Chapter V: Lightning
Music: 進撃 pf20130218 巨人
By Hiroyuki Sawano
The wind is blowing, and it raises our mantles. The sea is tumultuous. Huge waves shake it, and crash on the rocky beach. We are on a place of the island where I never went. This is not a green plain like the area near the Eldian convicts' wall. Here, the landscape is more mountainous: le ground is almost not covered by grass, and there are irregular hills everywhere, more or less big. No particularly high rocky peak and no trees in sight... I shake the head when I realize what I'm doing. Even today, I instinctively search spots where I could hook on using the 3DMG. I guess it's normal after what we went trough, we are still careful out of the walls... But it's been several years there isn't any titan to fight on the whole island... Then I felt a drop on my shoulder. It will be raining soon. Before we get visible, Hanji gives her instructions:
"Regroup! Ideally we could watch the enemy forces in order to estimate their amount and their precise nature... We should be able to know how many of these overarmed ships there are. Their torpedoes and their long-ranged cannons are the real danger, they are almost the only armed force of the fleet. We need a hiding place to watch them without being seen. It's imperative to gauge their army to avoid any bad surprise, but I don't want them to spot us...
"Commander!" Armin intervenes. "This boulder should be able to hide us. Moreover I think we are safe from their shells if they spot us."
"We'll be cramped behind this thing, won't we?" Jean asks. "If we're parked here, we won't be free to move if we have to."
"It's better than nothing" Hanji answers. "If all goes well, we won't have to move, so we could stay here. Connie, take the telescope and watch. Discreetly."
He takes his telescope from a pannier and lengthens it. Then he crawls to the top of the boulder and grovels.
"So, where are they..." he starts. "Ah, yeah, alright, I see them."
Actually, no need for telescope to see it. By having a quick look behind the boulder towards the sea, we can distinguish some black smoke among the dark clouds. And under this smoke we see several gray shapes slowly heading toward us. Then there is a luminous flash, and a thunder sound. The storm is breaking, and it's raining harder now.
"...fourteen, fifteen. The account is good." Connie counts. "However, with this downpour, I can't distinguish their weapons very well."
"We'll be entirely soaked..." Sasha groans.
"The problem is that it will reduce our visibility in the fight." Armin says worried.
"It will be a bigger problem for them, won't it?" Jean asks. "It will hinder their cannons. Good."
"Connie, you still can't discern their amenities?" Hanji questions.
"Yeah, a bit better, now they're closer. So, based on the shape of the boats... There must be 4... No, 5 destroyers (Author's Note: aka the most armed ships of the fleet). However, this one is quite strange... It's bigger, but not armed. It looks like a kind of cargo."
Hanji quickly takes his telescope and looks through.
"He certainly carries some munitions and fuel... Unless it's some equipment to settle here? Anyway, they seem to have the same attack configuration as before. Eren and Armin, get ready, it will be your turn soon"
They both silently acquiesce. At my side, Eren puts his hood on to be sneakier. Before he joins Armin, I put my hand on his shoulder:
"Eren... Take care of yourself, okay?"
"Yeah... Don't worry. See you later." he replied, slightly smiling.
I hope so... This moment reminds me of our first battle in Trost... I had a bad feeling about this and before we separate, I said him not to die. He took it wrong. Today, he doesn't push me away when I worry for him or when I overprotect him. He should have understood that I don't do that because I think he's weak, on the contrary.
"Eren, hurry up, we have to go!" Armin calls a few meters away.
"Yeah, I'm coming."
"Good bye, Mikasa" Armin says.
He adds in a low voice so that Eren could not hear it:
"Hey... It was really too shy... You must be more explicit."
"Hm? What are you talking about?"
"Well, you'll have to tell him, one day..." he says winking.
When I finally understand, I blush.
"What?? No! That's not what you..." I start but he is already gone.
Eren and Armin are ready to go to turn into titans on the determined places.
"Enemy ships in coming. You can go." Hanji says.
"We count on you, guys." Jean declares.
They start to galloping towards the enemy, and then they separate to reach two different places. Armin places himself behind a big clump of rocks and Eren hides behind the last boulder before the sea.
Then, successively, two bright glows blind us. A thunderous noise resounds, and, through the earthquakes, we felt the smashing arrival of the two titans.
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