Chapter 1
It was a quiet day, as usual. Until Cenn woke up. Practically everyone in town heard the door whip open and slam into the outside wall. He ran outside and took off flying, literally. He flew around the town cheering out loud. It was his seventeenth birthday, and everyone in town knew it. He landed in front of the market and ran inside. He grabbed some baking ingredients and ran over to the cashier. He knew the cashier since he had been living in the town for almost seven years now.
"Hey!" he said excitedly.
"Hey, Cenn," he said. "It's your birthday today, isn't it?"
"Well, happy birthday!"
He paid for the ingredients and ran out. He flew back to Kane's house, where he was still living. He opened the door and and called out for him.
"I got the ingredients for the cake!" He said with enthusiasm.
Kane turned around the corner of the door to his workshop, holding a big box in his arms.
"Great! We'll get cooking in about an hour."
"What's in the box?" asked Cenn. He walked towards Kane so he could help him with carrying it. Cenn was almost as tall as Kane now, about five foot eleven inches.
"It's a surprise," said Kane with a wink. "You'll find out soon."
"I'm going outside to practice."
"Alright. I'll start baking the cake."
"Thanks, Kane!"
He walked through the back door to where Cenn had set up his targets. Cenn had made this contraption five years prior, when Kane had first taught him about clockwork and all of the moving parts. All Cenn had to do to start it was pull a lever and wait a couple of seconds. He stepped into the platform and activated his Omnishard. Cenn had been training in three different types of elemental magic: Lightning, Ice, and Light. Light was a very rare element to be able to control, but Cenn was able to within the first couple of weeks of practice. Light was mainly used for healing, but it could also be used to attack. Lightning and Ice are both attacking elements. Cenn was self trained in magic, which is very hard to do considering that you need some sort of understanding of how to harness the elements you want when you want to control a certain element. He could've gotten training from one of the soldiers, but he didn't think of that as an essential. He got some tips from one of them, but that was the extent of it. The rest was all himself.
Omnishards aren't natural to the human body. In fact, if you want to introduce an Omnishard to the human body completely naturally, the previous generation needs to have an Omnishard implanted into them for the Shard to form from the human body naturally. But it was different for Cenn. He was born with an Omnishard in a family of non-magic users. So, basically, he was the only one in his family who had an Omnishard. Omnishards act as a source of power for the elemental changes, and it takes more energy to change between elements in the middle of a battle rather than using the same element the entire fight. But Cenn is also different in this matter as well. He can change between elements quite freely, and it doesn't take as much energy to do so during battle. He hadn't decided to go to someone to explain it to him until then, but even then, he was hesitant to do so.
"Okay..." he said. He put his hand in the lever. He pulled it down getting ready to shoot. His hand started to spark with lightning magic. The targets sprung to life, moving around him in various different motions.
He threw a bolt of lightning to his left, and hit one of the targets that was moving past straight on the bullseye. He another bolt at one in front of him, then did a back flip. In the middle of the flip, he threw a lightning bolt at a target above him, hitting it straight in the middle. When he landed, he quickly turned around and shot at one behind him. All of the targets receded back to the slots, and the next wave began. A total of twenty targets circled around him, making a makeshift border around Cenn. He charged up an ice blast. A ball of ice magic formed in his right hand. He slammed it into the ground, a blast of ice magic going in every possible direction. All of the targets froze.
The targets receded, and the session was over. He stood there, his Omnishard's glow starting to fade. He looked into the sky, closing his eyes and slowly exhaling.
He then heard a slow clap from the door way. He turned around to look at who was making the sound, and in the doorway stood a human girl about his age. She had sky blue eyes, and dirty blonde hair that went down to her shoulders. She wore overalls, so he could tell that she was of a working class, like himself. She wore a maroon teeshirt under the overalls. She had high boots with the laces tied only up to the middle of her calf. She wasn't very tall, only about five foot four inches.
"Nice show," She said with a smirk on her face.
He blushed and looked at his feet. She giggled.
"You okay?" She walked over to him and looked at him straight in the eyes.
"You have pretty eyes..." She said, looking into his milky white irises. The separation between his irises and the whites of his eyes were still there, a little black line separating them, but his irises and pupil were both a grey-white. He blushed even harder.
She stepped away from his face. "I'm Kairi." She said, holding out her hand for him to shake. "I'm new to this town."
"C-Cenn..." he said, accepting the shake.
"Oh, so you do speak!" She said laughing under her breath.
"Yeah." He said. He relaxed a bit. He found comfort in talking to her all of the sudden. He unfolded his wings from behind his back.
"You're a harpy, right?" She asked. She seemed to be very interested.
"So you can fly?"
As she said this, Kane opened the back door.
"Come on, Cenn!" He said, waving him inside.
"I got to go." Cenn said, starting to walk away.
"Bye!" She said waving vigorously.
He closed the door behind him, following Kane into the kitchen.
"So," he said, smirking at Cenn. "Was that your girlfriend?" Cenn looked away, trying to hide his beat red face.
"She's new, so I guess someone told her that there was a kid around her age in the town," he said to clear up the confusion. "I think she likes you..."
"No she doesn't..."
"Come on, you saw the way she was looking at you!"
"Let's just get to eating, okay?"
