2nd and 3rd Dare and 26th-28th Ask
Originality22 (2 dares, 2 asks) and Marker_Demon_I_think (1 ask)
"Yes!" Comic says. A piece of candy pops into existence next to him. Comic grabs it and un-wraps. "Thank you, uh- Marker Demon? Wait- Like, Uncle Marker? Is Uncle Marker a demon!?"
"My parents are nice; They're cool. And what does 'third wheel' mean? But Uncle Blocky does come by sometimes!" Erasable Pen says.
"I'm not sure and I would rather not find out. I'm not melting and would not like to melt," Wax explains.
"I blow the bubbles. I'm not the liquid and I have none. So, no-"
"I got some!"
"Huh..? Who are you?"
"I'm Hail Sign!"
Bubble Blower stares at Hail Sign for a moment. "Ok, then. Who're your parents?" Bubble Blower asks, "Marker, Snowball and Lightning. Anyways, here's the bubble-foundation-thing," Hail Sign hands BB the bottle, "Thanks," she replies. He messes around a bit before turning back to Hail Sign. "Uh- Can you help?" BB asks, "Sure!" HS answers. He unscrews the lid and places it into Bubble Blower. The duo walk over to Bubble. "Hoi, BB; Who's your frie-"
"But... how?" Kite asks.
im writing it out now because its easier
also welcome the new child
Hail Sign! The SnowLightker fanchild!
also SHIPS-
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