Ch.17 Pieces of the Puzzle
We got back to the pack house about dark. Elena wanted to spend some much needed alone time with her son, and I had some things I needed to take care of in my office. I was trying to finish up some paperwork but I was distracted. My thoughts kept straying back to the family's we talked to earlier. It was always tough telling them something had happened to their loved one's, I was proud of Elena for deciding to do it with me. She'd done an excellent job, especially for her first time. A knock at the door pulled me out of my thoughts.
"Come in."
It was the witch again, I sighed and put the paperwork down. I met her irritated gaze.
"What do you want?" I asked, wanting to get back to my paperwork.
She raised her eyebrow at me, " Is that how you treat your elders? I'm quite ashamed of you," she snapped.
I leaned back in my chair and crossed my arms, impatiently waiting for her to answer the question. She glanced around the room as if she were searching for something, then met my eyes again.
"Look, I know my daughter is here. I don't know exactly where, but I felt her, I still feel her. I know she's somewhere in your territory! Either you let me and my family look for her, or you'll have to answer to your leaders as to why you started a war with us!" She said, angrily.
"We both know that's not what either of us want. Miss?" I asked, trying to get her name. I had no idea who this witch was, only that she looked alot like Elena.
"Oh how rude of me! My name is Marina. You're quite right, I don't want to go to war. But, I will if I have to," she said with determination.
I could tell she was serious, but I also had to protect Elena, " I think I might know where your daughter is. I just don't think it's a good time to tell her about you, I need you to have some patience. She's going through a lot right now, and she has no idea that you even exist."
She looked so sad and defeated, as if I'd just crushed her. I couldn't stay seated knowing I was the cause. I stood, walked over to her, and patted her shoulder trying to comfort her.
"I know you're probably right, it's just I haven't seen her since she was a baby. I missed everything, I missed her whole life," she sadly whispered.
I could hear the tears in her voice. "I understand why you're upset. But why did you miss everything? Where were you? " I asked.
"She was taken from us. We'd never have missed any of it had we been given a choice," a male voice answered.
Standing in the doorway was an older male, I assumed he must be her husband. There was also a younger male, only a few years older than Elena. Luke was standing behind them looking apologetic.
"Sorry, sir. They insisted on coming in," Luke said, looking at them sadly.
I nodded and gave him a hand motion to leave. Luke left the room shutting the door behind him. I looked at the newcomers and waited for them to introduce themselves.
"Sorry for interrupting. However I think my son and I should be part of this conversation too. This is Declan, I'm Fredrick." Fredrick said, gesturing to his son and then himself.
"Hmm, I figured it was something along those lines that would cause you to interfere without my approval," I said calmly.
"Sir, I'm sorry for my father's disrespect. I'm sure you can understand our position though. You see we only just found out my sister was around, I was told she was dead. Now I find out that she's alive and I'd really like to find her," Declan said, looking just as heartbroken as his parents.
"Ah, I see. I'm really sorry for everything y'all have been through. But as I just explained to your mother, I don't really think it would be a great idea for you all to see her right now. Especially since I just found out that she was taken from you. It makes everything that's been happening the last few days make more since. I also feel like I should inform you that she is my mate and will be the Luna of this pack," I said, making eye contact with each of them. I saw shock on all of their faces, then Fredrick's expression changed and he exploded.
"Fuck no! Over my dead body! I will not have my daughter taken away from me again!" He shouted.
I was caught a little off guard when the ground started shaking and rumbling. Marina shot up from her chair and went straight to Fredrick.
"You need to calm down dear. I'm sure he's not going to keep her from us. He wouldn't do that to us or to her. Especially if he's her mate, it would hurt us all too much," she reasoned with him.
"I agree with mom. I don't like it, but I don't think he'd want to separate us unless it was best for her," Declan said, also trying to calm him down.
His shoulders relaxed slightly, and everything went still again. I realized then who they were. I couldn't believe it! No wonder she was able to see the sign before her accident. She's a pureblood-witch! Clearly she doesn't know that though. It'll be just as big of a shock to her as it is to me.
"Your highness, I should have known it was you. I'm sorry for not showing you proper etiquette," I said, giving a slight bow.
"Oh please, don't call us that and I apologize for my husband's anger. But why are you willing to believe us?" She asked.
I smiled, "Well that's because you look just like her, Marina. Elena also has your stubbornness, Fredrick."
They smiled at each other.
"Okay, we will let you handle this situation for now. I do have to warn you that whoever took our daughter is probably still with her. Please be careful," she said pleadingly.
I nodded my understanding. They stood up and left the office. I sat back down in my chair, feeling a bit tired. Things were finally starting to make sense, now I needed to find Gianna.
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