Chapter 4
"H-how do you know my name?" asked Cenn in confusion.
"Like I said," Kai explained, "I've been watching you."
"For how long, exactly?"
"Long enough."
"What else do you know about me?"
"I know about your unique ability."
Cenn looked surprised. "The only people I told a out that are Kane and Kairi. How would you know about that?"
"Do I really need to say it again?"
"At least tell me how you did it without me noticing."
"I'm really confused..."
"Let me explain everything then, will ya?"
Kai stood up and put his hands on the table.
"You know those guys back there? The ones with the black robes?" Cenn nodded. "They are called the Black Fist, a rogue organization of Omnibearers that will not stop at anything to achieve their goals. No matter who or what is in their way, they will always win." He stopped leaning on the table and stood up straight. He turned around slowly so that his back was facing them. "I used to be a part of this organization. And I regret every second of me being in it."
Cenn and Kane looked at each other, Kane nodded, signaling that he already knew everything, then looked back at Kai.
"I joined the Black Fist when I was seven years old. I thought the organization was cool, that their ideas and motives were effective. That was a dark time in my life."
He turned around to face them again.
"My mother had murdered my father. This was because my father was abusive to both her and I. My mother ended up in jail, so I was orphaned. Another reason I joined the Black Fist was because I needed food and shelter. I thought I was making a good choice." He looked down at his feet. "But after a while... about three years or so... I found out their true intentions..."
"And what was that?" Cenn asked.
"They want to revive a creature of pure destruction, a demigod if you will. It's name is Zannos, and if they revive that beast the world as you know it will be annihilated."
"And let me guess," Cenn said, "I'm the only one who can stop them."
"That's just stupid!" Cenn jumped out of his seat and slammed his fist on the table. "First, it was Kane who told me that I have a 'Stage Five' Omnishard, And now you are telling me that I'm the only one who can stop these people? This is bullshit!"
Cenn stormed out of the room, walking into the dining room and slamming the door behind him.
Kai started to go after him, but Kane stopped him.
"He's gone through a lot." He said to Kai. "Just let him think it over. He has a lot on his shoulders already."
Kai nodded and walked back to the table.
Cenn sat at the dining room table, his head in his hands. He never wanted any of this. He never wanted to be called "The Chosen One." He never wanted to have some almighty power. He never wanted his family to die.
He suddenly remembered something from that night. The night his parents died. The image of the killer flashed before his eyes. It wasn't his face he was worried about. It was what he was wearing.
All black.
He suddenly got it. The killer wasn't just some crazed maniac that just so happened to come across his house and kill his entire family. This man was sent there by the Black Fist. They sent him to kill the only thing that could stop them.
They sent him to kill Cenn.
He got up from the table and walked towards the door to the common room. He opened the door. Kai and Kane looked up from the table at him. He had anger in his eyes. His Omnishard was glowing and his eyes were light blue.
"You said they'd annihilate the world, Kai?" He said in an angry tone. Kai nodded. "I'll kill them all before that happens."
"Alright." Kai said, "I'll explain the rest of what's happening. You know how you have a stage five Omnishard, Cenn?"
Cenn nodded.
"Well, I have a stage four Omnishard. Its significantly more powerful than the first three stages, but nowhere near as powerful as a stage five, such as yourself."
Kai paced back and forth.
"Im going to explain something to you that might be a little confusing."
Cenn suddenly got very focused.
"People with Omnishards stage 3 or above have the chance of getting something that I like to call a 'Unique Ability.' This is an ability that doesn't have anything to do with the elemental magics that you are aware of. Unique abilities, as the name may suggest, are different for every person. The chance of getting one is also very low. Unless you have a stage five Omnishard, of course."
He looked Cenn in the eye.
"Stage five Omnibearers have a 100% chance of getting a unique ability."
Cenn knew what he was talking about. That must be what his enhancement power was. But this just made have more questions.
"I have a question," said Cenn.
"Shoot." said Kai.
"What are some other unique abilities that you know of?"
"Well, there's mine for instance."
"YOU HAVE ONE?!" Cenn was shocked.
"Yes I do." He rolled up his sleeve to show his Omnishard. It was a lime green, which signified a stage four. The Omnishard started to glow. A barrier started to form with the Omnishard as its base. After it finished forming, it solidified. His Omnishard has a built in shield.
The shield was a normal size for one, but it was transparent and seemed to be made of a crystalline substance. It was green, like his Omnishard.
"Thats so cool!" Cenn said, amazed.
"Thats not all," Kai said, "why don't you try shooting a blast of elemental magic at it?"
"Any kind?"
Cenn decided to use lightning magic, since it was the fastest. His Omnishard started to glow, and sparks started forming around the palm of his hand. He charged up a bolt of lightning. A ball of energy formed in his hand.
He threw a lightning bolt at Kai's shield. As soon as the bolt hit the shield, it absorbed into the Omnishard at the center.
"What..." Cenn was genuinely surprised.
"This shield can deflect or absorb any kind of elemental magic. Did you really think that this was just some regular old shield that just so happens to come out of my Omnishard?"
"Well, yeah..."
"I can also make it any size or shape I want. Right now the maximum size is about ten feet wide when its in its circular form."
"That's pretty big."
"Alright," Kai said as he retracted his shield. "I also happen to know that you have a unique ability as well."
"Your strength enhancement is something like I've never seen before. I've seen someone who can increase their muscle mass in their arm to make it stronger, but nothing like your's."
Cenn looked down at his Omnishard. The light blue tinge made it look beautiful in the room light.
"Alright, I think its time we went to bed."
Kai went over to Cenn and put his hand on his shoulder.
"Tomorrow, we go back up."
Cenn nodded.
Kai sat down on a couch in the living room, and Kane did the same.
"Wait," Cenn said, "where do I sleep?"
"You can sleep with Kairi in the bedroom."
Cenn's face instantly turned red. Kai winked at him.
"I can tell you like her." He mouthed at him.
Cenn walked over to the bedroom door. He opened it slowly, just so he didn't wake her up. He slowly walked into the room, and closed the door behind him.
He looked over at Kairi. She was still asleep. Good. He sat on the floor next to her and leaned against the bed. As he was beginning to close his eyes, he heard a voice.
"Cenn..?" It was Kairi.
"You look cold down there, do you want to sleep up here with me?"
If she was asking him, he didn't want to hurt her feelings by saying no.
Kairi moved over so he could fit. He took of the armor that was attached to his clothes, slipping the back armor through his wings. He climbed into the bed, trying not to have his wings touch her.
"Cenn..." She said.
"I'm scared..." She moved closer to him.
"I know..." He wrapped his wing around her, to keep her warm. "I'm scared too... But we can be scared together, okay?"
She giggled. "Okay..." She wrapped her arms around him.
"Just know...I will always protect you, alright?"
She smiled and looked into his milky white eyes.
"I already knew that..." She said.
She fell asleep. Without her even noticing, he kissed her on the forehead. Then, he fell asleep, his wing wrapped around her.
Hey guys! I hope you like this chapter! I'm really sorry that these last two chapters came out so late, I lost track of time because I had the school play to practice for, and I had dance classes right after that. I hope you guys aren't mad at me! Thank you again for all the support!
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