○×7,8:dress ups & temptations○×
<Don't let the pretty face fool you. I roll like a boss>
Monday, June 14th, 2021
WHAT DID one wear to meet an enemy? Especially when that said enemy was a male?
A very short clingy gown.
Satisfied, I slid my eyes---eyes that burned with fire and brimstone-- to the image before me. Drop dead gorgeous was the woman reflected in the mirror. A fucking temptress.
"It's time someone dealt with that ass, Jadesola. You've got this," I spoke as I flashed a charming grin at my image, white even teeth glinting, buckling myself up for the task at hand.
Yesterday night, I'd finally decided to accept the man's money after much persuasion on Chloe and my mom's part.
I'd spent the better part of my sleeping time browsing on Kian, eager to glean whatever information I could from the Internet and my research hadn't been without success. I had found out that he was a certified player, a ladies man who couldn't resist the soft arousing touch of a woman. Needless to say, I'd honed onto his weakness. Such men like Kian were easy prey to wily predators like me and to disarm him, I had armed myself to the teeth, clad in virtually nothing.
For a brief moment, I thought of ditching the gown and shimmying on a simple skirt and blouse. But, just as Tiwa sang in Koroba, me, I no come this life to suffer. My casino was at stake.
The thought evaporated, like a whiff of smoke. I had to wear this. Needed to wear this. Like the forbidden red apple, my sole aim was to tempt him, to offer him a taste of what he couldn't have for he was only going to look. But not touch. Never touch.
Content with my sultry ensemble, I veered to the side of my room to fetch a pastel mink fur coat. Then I shrugged on the coat, buttoning it and clutched my red Dior leather handbag.
It was time.
Swiping one last look at my neat, uncluttered bedroom, to be sure that everything was in order, I breezed through the living room and made my way down the stairs of my apartment and into the car.
Thirty minutes later, I arrived at my destination, parking the car by the cubicle. A foot out and another foot out, I stood in front of the great Fields' empire, the sun peeking from behind the steel giant.
In sheer wonder, I raised my head, my eyes flared wide as I took in the building.
The Fields enterprise was of intimidating breadth and length, the intricate mesh of solid metal and glass appearing like a harsh forbidding fortress. There was no doubt it had a master, a wicked Lord who desired to conquer all and sundry, situated within its yawning depths. A Lord that I was about to clash head on with.
This is it, Jade.
I puffed my cheeks out, then tightened my hold on my handbag. My spine stiffened in determination and undeterred resolve, I swept past the revolving doors and strode through the gilded hall, the floor beneath me covered in a mosiac of white terrazzo. Sofas and tiny tables littered the cavernous space, few visitors perched on the sofa, whiling away the time until they were attended to.
I pinned my gaze forward into the distance. Ahead, were three receptionists who occupied the front desks, all wreathed in pretty smiles, their hair packed in a tight bun. I chose the first lady in the row.
"Good morning Ma'am and welcome to Fields' enterprises," the red-haired receptionist greeted, smiling warmly. She was dressed in an immaculate white blouse, same as her colleagues. "How may I help you?"
"I am Jadesola Anyalewechi and I have an appointment with Mr. Fields." I placed my bag on the counter, resting my fingers on the cool surface. Thank goodness, I had on my coat, its heated fur enclosing me in a warm pleasant bubble. Without it, the penetrating chill in the air would most likely affect me.
Her thin plucked brows rose for a second but she didn't voice her surprise. Surprise at what, I didn't know. "Okay, give me a minute so I can have a look." She averted her gaze to the computer before her, clicking on the mouse.
"Okay Ma'am, I have taken note of your appointment. You are scheduled to meet with Mr. Fields by eleven o'clock. His office is on the twentieth floor. Go up to the left, through a flight of stairs and you'll see an elevator. It will take you to the 20th floor. Then, walk a bit farther to the left again and you'll meet Alice, Mr. Fields' personal assistant. She'll show you to his office."
"Okay. Thank you---" I glanced at her nametag. "Patricia."
A toothy smile. "You're welcome and have a nice day."
"You too." I grasped my bag and walked off.
Once I climbed up the stairs to the second floor, a series of mechanical noises reached my ears. I took a quick study of my surroundings. Tossed in a sea of intense concentration, people were situated in their cubicles, each appearing busy and absorbed in their task. A clank, the scratching of pen on paper, another buzz of the machines and the soft whirring of the photocopiers punctuated every strike as worker's fingers flew over the keyboards, their eyes glued to the screen as they typed.
I weaved them by, a few curious onlookers lifting their heads up and staring at me. Following Patricia's instructions, I headed in the direction to Kian's office.
A tall black haired woman behind a desk, straightened up from her chair and addressed me, "Hello. I presume that you are Miss Jade-sola Any-ale---"
I winced, interrupting her as she butchered my name, "Just call me Jah-de and yes I am."
A nervous smile as she palmed her black skirt. "My apologies Ma'am. I am Alice Tjarnqvist, Mr. Field's personal assistant. Sorry to inform you but, Mr. Fields isn't available at the moment. He is having a virtual meeting with the board members and if you are not in too much of a hurry, you may have a seat while you wait."
Inside, a wildfire of fury swept through me, ignited at the message that Kian was too busy to attend to me while outside, I spread my lips in a sickly sweet smile. "Of course, I will. Thank you."
I sat in the guest seat, my bag nestled between my thighs.
Alice rounded her desk, a writing pad gripped in her left palm and a pen in the other. "Refreshments, Ma'am? We have tea, coffee, some bagels and croissants. Anything you would like to eat as you wait."
A frown found its way on my forehead, creasing my smooth features. For some weird reason, she seemed a bit too eager to please me.
I shook my head, appreciating her efforts nevertheless. "Thanks for the offer Alice but no."
"Oh okay. No problem then." As stealthy as a mouse, she returned to her desk and once in a while I caught her staring at me, curiosity shining in her dirty brown eyes. Whenever she noticed that I was aware of her relentless scrutiny, she would whip her head immediately, cheeks tainted red as she pretended to fiddle with the computer on her desk.
Amused and slightly nonplussed by her antics, I relaxed against the cold metal seat, the glacial metal burning a chilled brand into my back. So uncomfortable. For a long time, I waited, impatient as hell.
What the fuck was taking Mr. Fields so damn long?
I spared a quick glance at the clock squatting on Alice's work desk. The hour hand was on twelve and the second on thirty. 12:30 pm. The fuck? It was noon already and my appointment had been eleven o'clock in the fucking morning. Jeez. From the little I knew about Kian, I suspected that this was an intentional plan of his.
Inhaling in the crispy air permeating the atmosphere, I decided to keep myself engaged by poring through the handful of magazines placed on a rounded glass table beside the seat. Beautiful models of all shapes and sizes were pictured on the glossy pages, their inviting poses, serving as a reminder of my glorious days as a Wilhelmina model.
"You may come in Ma'am, Mr. Fields is ready to see you," Alice announced.
Nodding, I lifted my eyes away from the magazine, tossing it aside. Then I stalked to the door, Alice in the lead.
Finally, I was going to meet the world's first class asshole.
Kian fucking Fields.
A/N: Yoo, next update coming today!!!!!!
Get ready for the heat, the fireeee! I love Jadesola!!!! She's a bad bitch and I stan a f**king bad bitch!!!
What dyu think?!
1. Ashawo: Prostitute
2. Me I no come this life to suffer: I wasn't given birth in the world to suffer.
3. Caught unfresh: Caught looking ugly or unattractive.
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