○×9:silly rules & contracts○×
<Rip out his ego with your fresh nails>
"SIR, SHE'S here now. Miss Jade, meet Mr. Kian---"
And Alice's voice faded away as I stared fixedly at the person on whom all my infernal thoughts of pure hatred were focused solely on. I didn't even know when Alice left, the door a muted click. Perhaps, she had realized that she was talking to a deaf statue.
Apart from the afternoon sunlight streaming into the room, courtesy of the huge glass window behind Kian, and highlighting the awards on the shelf and high tech gadgets by the left corner of the room and the lush sofas by the right, the office was austere. A hostile surrounding muted in grey and ash tones, the place gave off unfriendly vibes, same as its owner who was located in the middle of it all.
He looked up, pen halted midway and then he stood, the harsh bulbs above setting dark forbidding shadows beneath his roguish brow.
The air became rife with a tension so thick I could cut a slab out.
I regarded him through wary eyes. Back in the casino, I hadn't had enough time to scrutinize him--coupled with the casino's dim lighting and the fact that I was angry. But now, I had the chance to.
Tall and broad shouldered, his white shirt clung to the muscles of his defined chest, a glimpse of golden skin peeking behind his unbuttoned, rumpled collar and even though it pained me to admit, the man was drop dead gorgeous, a lady killer.
Impossibly handsome, those stunning deep blue eyes gazed at me, dark lashes fanning his high cheekbones. His striking face seemed to be molded from granite, his sensuous lips, a rosy hue, and his jaw, a perfect chiseled line. His hair was ruffled, as though he'd repeatedly ran his fingers through the blonde strands, adding to the charm he already possessed.
Kian's upper lip curled in amusement, right eyebrow slanted, probably waiting for who would speak up first. His rigid stance reminded me of a jungle cat I'd seen while on a zoo excursion. The confined cat had been prowling in its cage, muscles bunched stiff as it growled at us, amber eyes shining with an unholy light. And like that cat, Kian appeared the same, except that he was free to roam the earth. But he was just as ruthless, wicked, arrogant power coiled tightly within him and in one misstep, just one misstep, he would spring up, intent on mauling the poor soul who dared to cross him, flaying him to death with his razor-sharp claws.
I had a vague feeling that I was that poor soul.
As I stared at him, he stared back at me, cold, azure, penetrating eyes glittering with a hard unidentified emotion.
He slid his eyes slowly across my slim form, choosing to linger at some certain areas. I could feel the intensity of his gaze, like the feverish, passionate caress of an experienced lover. For a moment, I struggled within me, a shudder threatening to take hold of my body.
"Sorry, I seem to have forgotten my manners. Pardon me." His voice was like silk, satiny velvet dipped in warm, melted honey. A tiny tug of awareness unfurled in the depth of my belly.
I didn't respond, instead I hiked my chin a notch up. Despite the fact we were in his office, he wasn't the boss here, I was.
He noticed my aversion and smiled, dimples deepening a slash in his cheeks.
You're not affected, Jadesola. You can never be affected and even as I repeated that mantra non-stop in my head, I had to hold in my breath at that single captivating action.
"Afternoon, Miss Jade-so-la Any-ale-we---"
I cut him off, the bastard didn't even know how to pronounce my name, "Don't bite your tongue trying to pronounce my name. It's Jah-de-sho-la Ah-nyiah-lay-way-chi. Ch as in church." I articulated the syllables, talking ever so slowly, like I would do if I was talking to a kid or a dumb person, then shrugged, "but if it's too hard for you, you can just call me Jah-de."
He bristled, thinly veiled contempt expressed in his eyes. "Pardon me again, Miss Jadesola." He left the 'sh' sound and pronounced it as 's'. It was without doubt that he had done it on purpose.
He rounded the polished desk, long legs swallowing up the distance between us as he stalked towards my direction. Now within a feet of me, he pushed out his right palm for me to shake. A curl of his spicy cologne wafted to my nostrils, teasing me with its earthy and rich scent.
I gave him a slight shake of my head, my red lips pulling back to reveal white teeth. "Sorry but I don't need any white staining my black this morning."
I'd said that both out of retribution and reluctance. I didn't want to feel him yet. Touch him yet. A tiny part of me was scared, if his sexy voice and devilish looks had succeeded in eliciting a reaction from me, then I wondered how his touch would be.
For a second, Kian's cool composure cracked, his brow quirking up in irritation but just as that expression flitted on his attractive face, so did it disappear, his facial features becoming placid once more. He dipped his head. "Of course."
Then he gestured to the seat before his desk. "Please have a seat."
Granting him an award winning smile, I shrugged my coat off, making sure I took my time as I unveiled the sheer gown I wore. I hid a smile as he stilled, his gaze honed on my nipples, stiff from the cold air circulating in his office. A puff of breath escaped him, as he gaped at my body anew, pausing to look on each curve and dip.
I had been right. Slightly disappointed, I did a mental head shake. Men were too easy.
