No Therapy
Several days passed since Omen tried to kill himself, the heroes left him alone after the first two days. Batman and Robin insisted on checking on him three times a day to make sure he was still alive. If Omen wasn't at the haunt he was at the mountain annoying the heroes and waited for the zeta tubes to announce someone's arrival.
Batman still hadn't managed to get passed Omen's firewall, there were actually four but Omen wasn't going to tell him that. Every time someone came in Omen smirked and the heroes were getting tired of it. The only ones that weren't fed up with it were the ones that weren't being insulted when they were announced.
Red Arrow had come to see how Omen was doing because he heard what happened. At least he wasn't being insulted like many of the heroes were, he actually smiled at the name.
Red Arrow- The only hero that can aim with a bow
Artemis glared at him when the zeta tube announced it and Omen shrugged, "The zeta tube said it not me." Omen had been reading a book at the time, many of the heroes were surprised that he liked reading. When Omen had heard the announcement he almost dropped his book but he managed to hold onto it.
When Red Arrow walked in he had a smirk on his face, "Who changed the names for the zeta tubes?"
Omen raised his hand as he started reading again, "That would be me, Batman has yet to get past my firewall to change them back."
Red Arrow saw Artemis glaring at him and he almost laughed, "I like you even more now."
Omen shrugged, "What can I say, I'm a naturally likeable person." Some of the young heroes rolled their eyes and a few laughed at the statement.
Artemis rolled her eyes, "More like naturally annoying."
Omen shrugged, "Whatever you say barbie doll." Several people laughed a little and Artemis crossed her arms, no one could win against Omen. Not long after that the zeta tubes announced Black Canary's arrival and Red Arrow's eyes widened at the name.
He looked at Omen, "You didn't."
Omen smirked as he read his book, "I did, she's probably still pissed about it." Red Arrow face palmed just before Black Canary walked into the room and Omen smirked even more. "Hello Dinah, to what do we owe the pleasure?"
Black Canary rolled her eyes, "Batman somehow convinced me to give you therapy."
Omen laughed, "No thanks, I've got way more then ninety-nine problems and you're one of them. Shrinks aren't my thing, the last one I met was horrible, she was dead set on ruining my life. I mean you can't ruin something that's already broken beyond repair but she sure as hell tried."
Black Canary sighed, "I know you don't like me but you need help, at least give me a chance."
Omen rolled his eyes, "I already gave you a chance, you and the other Leaguers crashed and burned in the trust department. Thanks but I'll stick to memes and funny cat videos instead of being insulted over and over again."
Black Canary crossed her arms, "I'm not going to insult you."
Omen groaned and did a back flip over the couch before looked at her, "I don't think you get it. I don't want your help nor do I need it, I might have tried to kill myself but I'm already dead. If you really want to know what happened to me then ask the bastards that made me like this."
Omen sat on the couch again and continued to read his book, he was so done with this. He hadn't liked heroes even before this whole thing started but now he disliked them even more. A few of them weren't that bad but he didn't like most of them and for good reason.
Black Canary seemed to give up at that point and Omen smirked, he lived to not deal with therapy another day. Red Arrow decided to stick around for a while so he sat on the couch and started looking through the channels. Omen knew there was nothing good on so he grabbed the remote and pressed a button on it.
The button he pressed was basically a shortcut to Netflix and Omen looked at Red Arrow. "You'll have more luck looking for something to watch on Netflix, love the almighty Netflix." Omen tossed the remote to Red Arrow and the hero raised an eyebrow before he shrugged.
Omen went to get some food from the kitchen since the heroes insisted that he eat something whenever he was at the mountain. He grabbed a yogurt and he decided to watch TV with Red Arrow, for some reason he decided to watch 13 Reasons Why. Omen could relate to Hannah, he wanted to kill himself for different reasons but the reasons related to what people did to him.
Roy had backed out of it within the first ten minutes because he knew that Omen tried to kill himself. Omen shrugged, "I'd suggest watching Criminal Minds, Reid is awesome." Due to the fact that he had watched a show about suicide in front of Omen he decided to do as he requested.
Everyone thought that this show wasn't any better for him but he seemed to like the show so they left it alone. They didn't want to upset Omen anymore then he already had been, he deserved to be happy after all.
Criminal Minds is an amazing show, Reid is my favorite character if you couldn't tell. I know this is a little late and I'm sorry but I'm trying so please don't stab me. I hope you liked the chapter!
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