Chapter II: Friend
Music: aots2m他4
By Hiroyuki Sawano
"Mikasa? Something's wrong?"
It's Armin. He's staring me with an interrogative air, his blue eyes giving me a calm but a bit sad look. He may have discerned the tears that pearled in my eyes.
"No, I'm fine... It's just... Nothing..." I answer while sniffing.
"No... You're crying. You can tell me what's wrong, you know... Maybe I can help you?"
"No... You can't... We can't do anything..."
"You're still thinking about this matter of curse, aren't you?"
I look up towards him. How did he guess? Are my thoughts so transparent? He really have the ability to read people's mind as an open book...
"I already said it... You shouldn't think about it now. We haven't yet found a solution, but... I'm sure there is a way to save him." he awkwardly reassures me.
"And what if there aren't any!? In five years, he could die and we couldn't be able to do anything!"
This time my tears are flowing for real, and they disappear in the folds of my scarf.
"I don't know what to hook on. II haven't had this sensation for a long time... I'm desperate, distraught and... depressed."
"You should be determined... That's what you always were, weren't you?"
"I... You... You don't understand..."
"Yes I do understand... Too well" he murmur, lowering the head.
I don't reply. Too late, I realize the impact of my words. Armin too possesses a titan... A few years after Eren, he will go, victim of the curse of Ymir him too. Our future seems to me darker than ever, and my loneliness become heavier. Before closing the door, he says with a toneless voice :
"You should hurry up. The emergency meeting has already begun. See you in the hall."
I sigh. The last time there was this kind of meeting, they discussed about the Marleys threat for hours without taking any new decision. Our strategy didn't change at all. I stand up though. In fact, I just don't want to be sermonized by Captain Runt...
I feel uncomfortable entering the hall. Something serious happened. Everybody is very tense, even the superiors. I head toward my seat, on the right of Eren. He looks melancholic and his face express a kind of pessimism. He has changed so much... A few years ago, when we were in the training corps, I sometimes feared to tell him what I really thought, he could flare up so easily. Of course I didn't abandon him, I knew he was dominated by his anger but under it there was still the little dreamy boy who showed me how to live my life, the one who wrapped his scarf around me. The one who dreamed of happiness and liberty beyond the walls, the one I saw in him at this moment when I thought that all was lost and I told him my feelings trough my thanks. I've always wondered what he feels, what he thought at this moment. I know he wasn't insensitive to my words, but we never talked about this again, and I never dared discuss the topic because I don't know what could be his reaction. After all, he always was at my side, he protected me and guided me but I was never sure about his feelings for me. What is it really? I would give so much to know, but he doesn't let his emotions appear as easily as before. If I fully reveal what I feel for him, I could risk to create a chill between us... This is the last thing I want. I don't want to force things. However, there will be a moment when I will have to tell him...
He catch my look:
I turn my head, realizing that I should be staring at him since a while. He squints eyes:
"Why are you blushing?"
"Hemmmm... I don't know what you're--" I start.
Fortunately for me, our attention shift to Commander Hanji who started to speak at this moment:
"The situation is serious. Our detection troops spotted fifteen battleships heading towards our coasts. It's an unprecedented attack."
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