Ch. 32 1+1= 4
We made it to the private hospital and the doctors were checking Luke and I out to see how much damage we'd suffered. When they were done I was left with three males with either a confused look or concerned one on their faces.
"So are you going to explain what your questions meant? I know that we need to answer them but I'm confused on how you know we can use magic," Fredrick said scrunching up his eyebrows.
I bit my lip. I wasn't sure how much I should tell them about the goddess, the vision I'd had, and that I knew they were my real family. Especially since I'd barely had time to process it myself. I was so full of jumbled up emotions it was hard to keep track of them. I was happy to have a family that had always wanted me, but I was also really sad. We had missed so much time together. Time we could never get back, and I would always wonder what could've been, if I'd grown up with them. But, Gianna and my adopted parents had all made me who I was. If I'd never been taken away, would I have Liam? Would I still have ended up here and met Alec? How did I even begin to explain all of that to them?
"Because, I... I had a vision and it showed me... it showed me everything. It showed me... that... we're family," Elena said, looking at them with a soft sad smile. I hated not telling them the complete truth, but I felt like I wasn't supposed to say anything about the goddess.
"What do you mean by you saw everything? Did you see who took you? What did they look like?" Fredrick asked frantically. Declan walked over to me and took my right hand.
"I'm so glad that you know now. I have been wanting to tell you for so long, but it was never the right time. I'm sorry," Declan said, a tear rolling unchecked down his cheek.
I patted his hand softly, "It's ok, I understand why you waited." I looked over at Fredrick next, "I do know who it was. It was Gianna. I think she was sent to kill me but she changed her mind and kidnapped me instead." I felt the Earth start shaking underneath us.
"Dear, you need to calm down. She's fine now," Marina said, as she entered the room holding Liam's hand.
Liam let go of her hand and excitedly rushed over to me. "Momma! Grandma said that you were taken by bad guys and that they hurt you and uncle Luke really bad," Liam said with a sniffle. I laid back in my bed momentarily stunned. I didn't really like that he knew about everything that was going on and what had happened to me and Luke. I kinda understood why she'd told him though, at least he'd never have to know that Dalton was his father.
"I'm sorry Elena but he had to know the truth of the situation," Marina said, looking a little nervous that I'd get mad at her.
I took a deep breath and nodded my head, "I understand.... Mom."
"W-what did you say?" she asked, blinking repeatedly in utter surprise.
"I said thank you mom" I said with a smile.
She fell to her knees crying. Fredrick ran towards her, fell to his knees beside her, and wrapped her in his arms.
"She knows, she knows!" Marina says with relief. A knock at the door interrupted them. Marina and Fredrick got up from the floor to let the doctor in.
"So I have some wonderful news for you, Miss Shining. Your wounds are healing quite well and it seems like you're about two months pregnant," the doctor says excitedly.
Everyone was shocked except me. I smiled and said, "Are the babies ok?"
"Babies? What makes you think it's more than one?"
"Oh umm, it's just a mother's intuition," I said with a laugh.
"Well, we won't know until we do an ultrasound, but I'm sending them in just as soon as I'm done. That being said the rest of your family will have to leave the room. Mr. Lambert, before you get upset you can stay if it's ok with your fiance," he said with a smile. He checked my heart rate and blood pressure with a little machine then told me he'd be back later and left and started shooing people out of the room.
A woman caught the door with her foot before it had time to close and pushed it open. She entered the room pushing a big cart in front of her with a machine on top of it that looked kind of like an older model computer.
"If you'll lay back and move your gown out of the way I'll get this started, we're gonna see how your baby's doing," she said kindly.
"Babies," Elena corrected, as she pulled her gown up over her stomach keeping everything else covered with a blanket.
The woman gave her an odd look and squirted gel onto her stomach. She turned her computer towards Elena and I so we'd be able to see the screen. I stepped towards the bed and held Elena's hand, I was a bit nervous but also really excited. The ultrasound tech picked something up off of her cart that looked a little bit like a microphone and placed it on Elena's stomach. After a few minutes a look of surprise came over the woman's face and she looked at Elena slightly bewildered but said nothing. Elena looked up at me and our eyes met. Then the sound of multiple heartbeats filled the room and we shared a smile. I could see several different shapes on the screen but whatever I was looking at was so small it was hard to make heads or tails of it. The woman took several pictures and measurements as she moved the thing around on Elena's tummy.
"Okay, I've got what I need. You can clean up now. The doctor should be in shortly." the woman said. She handed Elena a handful of paper towels, cleaned up her equipment, and left the room.
Elena wiped at the gel on her stomach and fixed her gown. I leaned down towards her and placed my forehead against hers "Multiple babies huh? So we're having twins? Do you know their genders too?" I asked, smiling from ear to ear. I had suddenly become a father of three over night. First Liam and now twins? I couldn't be happier!
Elena opened her mouth to respond when there was a knock on the door. I stood up and walked over to answer it.
The doctor entered the room smiling, "I don't know how you knew but you were right, there's definitely more than one in there."
"Are they both okay?" Elena and I asked at the same time.
He nodded his head. "Yes they're all fine, but it's not twins, it's triplets!"
"What?" I stuttered out, turning a little pale.
"Did you know it was three?" the doctor asked.
"No I just knew it wasn't just one," she said, looking a little overwhelmed herself.
"I'm quite surprised just by the fact that you knew there was more than one. I can't get over it," he said, running his hand through his hair.
"Sometimes a mother just knows," she said, smiling as she was starting to come to terms with the situation. She was already expecting two, what was one more?
"Well I'm going to do one more check up on you," the doctor said, asking her to stand up and turn around so he could see her back. When she turned around I released a low growl of warning and I felt sparks run up and down my back as I stepped in front of her.
"Alec don't make me regret you being here. I'm fine, he's just looking at the marks. Plus I want to get all this over with so we can go home," she said, agitated.
I moved aside and didn't interfere anymore. It was hard not to shove him away from her as I watched the doctor move her gown aside to look at her back. After a few quiet minutes he told her she could sit back down. The doctor sat down on a metal stool with wheels on the bottom and rolled it over to the side of the bed.
"I will be prescribing prenatals and making you an appointment with an obgyn for next month's check up. Besides that you're healthy enough to go home. I'll send in a nurse with your discharge papers," he said, before standing up to leave.
"I'll start getting your stuff together and help you into some real clothes," I said, standing up eager to get away from this place and any more doctors trying to touch my mate.
"Finally!" I heard Elena whisper to herself. Obviously she was just as eager as I was.
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