Omen was finally in his cell again, it took ten hours for them to finally send him back to his cell. He spent all day healing, even then he wasn't completely healed by the time he left to see Mia. When he finally got there he was a bit tired but he had still made it, now he just had to get the money and weapons so he could leave.
Mia ran her operation in a warehouse, for some reason it seemed like a lot of people used warehouses for their businesses. Of course a lot of them also had cover businesses but the warehouses seemed to be an essential for these people. Omen made the lights flicker and he suddenly appeared in the warehouse out of nowhere.
Mia saw him and she looked calm and serious, she was a good business woman since she could control her emotions so well. Mia approached Omen while her men scattered, "Is the job done?"
"Both of them are, they won't be bothering you anymore."
Mia nodded before she gestured for one of her men to come forward, they were holding two suitcases. "Here's the money." Mia gestured for another three men to come over and they all dragged a large case over, likely containing the weapons. "These are the weapons, you can take whatever you want from the case."
Once the case had been dragged over the three men left and Mia was about to open the case but Omen stopped her. Omen opened the case himself and looked inside, he was actually impressed with the weapons inside the case. Mia pressed a button on the inside of the case and a secret drawer popped open, it contained even more weapons.
Omen looked at all of the weapons and decided on several weapons he liked. There were two swords with a dragon carved on the metal of each blade, two guns with designs that reminded Omen of frost, and two knives he could strap to his forearms. Omen closed the case after he took out the weapons he wanted and he strapped them on.
The swords were mostly hidden by his coat, he strapped the guns above the swords so they were hidden, and the knives went on his forearms. He grabbed the two suitcases and looked at Mia, "Let's do business again sometime." The lights flickered and he was gone, Mia thought it was creepy that he could do that so easily.
Omen ran across over a dozen rooftops before he stopped and opened the suitcases to check for trackers. When he didn't find any he checked outside the suitcases and decided that they were safe. Omen ran back to where he had to go and once he arrived he dropped off the money and went to his cell.
Omen would have to move the swords so it would be easier to reach his guns, he could strap them to his back. He tried it and both of the swords were parallel to each other, the hilts of the swords stuck out behind his left shoulder. There was a reason it was the left shoulder, people say the left side is the devil's side.
It meant bad luck but Omen gave people bad luck, he didn't get it, he already had enough bad luck for an eternity. Omen moved the guns so they were strapped a bit lower on his hips, this seemed a lot more practical. Now he just had to wait for his next job, he would be lying if he didn't say he was dreading it.
*At Mt. Justice that morning*
Not long after everyone had woken up Batman showed up and lectured them for being careless. They had underestimated the boy they had fought and they could have gotten hurt. Robin could have been killed, it was pure luck that he was still alive, the only one that didn't think that was Robin.
The boy hadn't messed up or something, he let Robin live, for some reason it seemed like he didn't want to kill Robin. The boy had hidden it by the time his teammates had recovered from the boys attacks though. Something else about the boy was bothering Robin but he couldn't quite figure out what it was.
Robin was pulled from his thoughts when he remembered that Batman had been talking. "I'll be doing some research on the teen you encountered so I'll need a detailed report from each of you about him. Try to remember any markings you might have seen on him, it could help identify him."
Then Batman walked out of the cave and they all went to write their reports since they didn't have anything better to do. Robin went to his room to write his report and once he sat at his desk he sighed and rubbed his eyes. Robin opened one of the containers on his belt and pulled something out.
There was only one thing in that container, it was the one thing he kept with him no matter where he was. It was a photo of him and another boy, the other boy had his arm around Robin's shoulder and Robin had his arm around the other boys. Robin smiled when he saw the smiling face of the black haired, blue eyes boy next to him in the photo.
The Photo had been taken about seven years ago so he was younger in the picture then he is now. Robin always asked the same question whenever he looked at the photo, "Where are you now?"
I'm sorry it's short but I had to leave you on a cliffhanger! I'd love to heard what you guys think is going on or what's going to happen! I hope you liked the chapter and I'll see you next time!
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