Character and Titan introductions
For those of you unfamiliar with the TitanFall game series, think of it as Call of Duty, but with parkour, big ass robots with different classes, and an overall better game plot. Well, TitanFall 2 at least. Anyways, here we go!
Y/n L/n
Codename: Excalibur
(In your F/c. And instead of me choosing your theme, YOU get to choose you're own theme. Just comment your theme)
Nyx Ravenfeather
Codename: Volt
(Nyx's theme song)
Designation: RG-5251 or Rogue
Class: Ronin Prime Class Titan
Some of you may be wondering: "Hey, where's my Titan?" Well, I'm leaving that up to you guys. The Titan with the most comments gets chosen. Also, you guys have to specify whether you want it to be a Prime Titan or not. Here's the list of Titans!
Weapon: Splitter Rifle
Offensive ability-Laser Shot: A mounted laser gun basically. Can do minimal or high damage, depending on how long you charge it.
Utility ability-Laser Tripwire: A tripwire that has lasers connecting each tripwire mine. Although it looks like an ordinary tripwire, it functions like a mine bomb. If an enemy Pilot decides to jump over it, the tripwire will still activate, killing the enemy Pilot.
Defensive ability-Vortex Shield: A shield that can block any incoming projectiles or objects, and can send them right back. Careful though, as the more projectiles the Vortex Shield holds, the sooner the duration runs out.
Core-Laser Core: A laser beam that shoots out from Ion's eye (kind of like Cyclops, except it has a limit)
Summary: A Titan that can play almost any role, Ion is a useful Titan. She (yes, they have genders. Depends on their AI though, but it's a she according to the game) can deal high damage if underestimated (since her Splitter Rifle only does 25-50 Titan damage). But be careful, as Ion uses the same power source for all of her abilities.
Weapon: T-203 Thermite Launcher
Offensive ability-Fire Wall: A wall of fire, and can be useful for cutting Titans or Pilots off.
Utility ability-Incendiary Trap: A gas grenade that can be combined with the T-203 Thermite Launcher (the weapon/gun) or Fire Wall to set it off, making the gas grenade explode into a flame trap. It functions the same as the Fire Wall, but has a bit more "area covering".
Defensive ability-Thermal Shield: A flame shield that can block and melt projectiles. While it is a defensive ability, it can also be used as an offensive as well. It can melt enemy Pilots, or cause major damage to enemy Titans.
Core-Flame Core: Scorch slams his fists to the ground, breaking and burning the surface underneath enemies, and can insta-kill a Titan in doomed state or near doomed state, or an enemy Pilot.
Summary: A Titan that is used as an offense and tank. It can cause major damage to enemy Titans if not careful. But as a tank, Scorch is one of the slowest Titans, making him vulnerable to hit-and-run tactics.
Weapon: Plasma Rifle
Offensive ability-Cluster Missile: An unguided missile that explodes into mini-explosions, causing decently high damage.
Utility ability-Tether Trap: A trap that latches on to an enemy Titan, and keeps them there for awhile, giving you time to charge your Plasma Rifle, and shoot them.
Defensive ability-Hover: Even if it isn't technically a defensive ability, you can still use it to dodge heavy blows, as Northstar has light armor plating.
Core-Flight Core: Northstar hovers and sends a barrage of rockets towards the enemy. Keep in mind that Northstar is super vulnerable, and with the light armor plating, you will be an easy target to hit.
Summary: Northstar can easily do some huge damage with a single, fully charged Plasma Rifle shot. If pursued by an enemy Titan, she can use her Tether Trap to keep that Titan in place, and just keep on shooting. But in close range though, then you're pretty much screwed. Light armor plating, plus, being a sniper, isn't going to help you unless you have abilities that allow you to do hit-and-run tactics.
Weapon: Leadwall
Offensive ability-Arc Wave: Ronin electrifies his sword and slices in an arc, sending an electrified Arc Wave that can stun enemy Titans.
Utility ability-Phase Dash: Ronin shortly phases into a different dimension, allowing him to escape or dodge heavy blows/damage.
Defensive ability-Sword Block: Ronin uses his sword to block, and unlike Genji, it has no cooldowns.
Core-Sword Core: Like Genji, Ronin takes his sword out, which is electrified (unlike Genji), and you can slash around all you want. Just don't get reckless and charge in, because that's your ticket to IMC HQ.
Summary: Like Northstar, Ronin has light armor plating, and without a long ranged gun, you'll have to resort to one thing: hit-and-run tactics. With Arc Wave and Phase Dash, you can engage and disengage a fight anytime. Just make sure the enemy doesn't notice you though.
Weapon: 40mm. Tracker Cannon
Offensive ability-Tracking Rockets: Like the name implies, the offensive ability is Tracking Rockets. But in order to track, you must locate. That's where the Sonar Lock comes in.
Utility ability-Sonar Lock: A locater that is launched and allows all allies to see where enemies are, even if they're behind or under things.
Defensive ability-Particle Wall: A wall that is literally almost indestructible, and allows the user to shoot thought it, but blocking enemy projectiles.
Core-Salvo Core: Tone sends a bunch of missiles, and depending where she looks, the missiles will go wherever she looks.
Summary: An overpowered Titan, that can wreck almost any other Titan. But take a mental note that Tone doesn't do well in huge, open spaces, as that leaves her exposed, even if she uses her Particle Wall.
Weapon: Predator Cannon
Offensive ability-Power Shot: A powerful, charged up shot, that can either cause major damage, or knock a Titan back.
Utility ability-Mode Switch: Can switch the Predator Cannon between long or short range.
Defensive ability-Gun Shield: A deployable shield from the Predator Cannon that can block any incoming bullets from Titans.
Core-Smart Core: Two words for you: Aim Bot.
Summary: A tank based Titan that is great at applying pressure on enemies with the Predator Cannon. But just like Scorch, Legion is slower than any other Titan besides Scorch, making him an easy target, with almost no close range defense.
(Best image I could find)
Weapon: XO-16
Offensive ability-Rocket Salvo: Unguided missiles that cause a decent amount of damage.
Utility ability-Rearm: Monarch can reset all cooldowns, meaning she gains her abilities in almost a second. But the cooldown for Rearm is pretty long.
Defensive ability-Energy Siphon: Monarch shoots a beam m, which can stun an enemy Titan, and damaging them a tiny bit. This also gives her a shield (not a literal shield)
Core-Upgrade Core: Monarch can upgrade herself on the battlefield, which is pretty useful.
Summary: Being a mid-range Vanguard class Titan, Monarch is more based around the support area, as her Energy Siphon can give her allies shield as well. Her XO-16 can cause some heavy damage too. But it is hard to hit enemy Pilots with the bullets though.
Y/n's main loadout:
Data Knife
Smart Pistol MK6
Echo's main loadout:
Data Knife:
Smart Pistol MK6:
(HOLY SHIT! You guys have NO IDEA how long it took me to download all of this crap and paste it in this story part! But yeah, just tap on the Titan name or image and comment it's the one you want. Remember, you have to say if you want it to be a Prime Titan or not. Anyways, this is ZEFFEX, signing off! Later!)
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