Omen looked slightly bored as he listened to Aqualad's plan, he didn't even need to be there. Omen ended up tuning him out after a few minutes, his mind just went quiet and he sat in silence. He eventually snapped of it when he realized that someone was trying to talk to him and he blinked once.
The young heroes looked at each other and Omen almost rolled his eyes when Aqualad spoke again. "I was asking if you were going to come with us."
Omen shook his head, "I'm just back up, if you need me then I'll be right here but otherwise I'm sticking to the shadows." Aqualad nodded and the young heroes left the ship as Omen stayed in his seat looking ever so slightly pissed. There was absolutely no reason for Omen to be there, the team could handle one crazy clown on their own.
Maybe Omen should have said he'd only be backup for certain missions, then he might not be here. Of course Omen didn't have a lot to do so it wasn't like he was going out of his way for this but it's the principle of the thing! He can't just go on every mission these guys had, what if he ended up actually having something to do?
Of course now that he thought about it he should have to worry about the White Organization now. It was odd that they hadn't gone after the little bird, that was the only way they could get to him without knowing where he was. Before Omen could think about it more he got a call from the little bird that was currently in question.
Omen looked at a device with a small screen, it kind of looked like a flip phone simply because fuck it. "Do not tell me that you actually need my help."
Robin laughed nervously, "Well, you see, Joker had a bunch of his goons with him and we're kind of outnumbered twenty to one."
Omen was not amused, "I am going to kill all of you after I save your asses." Omen ended the call and he left the ship before teleporting outside the building. Omen got inside the building and walked across the rafters, why was Omen not surprised that it's a warehouse? Omen looked below him and saw the young heroes fighting Joker's goons and Omen face palmed
Omen laughed eerily before making the lights flicker and he appeared in the middle of the warehouse. Joker had only heard the rumors about Omen but he knew enough to figure out who he was dealing with. Joker looked at his men, "Don't just stand there, get him!"
Joker's men went after Omen and he smirked while staying completely still until they got close enough to him. Omen punched one in the face and immediately turned around before kicking one in the face. Omen grabbed one by the front of their shirt and threw them some others, it was like he was bowling because the men that fell made the ones behind them fall.
Omen dodged a few punches before he flipped the guy over his shoulder and punched another which sent him flying in Joker's direction. Joker glared at Omen before looking behind him into a group of shadows, "Harley!" Omen rolled his eyes as Joker's men backed off and Omen heard girlish giggles before someone came out of the shadows and swung a hammer at him.
Omen dodged and she swung two more times, Omen dodged the two swings before jumping back a bit. Harley huffed as she hefted her hammer over her shoulder, when she got a good look at Omen she smiled. "You're actually kind of cute."
Omen smirked, "Don't get too attached, there's only one heart I won't break and it definitely isn't yours." Harley huffed again before she went after Omen with her hammer and he dodged before getting behind her. Harley turned to attack again but Omen kicked her in the stomach and Harley flew back a few feet.
Harley looked shocked, "You hit me?!"
Omen shrugged, "I've killed girls, I'll definitely hit one, especially when their the one trying to kill me." Harley winked at him before swinging her hammer at him once again and Omen continued to dodge a few more of her swings before he got a bit bored. He took out his swords and cut the head of her hammer off so quickly that it was a blur.
Harley looked at what was left of her hammer before Omen knocked her out with one swift kick. Omen moved quickly and took out the remaining lackeys before going after Joker, Omen put his swords away and took out one of his guns. He aimed it right between Joker's eyes and the crazy clown actually looked a bit nervous.
The young heroes were shocked and Joker has his hands raised hoping that Omen wouldn't pull the trigger. Omen suddenly smiled innocently, "Just kidding." Omen kicked Joker in the head and knocked him out, Omen put his gun away and looked at the heroes, "Well that was fun."
Omen walked away from Joker while the young heroes contacted Batman and the police. A few of the heroes were watching Omen while he simply twirled his hunting knife in one hand. Of course without the distraction of having to help the heroes his mind once again shifted to the White Organization.
They usually don't waste time when it comes to making sure that Omen stays in line. He ran away, they should be absolutely pissed, they should have come after him long before now. It wasn't even him they might come after, they could go after his little bird or any of the heroes he broke out of the facility.
He just didn't get it, what the hell were they playing at, what was Omen missing that seemed to be right in front of him. Omen shrugged, "I'll see you at the ship." Omen made the lights flicker and he was gone, he went to the ship and waited for the heroes as he continued to think. It wasn't long before the young heroes showed up and they went back to the mountain, Omen was still deep in thought.
The heroes were slightly nervous about Omen being quiet, the only times he had been silent hadn't been good. Not only was he silent now but he had been silent on the way to the warehouse as well, it was odd. Robin could tell that Omen was just thinking and the others had no clue what was going on, they ended up leaving him alone.
When they got back to the mountain Omen was still like that and Batman was there. He immediately noticed that Omen seemed serious, he usually seemed so laid back but right now he seemed calculating. After talking with the team a bit and finding out that Omen had to save their asses Batman turned to Omen.
"It looks like you're not to thrilled about helping the team."
Omen raised an eyebrow, "Helping the team isn't why I look like I'm planning world domination."
The heroes gave Omen a strange look but the ghost didn't react, Batman looked as stoic as usual. "Then what's wrong?"
Omen gave Batman a look that said 'are you serious,' "What isn't wrong at this point? I was an experiment for twelve years, forced to kill people, had to run away to save your asses, have to worry about those bastards trying to find me, I'm suicidal and have a shrink trying to get me to talk about feelings, and a ton of other shit! What the hell would you like to hear about first Batman?!"
Batman hid his shock from Omen's sudden outburst, something was definitely bothering him. "And yet none of that is what's bothering you is it?"
Omen paused for a brief second, "True, I'd lose my mind over this if it were possible."
Kid Flash raised an eyebrow, "And why isn't it possible?"
"Because death is literally the most traumatic thing you can to through, your mind is literally torn apart and put back together. As ghosts get stronger so do their minds, our experiences also help strengthen our minds. It's part of the reason why mind readers can't get past my mental barriers, of course that also means I'm completely sane."
A few of the heroes seemed shocked and Omen threw his arms up in the air and proceeded to fall onto the floor on his back. Omen seemed completely content with staying on the floor and Batman almost smirked, "Omen, get off the floor."
"Why should I? The floor is much nicer to me then the rest of the world, the floor is my only friend in this cruel existence."
Robin mentally sighed, "Why are you on the floor?"
"Because I'm tired of the worlds shit and the world is tired of mine, we have a mutual understanding. I can stay here and slowly waste away while the universe continues as if I'm not here, it's a nice understanding."
Robin almost laughed, "Will you please get off the floor?"
Omen hummed before he did a flip and landed on his feet, "The floor got boring anyway. I'm going home now." Omen made the lights flicker and he was gone.
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