<My soul comes alive in your embrace>
*Unedited. Please listen to song as you read.*
|Kian: epilogue|
Monday, September 18, 2023
THOUSANDS OF dim lights winked at me as I stepped through the casino, a deep sense of deja-vu enveloping me. Pepper Dem was back in function now —Amir had been caught, thanks to the FBI—the hustle and bustle of money-seeking gamblers filtering into my ears. Business was booming.
A few waitresses greeted me and I nodded in acknowledgement, trudging further into the building, the air hazy from cigars and the calm afro music playing, a blanket of comfort.
Taking a stool by the bar, I signaled a passing waitress clad in the casino's uniform–a red, short skirt, fishnet stockings and a black halter top. "One cocktail, please."
"No, Bella," a lilting voice that instantly hardened my cock, cut in. "That drink is meant for table 4."
I shot my gaze forward, following the rays of the dim lightning that rested on the beautiful, black woman. She reclined against the counter, her afro curls quivering as she shook her head at an uneasy Bella, a glare directed at me.
Again, I went on memory lane, this exact scene, reminding me of the very first time I'd met her. All fuming, the feline curve of her eyes, a rolling storm of thunder and fire.
Well, playing with fire happened to be my favorite pastime.
Hiding a smug smile, I adjusted my cufflinks and ordered, brooking no argument, "Bella, I need that drink. Right. Now."
Abruptly, that stubborn woman, straightened up from the counter, tone curt even as mischief glinted in her amber eyes. "Table 4 now, Bella!"
The tray Bella clutched, trembled slightly as she gaped at me, then at her boss. Trying to pick a stand. Take a side. But who? I could sense her unspoken discomfort as she ruminated inwardly. After all, we were both equally powerful.
Would she obey this intimidating man, wealth and command oozing from his mussed, dark blonde hair to his polished, expensive brogue shoes or was it her boss, already striding forward, her legs poised in a seductive catwalk, model form, the perfect definition of sin?
Ogling at the black woman with a lusty gaze, I added, "If you come any closer lady, I'm going to bend you across my laps and spank that naughty attitude out of you."
A gasp of outrage emerged from her pouty red lips, entwining with that of Bella's. Out of the corner of my eyes, I peeked the dumbfounded expression on the waitress's face.
The red soles of her boss' heels halted right before me, her delicious apple scent, messing with my head. "Leave, Bella. I'll deal with this man."
Bella bobbed her head, relieved and fled.
Brown arms lifted, crossed, the tops of her creamy breasts exposed in that silky, maroon jumpsuit. "This is my casino. I give the orders here, not you and I should pour a glass of wine over your expensive suit for that statement."
"Or you could skip all that and just kiss me, ugo m. Maybe I would learn some manners, Mrs. Fields." My cock hardened into stone as I snaked my right arm around her waist, gathering her closer to me so she stood in between my legs.
Smirking, her lithe fingers tugged my tie out and dragged it forward. Then she whispered, my entire being focused on her lips, on how perfectly curved they were for sin. "How about no, Mr. Fields?"
But the full blown smile, curved on her lips, belied her words. There was no mistaking the invitation that was coated in her breathy tone. Drawn to her lure, I smashed my lips on hers.
Blood pooled in my groin, a groan escaping me as I roamed my hands over her arched back and curvy ass. Wildfire razing my skin, our tongues danced, an erotic rhythm that pulled me in deeper. The whole casino seemed to fade away, and it was just her and I, enclosed in a shield of love and lust.
If anyone stared at us, I gave zero fucks, unconcerned.
"Fuck, Jadesola, iyawo mi," I whimpered into her warm mouth. "I know I've said this before but the taste of you drives me nuts."
"As it should." She grinned against my lips before she pulled away, sucking in a shaky breath, her pupils dilated, as aroused as I was. "What are you doing here, anyway?"
"I came to take my wife home." I stroked my thumb gently on the soft skin of her left shoulder, itching to slide it inside her clothes and caress the entirety of her naked flesh. "It's late, Jadesola. Father and son need the touch of Mummy."
Dots of red covered her cheeks at my double entendre and she moaned, slapping her forehead, "I forgot it was seven already. Fuck, I'm sorry. This place makes me lose all sense of time. I'll get my bag, let me make sure Dad can take care of everything."