Ignoring the man beside me, I took a seat and laid my coat behind me, crossing my legs. I didn't need a tarot reader to foretell that he was staring at my bare laps, his form towering over me.
Aba na anya.
I cleared my throat aloud as I placed my handbag on the terrazzo floor.
It did the trick. His wits gathered about him, he backed off to stay behind his desk and hunkered down, palms spread on the smooth, veneered surface. His fingernails were trim and clipped short, a gold flashy watch latched onto his wrist. "It's my pleasure to finally speak with you after the last time we met. And talking about that incident, I want to apologize for speaking so rudely to you. That was uncalled for."
"Yes it was and I am also sorry for pouring a glass of wine on you." Since he was bringing this up, I decided to play along.
"Apology accepted. Why don't we start off from a clean slate?"
I inclined my head in agreement, my hair extensions shrouding him from view. I flicked them aside, tucking in two braids behind my left ear. "Of course, I suppose that would be nice."
He nodded and interlocked his fingers. Loads of paperwork, a macbook, a phone and a translucent glass plaque with the engraving, Kian Fields, CEO of Fields Enterprises, occupied his desk. "I heard of your financial losses and I am sorry you had to go through that. That must have been disheartening."
I have never heard sympathy more fake than Kian's but I accepted it nonetheless. "Yes it was and thank you for your concern."
"You're welcome. Now, for the reason why you are here. I went through your casino's qualifications and I was more than satisfied. Pepper Dem has a whole lot of assets that would go down the drain if something isn't done soon and as a person who grabs an opportunity whenever I see one, I am willing to help you out."
For a price. Even if he hadn't spoken that loud, it loomed between us, a hulking elephant.
"What's the catch?" I couldn't help myself. There had to be a catch, a loophole. Offers like these always had one.
Just as he was about to reply, Alice came in. She stood parallel to me, an office file clutched in her grip. "Sorry to interrupt, but here is the file you asked for sir. I am sorry that it's coming an hour later, my computer was acting up and---"
A light came in his eyes as if he'd just thought of something and out of nowhere, he said quietly, without any trace of emotion, "Alice, you're fired."
Outwardly, I schooled my facial features to be one of aloofness but inwards, a million questions ran rampant in my mind, a series of questions churning violently within the confines of my head. How could he just fire her like that? What manner of man was he?
I slid my gaze to the woman next to me, a measure of pity shimmering in my eyes.
"But sir, I. . . I don't under. . . stand s-s-sir," Alice stuttered, shock imprinted on her face. Her pale face was even paler, the blood drained from her cheeks. Her thin lips trembled and I feared that tears would come leaking out of her eyes any moment from now. As much as I wanted to comfort her, I ached to shake her violently, to get her to wake up to the strong female she was. To tell Kian to fuck him and his stupid job up his smelly ass!
A wolfish smile curled along Kian's upper lip. The cruel smile of a predator. "You don't have to understand. All you need to know is that I have found my next personal assistant Alice and she's next to you. Miss Jadesola."
Alice and I gasped simultaneously. She placed her palm on her mouth while I whipped up from my seat, a whirlwind of fury streaming in my veins. The fuck?
He fixed a cold stare at me. "Alice you may leave."
"Sir, please sir, please have a rethink. I---" Alice started, her tone one of dismay.
"Drop that file on my desk and get out. Your job here is done," he gritted out, voice colder than a winter's chilly night. Arctic and glacial. He continued staring at me as he yelled when Alice didn't move, "Out!"
God, this guy was a huge son of a bitch.
Alice dropped the file and whirled around in a flurry of limbs and muffled cries. The door slammed shut.
I had remained quiet for too long. It was unnerving so I uttered, my words accentuated in harsh tones, "Who. The. Fuck. Did. You. Say. Was. Replacing. Alice?" My frame vibrated in barely restrained anger.
He waved a nonchalant hand, pissing me off, increasing the lethal rage fizzing in my blood. "Language, Miss Jadesola, language and please sit down. You asked what the catch was and I just replied."
"Why?" I spat, chest heaving. He glanced at my bosom, a hint of my cleavage on show and my pointed nipples stabbing the thin fabric of my gown, obviously enjoying the view.
"Why what?" he asked, toying with a pen.
"Why are you doing this?" I bit out, my teeth aching with the effort it took me to stifle my scream.
"Oh. I won't tell you why till you sit down." He smirked, thoroughly certain that he had the upper hand here. Well, I would fucking show him who was boss.
I sat down, my eyes flared wide in scorn. My trembling hands were bunched into fists, the nails I'd polished recently, digging into my flesh.
"Why?" I spat again.
"Because I can." He lowered the pen.
"Wait what?!" I voiced my disbelief. Who the fuck did he even think he was?
His voice became hard and brusque. Unyielding. "If you want to save your casino, Miss Jadesola, you'll have to be my personal assistant for the next two months."
This was unbelievable, the situation I'd found myself in. For three good minutes, I was at a loss at what to say, a frown etched between my brows. Stunned, I was unaware of the following words slipping out of me, "I. . . I don't even know how to be a PA."
