one of the chairs and put my head in my hands.
"Are you okay, Will?" Lou asked, putting a tentative hand on my shoulder.
I sighed.
"I just realized.... I don't know where I'm going to stay when I get to New York, or how to navigate the city.... Maybe this isn't a good idea."
Then Cecil did something incredible. He stood up, moved across the room, and grabbed a box of pizza. He pointed at me.
"You. Eat this." The box fell into my lap. "You shouldn't back out of this internship, all of the 'what ifs' will gnaw at you for the rest of your life if you do. I'm going to get my computer from my room, and then we're going to find you a place to live when you get to New York. Got it?"
"Yeah." I mumbled.
This internship unlocks millions of opportunities, it could be life-changing. I couldn't let it slip through my fingers, it was too important.
Not much time passed before we were all sitting on the floor, the laptop was the center of our focus.
"What about that one?" Lou asked, pointing to the screen. "It looks nice, doesn't it?"
Cecil rolled his eyes at her. "Too nice. Don't forget, Will's drowning in student loans. He's not going to be a rich doctor until he at least finishes the internship, and then he has to complete his residency, and then-"
"Okay, okay. You don't have to remind me." I grumbled. "But you're right. I should probably have roommates to help with expenses, too."
Cecil clicked out of the page and opened a few more. The first one succeeded in grabbing our attention.
No gender preference.
Must be willing to help pay rent and do minimal chores.
Apartment in question is located in Manhattan, NYC.
Arrangements will be made and finalized over the phone.
Call Hazel Levesque
There was also a phone number and a few pictures of the apartment listed, which we scrolled through.
The pictures weren't that bad. Sure, the apartment looked like it'd seen better days, but I didn't plan on spending a lot of time there. The hospital will keep me busy enough, and this wasn't a permanent solution. I'll be able to afford my own place.... eventually.
"Do you want to try calling?"
"Might as well, right? I only have five days - I can't waste time being picky. Hand me my phone." Lou passed it to me, and I proceeded to punch the number in.
I put the phone against my ear, surprised to hear that it only needed to ring once or twice.
"Hi, my name's Will Solace. I'm calling about the ad for a roommate...?"
I've had too much coffee. My bloodstream is pumping with dangerous levels of caffeine. But I'm too far gone. Save yourselves.
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