Ch.20 Secrets
I can't believe Dalton has met my father and now is working for him! Ugh this causes nothing but problems for me! And if my father figures out who Elana is he's going to kill me for not accomplishing my mission 22 years ago. He'll also get someone else to take care of her and definitely Liam. I can't let him touch Liam! Now I have to think of a way to get us away from my so-called father and hopefully get back my control over Dalton, as if I don't have enough to do. Hmm, maybe if I tell him that the only way to get back at Elena is to hurt her.
"Are you going to just stand there?" Dalton said sarcastically, interrupting my deep thoughts.
"Hmp, I liked you better before you met my dad. If you're thinking about getting revenge on Elena through my father, good luck on that. He'll just use you then toss you away like he does everyone else," I responded, as I started to walk with him.
"You sound bitter. And of course you did, I was following every move you made, but not anymore. I'm following your dad's moves now. And I bet that sucks for you huh? And I know what you're thinking but we made a blood contract," he said with a sneer on his face.
I huffed damn he's a lot smarter than I thought he was. Once you make a blood contract you have no choice but to do it, if you don't you will die painfully. I rolled my eyes and got into the car grumpily.
Where are we going?" I asked, as he started the car.
"Ahh, I can't really tell you that," he smirked evilly. I raised an eyebrow at him. This is going to be a very long and horrible car ride. Terrific.
I hesitantly watched the large group of children play together, but there was one I was paying more attention to than the others. He seemed to be a little bit shy with adults, however when it came to children he was very outgoing. I smiled at that, he was adorable. He reminded me a lot of Declan when he was that age. I decided to go up to the group of children, it was a bit of a risk, but it was one I was willing to take.
"Hello there little ones. May I join your group?" I asked gently.
It seemed like they all looked to one boy, he seemed a bit mature for a two year old. I'm not sure if it was just his facial features or the look he had in his hazel eyes. He nodded once and I carefully sat on the floor with them.
"My name is Marina, what is yours?" I asked the little boy.
"I'm Liam and these are my friends," he gestured to the group of children sitting around him. I nodded my head towards them smiling. They smiled shyly back at me then continued what they were doing. About half of them were finger painting, the other half were making macaroni necklaces. Liam was one of the ones finger painting. I watched him closely as he dipped his finger into the paint, first orange, then blue, then yellow. He slowly used the many different colors to make a picture of something I couldn't identify. He seemed so focused on what he was doing I almost hated to distract him, but I couldn't let this opportunity to bond with him escape.
"What are you making?" I asked him curiously.
He smiled brightly up at me, "I'm making a picture for my momma and my new daddy," he said happily. I tilted my head to the side curiously. New daddy? Does he mean Alec?
I began to see how much he really loved his mom and how much he wanted Alec to be part of his life. It made me feel a little bit relieved to know that they had someone so special in their life, someone who is her equal, someone like Alec. It also made me sad because I'd missed so much in her life. I missed her childhood, her first boyfriend, and her pregnancy. And it wasn't just her, I'd missed out on. I'd missed things for Liam too. Getting to hold him at the hospital, his first steps, his first tooth, and his first words. I'd missed everything. I was so focused on my own misery that I didn't notice at first when Liam got up and ran off. When I finally looked up I saw he was talking to Alec. I smiled softly at them. Alec was squatted down resting on his haunches and Liam was talking rapidly to him. His eyes sparkled as he prattled on and on pointing at the picture he'd made for his mom and Alec. I slowly came over and stood beside them, quietly listening. I didn't want to ruin their moment. Alec looked over Liam's head and sighed in defeat.
"I should have known that you wouldn't give up and leave them alone. Elena is just as stubborn as you are... I hope you didn't tell him anything you shouldn't have. He's still very young and I think his mom should tell him. I'm sorry it has to be like this," Alec said, running a hand through his hair.
I sighed and rolled my eyes. "Of course I didn't say anything. I wanted to see him, maybe get to know him a little. I just want to have a bond with him. Something I've been denied his whole life, and hers too," I said softly, trying to push down my deep sadness and guilt.
"I understand that, that's why I was okay with your husband taking Elena to work instead of one of my guys," Alec said, sympathetically.
Liam looked up at Alec then at me with confusion clear in his eyes. He seemed full of questions, but stayed quiet and listened, as if he knew that was a better way to learn what he wanted to know. He was a smart boy. At least Alec hadn't mentioned the Protector that was guarding Elena. I think if he knew about that too he'd be very upset.
"Anyways, I came here to take a quick break. Now I have to get back to it, but I'll be back to pick you up before I go get your mother from work," Alec told Liam, while ruffling his hair. He smiled, nodded his head, then turned and ran back towards his group of friends. It was then I decided to ask him if I could watch Liam from time to time and I was kinda nervous he would say no to me.
"You know, I could take care of Liam for a bit. If you wanted some alone time with Elena… For, you know… I think people nowadays call it... a date?" I said hopeful.
I saw him hesitate and I wrung my hands together hoping that he couldn't see how nervous I was.
"How about I ask her when we pick her up? If she agrees then we can drop him off at your house on the way back. How does that sound?"
At first I was shocked by his response but I pulled myself together and smiled with a nod of my head.
"Okay, now go back to work," I said smiling, and started shooing him away from the room. As he walked away I opened my mind and relayed to my husband and son what had happened. They were both excited and happy about the news. They said they'd get things ready for him, I shook my head at their eagerness and closed my mind, then went back to talk and play some more with Liam. For once I felt like things were going great.
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