"Alright." I kissed her ring finger and let my hands fall away, allowing her some space to leave, even though the urge to kiss her thudded through my veins, an insistent drive. Slanting down, she fixed my crooked tie, gifted me a quick peck on the cheeks before disappearing into the throng that crowded the area.
Today was two years since Richard was killed. The second he'd pushed Jadesola down, I'd panicked, acted quick and shot him in the neck. Yes, I'd killed my father in self-defense and I had no single remorse about it. None. If anything, exhilaration had pumped through me at watching him writhe on the ground in pain, clutching his bloody neck, as his tainted blood gushed forward like a flood, pleading for mercy. Mercy that he'd never granted to his victims. So it was a sweet joy to have killed him because justice for my mother, those innocent girls and Jadesola had been finally served.
The bizarre circumstances surrounding the death of Senator Richard had obviously caused a scandal, the media houses, thrown into a frenzy. Considering our family was very popular, the media had a field day with the knowledge that he'd been A.M, the notorious serial killer. Jared and Magaret, my step-mom had been broken at the news but the passage of time had consoled them.
Kincade, Jadesola's father, was also free now. With my power, connections and evidence, he had been acquitted and all charges dropped. Now, he worked for his daughter as the assistant manager of the casino, their relationship with each other, heading into a close-knit one.
Minutes later, Jadesola arrived, an abashed look etched between her brows. "I caught my parents kissing. Tongue and all, Kian! Ugh!"
Bounding on the ball of my feet, I clasped her wrist to mine, grinning. "Cut him some slack, Jadesola. He's a man who hasn't seen your mom for years, besides Vincent doesn't complain when he catches us smooching in the kitchen."
"Good one." She rolled her eyes as we navigated our way out of her casino and towards my car. "How's Rina, by the way?"
Opening the passenger door, I helped her in and rounded the car to slide inside my own seat. "She's healing, her treatments are going well. I just talked to her today on the phone and she said something about her therapist asking her out on a date. I told her to go for it. Life's too short for us to remain in our comfort zones. Besides, she needs to find love. Just like I did with you."
Fixing a piercing look at her, I stared at her, the epitome of beauty and brains. My heart thudded fast as a smile graced my wife's beautiful face.
"Your eyes, I love how they glow whenever you look so happy," she said, taking my hands in hers and squeezing gently.
I gazed at her for another long while, love shining in those beautiful honey eyes that never failed to steal my breath away. Like they did now.
Moments later, I replied, "That's because they're staring at the most beautiful person I have ever seen. Inside and out. They're looking at the one person I live, breathe and would die for."
Another blush, deeper than the first, bloomed on her cheeks. She knew what I was going to say but she waited anyway. And she wasn't disappointed when I reached forward, to press a kiss on her forehead, tender. My voice, a gentle murmur as I uttered, "You."
"I love you too, Kian," Jadesola whispered, her voice fanning against my chin, a warmth that I craved for. "I will always love you with every single bit of my heart."
"Till the end of time?" I asked, hope and love, these two emotions spilling forth from my tone and heart.
"Till we're both old, teeths rotten, hair balding and everyone's tired of cleaning our mess."
A gruff laugh escaped me, my chest rumbling and I shifted away. "That's a super deal, I guess."
"It sure is." Her sexy lips curved in a smile before slightly fading away. "Let's get going already, I'm pretty sure Olayinka is tired of babysitting Vincent. The endless amount of energy in that boy needs to be studied."
Winking at her, I revved the engine up. "He inherited it from his father."
The melodious sounds of Jadesola's laughter streamed into my ears as we drove to Olayinka's house, a soothing tone.
Back then, after I'd shot Richard and saved Jade, she'd inquired, tears shimmering in her downcast gaze, whether I'd harassed and slept with her cousin.
My fists tightened on the steering wheel at the memory that the bastard had fed her half-assed lies. Stupid cunt.
Of course, I'd bullied Olayinka but I'd never slept with her. It had taken a lot of convincing to gain Jadesola's trust but she'd eventually wavered, choosing to finally believe me. I'd also apologized to Olayinka and Jayden for the awful way I'd treated them in highschool and now, we were good. Sometimes, whenever we were free, we all went out for a family outing, their daughter, the perfect company for Vincent.
