Not Telling
Batman looked around, "We still need to figure out where you'll be staying Omen."
"You could have me sleep in a tree for all I care." They all tried to figure out where Omen was but his voice echoed so much that they couldn't figure out where he was.
Batman mentally sighed, "Will you at least come back so we can see you?"
Omen hummed, "Fine." He make the lights flicker and he appeared right where he had been before he disappeared.
Aqualad sighed, "I'd still like to know how you do that."
"Not telling, it ruins the trick if I do."
Batman mentally sighed, "Is there anywhere that you would like to stay?"
Omen gave him a look that said 'did you seriously just ask that?' and he crossed his arms. Just the way he was standing had so much sass that it was ridiculous, "The only place I could possible go to is the facility." A chorus on 'No!' rang out in the room and Omen had to stop himself from laughing.
"I didn't say I'd actually go to the facility, I just said that was the only place I could go to."
Everyone calmed down and Batman spoke again, "You could stay at the mountain."
Omen shook his head, "They'd find out about the mountain, they'll find out if I'm here and they'd attack if I stayed here."
Batman thought for a moment, "If a Leaguer is willing to take you in you can stay with them. Of course that'll mean revealing their secret identity so that might not be an option either."
Omen raised an eyebrow, "You do realize that I know all of your secret identities right? I even know your Bats, it's not that hard to put together if you know what you're doing." Everyone looked shocked and Omen smirked, "I haven't told anyone if that's what you're worried about. I keep secrets from everyone and I definitely wouldn't tell them or anyone I worked for, I'm not that kind of assassin."
Batman was starting to see that he had underestimated Omen, he was smarter and stronger then he looked. Batman mentally sighed, "How long have you known?"
"I've known the Leaguers identities for two years now, I found out the teams identities the day I first snuck in here. I looked them up before I came to the mountain, know your enemy and all that."
Batman was seriously questioning everything he thought he knew because of this kid. "Can you think of somewhere that you might be able to hide?"
Omen nodded, "Several, I had a plan for when I escaped, it's a bit sad that I didn't get to use my plan."
Batman raised an eyebrow, "Why didn't you just escape sooner?"
"I had to make sure my friend was out of harm's way, I didn't get to do that so I've got to keep an eye on them and make sure they don't get hurt."
"We can help protect your friend you know, if you tell us who they are we can help."
Omen shook his head, "I don't need help protecting them, I already told you that they might not remember me. If I talk to them again I don't want to freak them out and tell them that those psychos are after them. I can handle it, I'm trained and I'm not dumb, I know what I'm doing."
Batman looked at Omen seriously, "And what if you make a mistake, your friend will get hurt."
Omen looked completely neutral, "Don't underestimate me, a lot of people have made that mistake and they all regretted it." Omen's eyes flashed because of the anger he was feeling, he wasn't mad at the heroes though, he was mad at himself. Omen made the lights flicker and he disappeared, many of them sighed before they walked away.
Omen went to one of the places he could hide out at, it was an abandoned building he had fixed up. It was out of the way, undetectable, self sustaining, and no one but him knew about it. Omen decided to sleep more, he was exhausted by the day's events and his wounds weren't completely healed.
The next day Omen woke up and his muscles were stiff, he stood up and stretched. He then proceeded to do several acrobatic tricks to warm up his muscles, it was nice to do what he wanted in the morning for a change. Once he was done he decided to go to the mountain, he didn't have anything better to do.
Omen had already set up a system of sensors that would tell him who entered and exited the property of Wayne manor. Richard could take care of himself but he wouldn't be able to defeat all of the guards, even if Batman was there. Omen sighed and teleported to the mountain and then proceeded to sneak in, it was more fun than using the front door.
Omen hid and he found the team, now he just had to wait and see if something interesting happened. After over an hour of hiding and waiting Black Canary showed up and Omen watched. Black Canary looked at all of them, "Alright team, we'll be sparing today so get ready."
Kid Flash seemed to get an idea, "Gee, I wonder where Omen could be?"
Omen thought about not announcing his presence but he couldn't resist, he wanted to mess with Black Canary. He laughed eerily and Kid Flash grinned in triumph while everyone seemed amused, except Black Canary who looked confused. Omen smirked, "You called speedster?"
Omen didn't want to appear yet, he wanted to see how Black Canary would react to him hiding this time. Black Canary put her hands on her hips, "Why are you here?"
Omen shrugged even though she couldn't see it, "I was curious to see if anything interesting was happening today."