They sat down at the dinner table, and Kane wished Cenn a happy birthday. Kane ate very politely, while Cenn started chowing down on the cake, since he hadn't had cake since last year.
"Alright!" Kane said after they were done with their cake. "Time for your present!"
"Present?" Cenn looked confused. Kane walked out of the room and brought in the big box that he had moved early that morning. He put it on the table. As he did, the table shook with the weight.
"I made this myself." Kane said with pride. Cenn inspected the box, looking at it like it was some sort of alien artifact.
"Well, go on!" Kane said. "Open it!"
Cenn ripped off the tape and opened up the box. Whatever it was it was wrapped in paper and Kane told him to be careful. He tore the paper off, and his eyes lit up.
A gigantic sword lay in the box. The blade was five feet long, the handle put an extra ten inches into the overall length. The sword was almost as tall as him, and as wide as him as well. It had one edge, and it curved into a point at the tip. The guard was made to accommodate the humongous size of the blade. The handle could fit two hands, so it would be easier to carry. The blade was made of pure titanium, and it had been colored black. But there was something else. Something glinted in the middle of where the guard met the blade. It was an Omnishard. It was bigger than normal, but it was still as prominent as ever.
"Where did you get the money to pay for all of the materials?" Cenn asked, shocked.
"I had to sell some things." Kane admitted. "But it was all worth it in the end."
"Thank you so much, Kane!" Cenn hugged him tight.
"Don't mention it, man."
"So how do I pick it up..?" Cenn asked.
"That's the other thing..." Kane started.
Cenn looked confused. "What I believe about your Omnishard is that it enhances your physical and magical strength. I don't know how but it does. What I believe," Kane walked over to the sword, "Is that you could use that power to lift the sword with ease."
"But Kane," Cenn said. "I haven't used that power since the night of my family's death!" Cenn said as he reminisced about how it happened.
"I know," Kane said, "that's why I am going to help you."
"Really?" Cenn's eyes lit up.
"I have a theory as to why your power activated then. And if it's still there or not."
He put his hand on Cenn's shoulder.
"I believe that you can do this, Cenn." He said confidently. "After all, I wouldn't have made you this humongous sword if I didn't."
Cenn laughed. He smiled at Kane, clearly grateful.
"Now go have some fun for the rest of the day! It's your birthday, after all."
Cenn ran out the door and flew around down, nose diving wherever it was necessary and even places where it wasn't. He flew around for a solid hour before it started getting dark. He landed on a tree The was on the border of the town. He took in the quietness of the area. He doesn't usually get these moments of just pure silence, but when he does get them, he loves it. Then someone broke the silence.
"Cenn!" Yelled a high pitched voice from below. Cenn looked down and saw Kairi waving up to him.
"Can I come up there?" She asked.
"S-sure!" He flew down to help her.
"Can I fly up with you?" She asked.
"How are you going to do that? You don't have wings."
"You can carry me!"
Cenn blushed. A girl was asking him to carry her? This was the first time he had ever talked to a girl his age, since all of the kids in the town were much younger than him. Kairi walked around to his back and jumped on piggy back style.
"Um," Cenn started, "I kinda need my wings to fly, Kairi."
"Oh, right," Kairi said, blushing and looking very embarrassed. Cenn picked her up and adjusted himself to fly up to the tree. She looped her arms around his neck to secure herself. They came up to the top of the tree, and he landed on a branch that could sustain their weight. He put her down and they sat and looked at the sunset. Kairi talked to him the entire time, but Cenn would only answer with simple one word answers.
"Don't you hate it when you are buying apples from the market and they weigh them out to be heavier than they actually are, so you have to pay more for apples that you already are barely able to afford?"
"What's your favorite food? Mine is fried chicken. I love fried chicken. Have you had fried chicken before?"
"Oh my god, you have to try it. It is so good! Anyway, what's your favorite food?"
And this went on for quite some time.
The sun started to set. The colors broke out into a neon orange and deep purple that filled the sky.
"Wow..." Kairi said, amazed at the sight. "I've never seen such a beautiful sunset..."
"The sunsets here are very pretty." Cenn explained. This has been the first full sentence he had spoken to her in the amount of time they had been together that night. She looked at him and smiled.
"I should probably get back home," she said, "it's getting kinda late."
She started to climb down the tree, but Cenn stopped her.
"It's safer if I carry you down."
"True..." She said. He picked her up slowly descended to the ground. When they landed, he put her down and she brushed herself off.
"Well," She began, "it was fun talking to you!" She said with a wide grin on her face. Her dirty blonde hair fell in front of her eye, and her blue eyes sparkled in the night sky.
"Yeah." He said smiling back. She turned around and skipped away. He watched her as skipped along the sidewalk, her hair bouncing up and down as she went. He turned to go back home. As he walked through the kitchen, he looked down at the sword laying in its box. The Omnishard that was implanted into it shone in the evening light. Tomorrow would be a long day. He went to his room and jumped into bed, his metal leg clanking as he tapped the edge. He looked at the ceiling for a solid hour before finding the ability to fall asleep.
Thanks for reading guys!! I know this came out earlier than I said and I know it's REALLY LONG, but I hope you enjoyed! Now we will be able to see if Cenn is able to wield that huge sword! Also, just to clarify, Kairi's character is based off of my real-life girlfriend. See you next week!
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