Chase's Gambit
Chase was finally starting to feel like he was getting the attention he was due. His parents had long since grown tired of him, pathetic wretches that they were. His mother a manic depressed slave, to his alcoholic father. His whole childhood felt like an oppression, even when he was with his peers it never felt like he was fully appreciated. Now things were different though, he had a realization that people his own age would always see themselves as equal to him. He could never rise above their petty jealousy and feelings of self importance. His new friends were different. They looked up to him, at least enough to agree with him which was all he cared about anyway. It was alright to have a differing opinion as long as you were willing to tow the line when the chips were down. Daniel's girlfriend bothered him a little however, it wasn't her doubtful comments, so much the smirk she wore while sprouting them. He put it down to jealousy again and put her in her place when he needed to. Still their group of five was tight and he had plans to make it tighter. If things worked out, he would have so much more and they would be unbreakable.
The trick had worked a charm although it had been mostly the luck of the rain that had gotten them inside. Chase sat in the lounge eyeing his surrounds through the hessian sack which was quite limiting to his view. The old bag was too busy cleaning up the muddied footprints they had left as they came in to be watching their every move. While the others gathered at the window to watch the torrential rain beat at their lanterns, Chase thought of his next move. When there was finally no more earth to scrape from the floor the old woman had already asked a bunch of questions. For someone so isolated and alone she came across quite friendly, almost bubbly in nature. It seemed the prank had been a hit and instead of frightening the woman, Chase found her to be quite accepting. It threw a spanner in his works and angered him no end. By the time she offered them tea, coffee or biscuits he was so angry he was ready to flip his lid as his dad often called it before he would beat a young Chase senseless.
"Enough!" Chase snapped ripping the prop from his head. "Look at you, Little Miss Living, with her rosy cheeks and beating heart." He pointed at the lady who stopped offering biscuits.
Thunder roared around the house seemingly un dampened by the rain, while inside the cheer was drained instantly from the room and everyone looked at Chase.
"What's that supposed to mean?" Daniel's girlfriend said defiantly but he ignored her.
"Do you know how much work that was, getting all those pumpkins and carving them up?" He asked the old woman with unwavering eyes. "You think I don't know, but I do." He continued without waiting for her reply.
"Know what?" The woman dared questioned him.
"About the money." Chase yelled, as lightning lit the room making his jumpsuit almost fluorescent.
"What money, I don't know what you mean." The old woman looked frightened now but he didn't care. This was what he wanted, he wanted the gang to see his power, wanted them to know he was strong. Strong, able and willing to follow through. Quietly he put his hands in his pockets, touching the cool steel of his butterfly knife he took a deep breath. He was calm and in control, everything was within his control.
"I think we should go." Daniel said quietly starting to rise.
"You're jokin', you're jokin'! I can't believe my ears! Would someone shut this fella up? I'm drownin' in my tears! It's funny, I'm laughing!" Chase sneered mockingly. "You really are too much. And now, with your permission, I'm going to do my stuff."
Before anyone could react he had the wretched woman in his hands, shaking her violently he kept repeated the question.
"Where is the money?"
"Where is the money?"
"Where is it?"
The lady just shook and muttered nonsense about not having any money. When she began to beg, he beat her with his fists, how dare this impudent woman hold out on him. Throwing her to the floor he glanced at the assembled gang, their shocked faces amused him as they sat obediently, just as they should.
Taking a fire stoker he began to beat the woman about her body, releasing each satisfying thud. She coughed blood and he hit her in the mouth with his next swing, shattering her jaw and knocking teeth free. Emily screamed for him to stop as John's sister cling to her sobbing. But Chase was too deep now and he wanted them to join him, the whole way, all or nothing. Swinging at the old woman again he mashed her face until it was a bloody pulp with teeth protruding randomly. Her breathing was stifled as she drowned in her own blood, her body shaking feebly as she tried move, even as she slipped away. Grabbing an urn from the mantle he smashed it over her head with all his might, sending ash billowing around the room in grey clouds. He heaved and coughed as finally his victim lay still, coated in ash with face still bleeding and bloodshot eyes beginning to glaze over.
The money didn't matter now, all that mattered was that his group were in this together. He spun to look each one in the eye but it was too late Emily was already on her way out the back door.
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