Black Canary crossed her arms, "Curiosity killed the cat."
"But satisfaction brought it back." Black Canary looked shocked and Omen laughed eerily once more. "This cat's already dead Canary, curiosity can't kill this cat again."
Black Canary sighed, "Will you come out of hiding?"
Omen thought for a moment, "Because you aren't being rude like last time I will comply." Omen made the lights flicker before he appeared a fair distance away from Black Canary and she mentally sighed.
"How are you even able to do that?"
Omen's face was neutral, "Forgive me if I don't want to reveal my secrets to someone who has offended me multiple times."
Artemis smiled, "How can someone constantly be this sassy?"
Omen smirked ever so slightly as he looked at her, "You can't spell assassin without sass." A few of the young heroes laughed and Omen looked serious again, "So do you want to insult me again or have you decided to give it a rest?"
Black Canary looked slightly awkward, "I may have been a bit to harsh, I'd like to make it up to you if I can."
Omen stared at her for a moment before he shrugged, "Alright then, just know that I won't forgive you easily."
Black Canary nodded, "That's fine, would you like to stay for a bit?"
Omen mentally sighed, "Fine, I don't have anything to do at the moment."
The young heroes smiled a little and Miss Martian took a step toward where Omen was. "Will you join all of us over here?" Omen put his hands in his pockets and nodded, he walked over to them and waited. The first people to spar were Miss Martian and Artemis, Omen quickly got bored and sat on the ground.
He took out one of his swords and a piece of cloth before he began to clean the blade. He looked at the dragon carved into the blade and the young heroes seemed to have noticed it as well. Aqualad looked at the blade, "I have never seen a sword like that before."
"It's custom made, so are all of my weapons aside from the hunting knife." Omen finished cleaning the sword and replaced it in its sheath before taking out the other one. He cleaned his other sword while the young heroes, as well as Black Canary, glanced at him every so often.
Then he cleaned his guns, the knives strapped to his forearms, and the knife strapped to the small of his back. By the time he was done all of the young heroes had spared with someone and Black Canary looked at Omen. "Omen." He looked at her as he put his hunting knife away, what had he done this time?
"I'd like to see what you can do, if your willing to spar I'll be your partner."
Omen thought about that, "Fine, I'll warn you now that I'm tougher than I look." Black Canary nodded but she didn't think it would be to hard to beat him, she thought he was to confident. Omen knew she was underestimating him, he'd just have to show her how skilled he was.
He walked so he was standing in front of her in the 'combat area' as he had decided to call it. She looked at him seriously, "You're not allowed to use weapons or powers, hand to hand combat only."
Omen had to stop himself from rolling his eyes, "I wasn't planning on using them." Black Canary was starting to think that this was going to be way too easy, Omen didn't even get in a fighting stance. The match started and Black Canary tried to punch Omen, he easily sidestepped but didn't do anything else.
Black Canary attempted to overwhelm Omen by sending one attack after another at him. Two punches, then a kick followed by trying to fake him out and swipe his feet out from under him. She kept trying to punch or kick him and Omen eventually decided to end this fight.
He stopped her punch with one of his hands and he round house kicked her, she managed to use her hands to stop herself from falling though. She got back up and ran at him but Omen jumped over her and did a flip for fun before he landed and pinned her arm behind her back. Then he let go of her arm and kicked her back, she stumbled but managed to stay standing.
Black Canary looked completely serious now but Omen still looked laid back and slightly bored. Omen hadn't even gotten started yet, this was barely a warm up for him, he was hoping she'd put up more of a fight. When Black Canary tried to punch him again he caught her fist and grabbed her wrist.
He threw her over his shoulder and flipped her onto her back like it was nothing. He was declared the winner and Black Canary was on her feet within seconds and she looked at Omen. "Who taught you how to fight?"
Omen shrugged, "I wasn't really taught, it was more like I got hit until I either beat them or they beat me. I quickly learned that I didn't want to lose a fight so I learned how to defend myself, end of story."
Black Canary crossed her arms, "You're not telling me something."
Omen smirked, "I'm not telling you a lot of things, what else is new?" Black Canary rolled her eyes and Omen mentally sighed, now he was bored. "I'm going to disappear now." Omen made the lights flicker and he was gone, well he was still in the mountain but he was hiding.
Black Canary sighed as she shook her head and Robin hoped Omen was okay, it was obvious that he didn't like talking about them.
I found out that accidentally forgot to post this chapter somehow, my bad! This chapter takes place right after Safe.
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