Once we arrived at Olayinka's home, Jadesola alighted to get Vincent, our wild one-year old.
Her swaying hips held me captive as she veered across the driveway to Olayinka's entrance, that jumpsuit molded to every curve and contours of her sexy body.
Immediately, my cock shot up, the thought of sinking into her warm, tight pussy tonight, occupying every part of my body.
But it was more than lust.
I loved Jadesola, more than words could tell and I would be forever glad to God that she'd made her way into my life. She'd made me stop viewing the world through a white and black screen, with a cynical eye that did nothing but ruin my perspective. Not only had her presence helped me unlearn all the stupid beliefs that my stupid father had fed me, being with her had taught me that we were all humans. It didn't matter if we had a different skin color, the only thing that mattered was our hearts.
My son's excited blabbering snagged my thoughts off. Darting my eyes forward, I studied mother and son, enjoying the sight that met me as Jadesola carried him from Olayinka's arms. Her cousin perched on the doorstep, waving at me. I waved back behind the wheel. Then she said something to Jadesola–probably goodbye– hugged her, before closing the door.
"Olayinka told me he refused to take his afternoon nap," my wife announced in a worried tone as she hauled Vincent into the front seat, then sliding in. "I wonder how he's still awake now. See how he's jumping up and down."
"Like I said, he got it from his daddy." I wriggled my eyebrows, mischievous, studying my son squirm in his mother's arms once he saw me.
"Dada! Dada!" crying out, Vincent pushed his tiny palms out, big brown eyes that were flecked with blue, widened in happiness.
"Hey, big boy." I lifted him, settling his tiny behind on the bulge of my arms. The baby scent of him, powder, oil and milk tickling my nostrils, a comforting scent. "Mummy told me you refused to sleep."
Curls of luscious, black hair shook, as Vincent tried to mesh his fingers into my hair, his four, milk teeth glinting in a loud scream, "Dada! Dada!"
"You naughty boy." Beaming, I looked down at him. He was the perfect mix of Jadesola and I, his skin, a fine mocha color that was a shade darker than mine and a shade lighter than his mother. He was a beautiful boy that would surely break hearts when he grew up but I would be certain to raise him to be the gentleman I never was.
Sliding my arms beneath his small shirt, I tickled him. Dainty pearls of childish giggles erupted from this tiny boy who already had me wrapped around his fingers, an infectious sound that made me laugh along.
Until a grumpy voice interrupted, "Yeah. Keep on having all the fun while Mummy watches."
I glanced at my wife. Her hands were crossed in mock anger, her lips twisted in a cute pout.
Smiling, I righted my son's clothes, the boy still in the throes of mirth. "I think Mummy's jealous, Vincent and we don't want that. Now, back to Mummy so Daddy can take us home."
Delicate, I handed him to her. Huffing, Jadesola nestled his tiny body on her laps, trying to keep him quiet but he only kicked his feet awry.
"Momaaaaa!" Bouncing up and down her thighs, a telltale sign that he wanted us to tell him his favorite, bedtime story. How we'd first met.
I glanced at his mother. "Who's starting first?"
"You. I guess you tell it better than I do," she said, meeting my gaze, a satisfied expression on her features as she stroked his hair softly. The affectionate way she treated Vincent never failed to have my heart melting and me, falling in love all over again.
Vincent was quiet now, at rapt attention, observing me with those big, expressive eyes. A huge ass smile tugged at my lips as I started, driving out of Olayinka's parking spot, "Well, son, it was the beginning of. . ."
A/N: Ignore the typos and my lack of editing, I was half-crying while writing this.
Anyways, we're done and I'm speechless. Idk what to write in this author's note actually, lol. It just feels weird that my journey with Kian and Jadesola has come to an end. Like it seems like it was just yesterday I started this book (which it wasn't, lmao) and now, they're gone.
I'm gonna take a deep breath ig, and come back to write a letter of acknowledgment to God, all my readers and people who helped me start with this book. I'll post it today, I just need a moment.
Thank you everyone. Vote of thanks and my next line of action coming soon.
Started: June 14,2021
Ended: September 12,2023
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