Ch. 22 Sad Puppydog
I was startled awake by a loud bang. I sat up and looked towards the direction of the noise, but my vision was too blurry to make out much and the pain had me falling back to the bed. I layed there for a few seconds. When the pain subsided a little I blinked the sleepiness from my eyes and looked in the direction of the doorway, which is where I believed the noise came from. I'd thought there were two people there before, but no one was there now.
I heard a relieved sigh to the right of the bed. I looked in that direction and saw Alec, then everything came rushing back. He'd freaking bit me! I glared at him and he actually flinched and looked away with his head slightly bowed.
"YOU! YOU .... FREAKING BIT MY NECK! WHAT THE HECK WAS THAT FOR?" I screeched at him, as I slowly sat up in the bed.
He reached out for my hand but I yanked away before he could get anywhere close to actually touching me.
"I know you're upset right now but I need you to calm down," Alec said, trying to sooth me.
I opened my mouth to scream hell no but then I closed it again and thought about it. I wanted to be understanding, maybe there was some kind of explanation for why he did what he did. Maybe he was into some weird stuff, maybe it was some kind of kink that went too far? Or maybe it was some kind of wolf thing? There was no way to know unless I listened to him. I took a deep breath and let it out slowly. I looked at Alec and patiently waited for him to explain himself.
"Elena," he said, looking into my eyes. It was plain to see that there was a deep sadness there, "I'm really sorry, I know what I did was unacceptable. I completely lost control of myself. I had no idea the mating call would be that strong. I hope you can forgive me," he said, resting his head in his hands.
I sat on the bed frozen for a moment then I looked down at my hands resting in my lap and said, "You know, you are probably the first man to ever say sorry to me? Instead they would always tell me it was my fault not theirs."
I watched him get up from his seat and walk over to a wall, then there was a loud bam followed by the sound of crumbling drywall. I looked at him in astonishment when I realized he'd literally punched a hole in the wall. At that moment I was a little terrified for him.Wait, I thought, shouldn't I be scared of him? Not the other way around? That's when I realized I was starting to fall for him. I heard him punch the wall again and I jump out of the bed quickly grabbing his arm and turning him around before he could take another swing.
"Stop! Please don't hurt yourself anymore!"
I cried out when I saw how bloody his hand was. He realized he was upsetting me and quickly snapped out of it. He wrapped his arms around me being careful not to get blood on me.
"Sorry, I couldn't control my anger anymore. I didn't mean to scare you," he said softly.
"I wasn't scared of you, I was scared for you," I said, pushing him back into a chair.
I went to get the first aid kit that was under the bathroom sink. I stood in the doorway picking through it for what I needed. I found gauze, a wrap, and tape. I placed them on top and sat the box on a coffee table near his chair
"You shouldn't bother yourself with that, it'll heal pretty quickly on its own."
I ignored him and went back to the bathroom to get a damp rag. I glanced at him when I started towards his chair he looked just like a lost puppy. And that was it, I couldn't be mad at him anymore.
I sat on the ground not caring at the moment that my dress was probably all messed up. I started to clean the wounds on his hands. He stayed silent as I cleaned his hand, applied the gauze to his knuckles, and wrapped his hand up with an ace bandage.
When I was finished I looked up at him,"I'm not mad at you Alec. I was at first, but I know you didn't mean to," I said as I touched his cheek gently. "So why do I have a mark on my neck?" I said trying to change the subject.
He turned his head away embarrassed. He cleared his throat and said, "Well, you know how wolves mark what's theirs? We kinda do the same thing, but differently, and it's not complete until we fully become one."
"When you say become one... you mean... like... make love... right?" I said coyly.
He chuckled. "Yes,my xiǎo tián tián," he said huskily.
A shiver ran down my spine.
"And there's more..."
"Of course there is," I mumbled sarcastically, "There always is."
He smiled and gently took my hand, "You see, when I marked you, I started the mating process. Now I have to complete it before the next full moon or we'll both be burning up with lust, and it'll drive all the unmated wolves crazy. Please don't freak out and leave me, I didn't plan on marking you like that. I really didn't, I just lost control for a second and my wolf took control."
"Okay... So, when's the next full moon?" I asked quietly.
"It's in two weeks," he said.
I sighed then sat up a little straighter. "Well that doesn't give us much time for me to meet your family." I smiled sweetly and said, "You will be telling them we're getting married in two weeks."
His eyes widened and his mouth flopped open, "I can't do that! My mom and my sister would kill me!" He said, going suddenly pale. I burst into laughter.
"You're actually scared of your mom and sister? Aren't you supposed to be an alpha?" I asked, wiping the tears from my eyes.
"Hey I'm not the only one who's afraid of them my dad is too! And so is my younger brother!" He said trying to keep the panic out of his voice.
"I thought you only had a sister?" I asked curiously.
"Sorry I haven't mentioned him, I just thought you'd get along better with my sister than my brother," he smiled and ran his hands through his hair. "You're right that you should meet my family though. Both you and Liam. But I think we both should tell my family together."
I smiled and went to his drawers to get some PJs, "Okay, fine. Is Liam okay? Is he in the other room?"
"He's still with Marina, I asked her if she was ok with him spending the night since it's late and I didn't want to bother him," he said from the other side of the bathroom door.
I came out in one of his shirts, he was way taller than me, so the shirt came to about mid thigh. He seemed to get a bit distracted as I continued the conversation.
"Oh, I hope he's okay. I feel bad for leaving him with a person I don't really know," I said as I climbed into the bed.
Alec grabbed a pair of boxers and went into the bathroom. A few minutes later he came out and headed off towards his office area with a blanket.
"Wait!" I sat up and patted the bed next to me, "Stay with me. I mean I'm pretty sure it's okay now since we're soulmate's, right?"
He gave me a lopsided smile and came over to the bed. He pulled me close and covered us up with the blankets. He was asleep in minutes.
"Good night Alec," I whispered, before closing my eyes.
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