Chapter 9
Its been a week since Cenn and the gang left the city. They were running low on supplies and they were almost to The Resistance HQ. They were riding they were riding their bikes north, and they came to the border between the southern country to the middle country.
Cenn braked his bike, and looked back at the country that he called home. A tear ran down his cheek when he realized that he might not come back here until this was all over. And that was if this was over. What if he was killed and the Black Fist successfully summoned the beast?
"Cenn." Kai came up from behind him on his bike. "We need to get going."
"Yeah." Cenn responded.
Cenn made a promise to himself at that moment. He would not only defeat the Black Fist for his own country, but for the whole world.
Cenn revved up his bike and all of them crossed the border to the middle country.
Just as they crossed the border, a huge explosion went off. They saw smoke rise in the distance.
"Holy shit!" Yelled Kane.
"Thats in the direction of the HQ!" Girae explained. "Something must've happened!!"
"We need to get there and fast!" Cenn said.
They rod over hills and Cenn went full speed, wasting a ton of gas.
There were many hills, contrary to the southern country which was mostly grasslands and plains.
Cenn looked at his gas gauge. It was almost empty.
"Crap..." He said to himself.
"Whats wrong?" Kairi said.
"We're almost out of gas..." Cenn decided to get the most out of his last amount of gas. He sped far ahead of everyone else, and Kairi held on tight to him, trying not to let go. The engine sputtered, and stopped working. They were now just rolling across the the grass, just as fast as they were when the engine was running. Cenn drifted to the side, progressively slowing down.
When the bike came to a stop, Cenn looked into the distance to where the smoke was rising. It was about twenty miles away.
"Damn it..." He said, "We'll never get there in time...."
The rest of the gang suddenly came up behind them, their engines also unable to work. They had no gas, barely any food, and the HQ had just been attacked.
"What if there is a way we could get there in time." Aori said, "Well, at least two of us."
"What do you mean?" Kane said.
"Cenn could use his ability to get another one of us there and help them."
Everyone looked at Cenn.
"What are you talking about?" He said.
"Enhance your legs," she said, "enhance them as much as you can. Take one of us with you so you two cam both help."
"Well," he said, "I guess I can try."
"Great!" She said, "now you just need to pick someone to go with you."
Cenn instantly knew who.
"Kai," he said, "you come with me."
"Alright," he said.
"I know this might sound weird, but you need to get on my back," he said to Kai.
"Okay..?" He said. He climbed onto his back.
"I'll come back for you guys," Cenn said and looked at Kairi. She nodded.
Cenn Enhanced his legs as much as he could. He felt lighter, like he could jump thirty feet into the air. He got ready to run.
Cenn suddenly took off at blinding speed.
Everything was a blur, but he soon made it to the HQ in about ten minutes.
The Black Fist was swarming around the outside and inside of the building.
"We need a plan..." Cenn said.
"How about," he said, "ill be in front of you at first when we charge in. Ill activate my shield and when we get close enough, you jump out and start beating everyone to a bloody pulp!"
"That was a little morbid."
"Sorry I get like that."
"Alright lets go."
Kai activated his Omnishard shield, nodded to Cenn, then jumped out from behind their hiding place and charged into battle.
Black Fist soldier started shooting magic blasts at Kai, but they all absorbed into his shield. When Kai got close enough, Cenn bolted out from behind his hiding place and ran behind Kai.
Cenn enhanced his legs and jumped over Kai and his shield, then switched his enhancement to his fists. He unsheathed his sword and raised it over his head. He landed in the middle of the crowd of Black Fist soldiers that were outside.
Cenn swung his sword at lightning speed, cutting down all of the Black Fist soldiers in his way. A soldier tried to attack him from behind, but Cenn's reflexes were cat-like. He enhanced his foot, and round-house kicked the soldier who tried to attack him. The soldier went flying into even more soldiers, which knocked them down. Soon, a clear path between all of the soldiers led them inside of the building. The front entrance looked like repairs were already being done to the front entrance when the building was attacked. That meant an attack had already happened before he got there.
Kai and Cenn ran into the building, Cenn's humongous sword swinging at soldiers that tried to attack them, and Kai blocking from behind. There were Resistance soldiers shooting at the Black Fist soldiers. Cenn was looking around when he saw a girl on the balcony jump down and start shooting at the Black Fist soldiers.
She had short dirty blonde hair and deep blue eyes. She looked around fifteen years old.
Cenn instantly knew who it was, but it couldn't believe it was real. It couldn't be real.
The person that Cenn had picked out was none other than his supposedly dead sister, Keri. She was a beast. She shot down many of the Black Fist soldiers in front of her, and she wielded dual desert eagles, which he thought was pretty bad ass.
He saw a Black Fist soldier charge up a magic blast and shoot it at her. She couldn't dodge.
He looked at Kai and yelled, "I'M GOING TO THROW YOU!!!"
"WHAT?!?" He said in response.
Cenn pointed in the direction of Keri, who was about to be shot by a blast of fire magic.
Kai nodded. Cenn grabbed him by the ankles and started to spin around. He enhanced his arms and legs, making him turn faster.
Cenn then threw Kai in Keri's direction.
Kai rocketed towards her, and landed in front of her. He absorbed the attack. He then threw his sword at the soldier, piercing him through the heart.
"You should watch out for those," he said.
Keri looked confused, and so was Kai, as he didn't know who this random girl was.
Meanwhile, Cenn was fighting off Black Fist soldiers. While he was slashing at the soldiers, he suddenly got an idea. Cenn stabbed his sword into the ground and enhanced his legs. He jumped high in the air, up to the ceiling. He jumped off the ceiling, enhancing his fist in the process. He hit the floor, punching the ground and creating a shockwave. The shockwave blew everyone, including Resistance soldiers. They all hit against the wall, knocking numerous people out.
Cenn stood in the middle of the room, alone. He was facing the opposite direction in which Keri was.
He turned around, and looked at Keri.
"Come on, Cenn, you didn't have to do that," Kai said.
He wasn't paying attention to Kai, all he was doing was looking at Keri.
He finally spoke after a long silence.
"Hey, sis."
Thanks guys! Hope you liked this chapter! Please share this with all your friends, or at least the ones with Wattpad!! Thanks!
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