"Oh yes you do. That degree you have in business administration isn't just for show only," he drawled, relaxing back into his chair as he watched me through hooded eyes.
Now in full control of myself, I shot him a withering glare, wishing that this was not the real world and that I could fashion daggers from my eyes, willing them to dart into his forehead.
He resumed talking, not at all disturbed, "There are ten rules you'll have to follow if you are to be my assistant."
Huh? Rules? I shuttered my expressions, perplexed as hell. I hadn't even agreed to become his personal assistant yet and here he was, about to mention a set of stupid rules I wouldn't be eager to follow.
Kian raised a finger. "First and foremost, you must obey without complaint. Don't question my orders, no matter how ridiculous they might seem to you."
I scoffed, a sneer coating my face. He had to be fucking kidding me.
He ignored my scoff of disdain and added another finger. "No phone calls and texting during work hours, or else they'll be seized throughout the remainder of the day."
Excuse me, but when had I been admitted to secondary school all over again? I wanted to voice my dissatisfaction out, but I shoved it down within me, biting my lips instead.
A third finger. "No speaking of your African language around me."
"Onye ara," I mouthed.
He cocked a brow, a darker shade than his hair. "What did you just say?"
"Nothing," I hissed.
"Good. Now to the fourth rule. You must always answer my every call with master."
"Hell no!" I shook my head, almost darting up from the seat. "No fucking way, Kian Fields." I made sure to stress his name.
Me, Jadesola Kambili Anyalewechi, call the werey master? Over my dead body.
He smiled, unruffled. As if unconcerned. "Fifth is no sassing the boss or talking back. Just like you did now."
I angled my arched brow up, itching to tell him a million rude things in no certain insultive words.
He tapped his index finger against his shaved chin. It was frustrating, the way he drew rules out from his head like he'd been nursing this for a long time, like every single rule was pinned to the surface of his brain.
"The sixth rule is, there will be no interaction with other workmates. Stay clear of the males. In other words, no eyefucking the male workers."
I smothered a tiny smile as he droned on and on, on how fraternizing with the workers was prohibited blah blah, because I knew I would surely break that rule. In fact, I would break all his fucking rules.
I pretended to yawn. I wanted to ruin that cocky attitude of his. "Get on with it Kian, you're boring me to death with all your pathetic rules."
He straightened up, glowering at me, his jaw clenched tightly. Now that was acceptable. His lazy, lackadaisical air was extremely irritating and for some odd reason, I was glad I'd succeeded in drawing out a reaction from him.
"Seventh rule. Whenever I ask you what the time is, you have to say it in Roman numerals."
"You've got to be kidding me." I uncrossed my legs, no longer as angry as before. I was calm, amused even. He just couldn't get more childish now, could he?
Kian shrugged, his lips twitching. The man really needed a tan on his infuriating gorgeous hide.
He adjusted his gold cufflinks. "Eight. Always bow your head whenever you are before me."
This time I couldn't help the mirth that welled out of me. I laughed, gulping in a mouthful of air as I bent down, amusement taking ahold of me. My God, the dude was so darn annoying that it was funny.
"Not gonna lie but boy are you one heck of a clown," I said, still caught in the throes of mirth.
His jaw ticked. "Glad to see I can make you laugh but I bet you won't be smiling once I'm done."
A sneer settled on my lips and I brandished a finger. "No shit."
Lips extended in a thin line, he cracked his knuckles and rolled his shoulders. For a minute, I was transfixed at the way his chest muscles contracted as I fantasized on whether his naked body would be as perfectly sculpted as his charming facial features.
No Jade, that's a no-go area!
"Ten and the final. No wearing of skimpy dresses or clingy short gowns. All your skirts and gowns should pass your knees, if possible reach your ankles. Also, on a final note, if you'll be working for me, you'll have to wear underwear."
I blinked. In my tirade, I had missed the ninth rule. Not that I cared but at the moment, I did for the tenth rule.
He fixed a pointed look at my chest, lingering on my puckered nipples. The air became charged with electricity and I could feel my cheeks turning a bit red as I crossed my arms over my chest again.
He averted his gaze, smirking. Good for him because if he happened to stare at my breasts one more time, there was no telling what I would do.
In a tone brooking no argument, he added, "You will be my subordinate and I will treat you as I see fit. Failure to comply results in the loan I will grant to you being null and void. Now all you have to do is to sign a contract which will be drafted in the next thirty minutes."
"I see," was all I said as he laid back in his chair, probably feeling on top of the world. So he thought he had the upper hand here? Well, Kian was in for a shocking surprise. Something he never expected and on a whim, I called Chloe.
A/N: What dyu think guys? How hot is Kian? Did I get it right?
1. Olodo: Fool.
2. Onye ara: Mad person.
3. Werey: Mad man.
4. Aba na-anya: Someone that stares at something for a long time, gaping.
Nita :-))
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