Ch.19 A New Arrival
I was about half way through my work day and I was loving every second of it. I loved children, especially babies. I loved that new baby smell, and how sweet and cuddly they were, and how they look at you with their big innocent eyes. I also liked being about to help deliver the babies. The look on the mother's face when they see their child for the first time is total bliss.
I was finally taking my lunch break and I decided to give Alec a call. The phone rang four times, then I heard a click as he picked up.
"Hey, it's me, Elena. I just wanted to check up on Liam. Is he ok? " I asked.
When he responded you could hear the smile in his voice, "That hurts Elena, you only called me to check on Liam? What about me?" He said teasingly.
I giggled and blushed, looking down at my plate of hospital spaghetti. His playfulness left me at a temporary loss for words.
“Liam’s fine. They just finished lunch, now he’s finger painting with the other kids. How’s your first day going? Is it everything you hoped?”
“It’s great, I love it! Finger painting huh? I don’t think he’s ever done that before, I bet he’s having fun,” I said, regaining my composure.
I was actually a little sad at missing out but also glad Liam was enjoying himself. I fiddled with my food as I listened to his response.
“Yep, actually the playroom has a video feed so parents can check up whenever they want. It even records for those that are extra busy. I’ll get you the information for it. I’m sorry I didn’t think of it sooner,” he said apologetically.
“Thanks, that would be great!” I said, feeling much better about the whole situation.
“What time do you get off?”
"Oh, around 7:30." I said looking down at my watch, I realized with surprise that my lunch break was almost over, "Hey I have to go back to work, but I'll talk to you later ok?"
We said our goodbyes and hung up the phone. I quickly ate my food and went back to work. I spent a few more hours doing paperwork and observing other nurses. It wasn’t too much longer and I’d be through for the day. I was reorganizing the desk supplies when a lady came in looking like she would give birth at any moment.
"Help, I think my water broke,” she said, a little panicked.
I rushed over with a wheelchair and took her to our triage room. I quickly hooked up a fetal monitor to her belly to check the baby's heart rate, and measured her contractions. I saw another nurse passing by the door and stopped her to let her know what was going on. She nodded and left to inform a doctor and I went back to my patient. I let her know that I would be her labor and delivery nurse for a little while.
I had her undress from the waste down and did a swab to check if it really was amniotic fluid. I also did a cervical check too, to see if she was dilated or effaced. Now we just had to wait and watch until it was time for her to push. I let her know she had a little time if she needed to contact her significant other.
"He doesn't know I'm pregnant,” she whispered.
I just nodded my head. It wasn’t my place to ask her why, or anything about her personal life.
"Ok, well put this gown on. Are you going to want an epidural? Or any pain medicine?" I asked her.
"I'm fine for right now,” she said.
"Ok, but let us know if you change your mind,” I said.
We heard a knock on the door, the doctor stuck her head in and asked if she was decent. I nodded my head to let her know that everything was okay and she came in.
"Hello, I'm going to be your doctor,” she said and I took that as my cue to leave the room.
I gave them some privacy and took the time to make sure everything was ready. I checked that the doctor would have everything she needed for mom, baby, and any emergencies that might arise. A couple of hours later the doctor went in to check on her and came rushing back out. She signaled for me to come in. I grabbed the cart I’d prepared with supplies and hurried into the room. I quickly realized the lady was on the verge of giving birth. The doctor was already in her gown and sitting in a chair at the end of the bed. She checked her dilation and watched her contractions on a monitor. I quickly put my gown on and came over to the doctor.
"Ok Alexis, when I tell you to push you are going to push as hard as you can for 10 seconds. Nod if you understand,” she said again glancing at the monitors.
The woman nodded her head. I gently put her feet into the stirrups. I let the doctor know everything was all set. I watched the monitors from the foot of the bed so I’d be ready for her next contraction.
"Ok on three. One, two, three, push!" She said, when the next one started.
An hour or so later the baby was born. He was so beautiful. I handed him gently over to her after the doctor cut the umbilical cord. She smiled radiantly down at her child. I was happy for her.
I let her have a moment with her child then informed her that I needed to check him over. I took all the measurements, cleaned him up, put a diaper on him, and wrapped him in a blanket before giving him back to his mom. I left the room smiling, I was amazed that I was able to do something like that on the very first day.
I checked my watch and realized shift change was very soon. I went to say goodbye to the new mom and baby. I also let her know that someone else would take care of them for the rest of the night. I waved goodbye to my co-workers and thanked the doctor for letting me help with the delivery. She smiled and told me I did a great job. I stopped by the locker room to get my stuff and headed out the door. Alec was outside waiting for me.
I smiled and called out to him, "Hey Alec!"
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