Omen laid down on his bed in his hide out, he was wondering if he should go through with his plan. It had the biggest chance of success, the best chance of them leaving his lucky Robin alone. Omen sighed, it was the only way, it was the best thing to protect his boyfriend.
Once night fell Omen got up from his bed and teleported to a rooftop near the center of Gotham. He looked at all of the lights, all of the buildings that lit up the dark city and showed that people were living their lives there. Omen took a deep breath and felt the wind move his clothes and hair a bit, a pleasant breeze.
*At the Mountain after Omen left*
Batman walked back to the room near the zeta tubes where the other heroes were waiting for him. Kid Flash looked slightly confused, "Where's Omen?"
"He said he had something he needed to do and left, he didn't tell me what it was though." The young heroes wondered what Omen was doing but Batman interrupted their thoughts. "I do have another reason for coming here other then talking to Omen."
Robin raised an eyebrow, "What is it?"
"If Omen shows up tomorrow I want all of you to take him somewhere, not anywhere that will draw attention to him though."
Superboy looked confused, "So you want us to hang out with him?"
Batman nodded, "He said it himself when he yelled at the League, he was never really allowed to act his own age. He's been isolated for most of his life and when he got out he had to go back again. If he's ever going to get out of that mind set he needs to be around real people and do something normal."
Aqualad nodded, "I will have to agree with you, we will find somewhere to go." Batman nodded and left the mountain and the zeta tubes announced his new name. Then the other two Leaguers left and the new names were once again announced. After several hours of trying to decide where the team should take Omen they figured out where to go.
Once that was done Robin went to Gotham and tried to find Omen, he wasn't at the park. He wasn't anywhere Robin looked and he got worried, when he tried going in a high up rooftop and used his binoculars to find his boyfriend he found him. Omen was standing on the rooftop of a nearby building and Robin got there as fast as he could.
It really was a nice night, it was quite unlike most nights in Gotham but he wasn't complaining. Omen looked at the stars, they were always a beautiful thing to see in the sky on a night like this. There was the feeling again, that sense of calm and peace, like nothing could go wrong in that exact moment.
Everything just seemed to disappear, it was all just white noise that he could easily tune out. It was all going to be gone soon, his existence would become an echo, a memory to those that knew him. Omen took a deep breath and he began to fall from the top of the building when something stopped him.
Omen felt a hand grab his wrist and pull him away from the edge before he was hugged by someone. When Omen realized that it was his little bird he stopped breathing and he felt Robin's grip on his tighten. "What do you think you're doing?"
Omen thought quickly, "Oh nothing really, just going for a nightly flight since I haven't gotten to to that for a long time."
Robin let go of Omen and glared at him, "Don't lie to me, you were going to jump weren't you?"
Robin voice broke just a little bit and Omen instantly felt horrible and he didn't answer for a bit.
"Yes, yes I was."
Robin was on the verge of tears, "Why, why would you try to kill yourself?"
Omen looked at Robin sadly, "I've killed people little bird, why I did doesn't matter because I still killed them. I killed criminals because it was easier to deal with but I still hate myself for it, I shouldn't be allowed to live."
Robin felt his heart shatter into pieces when he heard those words, when he heard Danny's tone as he said it. Robin put one hand on Danny's cheek, "Everyone deserves to live Danny, you never wanted to do it."
Danny grabbed the hand that Robin had held his cheek with and held it as he grabbed his other hand. "There are some people that have done horrible things, things that make them to dangerous to be in this world. I'm one of those people Richard, I've killed a lot of people, I've been trained to be a skilled killer."
Richard held Danny's hands tightly and felt a tear fall, "You're not just a killer, I know you Danny. You never would have done it if you weren't forced to, you're a good person Danny I know you are. I love you Danny, I don't want to lose you not again, I don't know what I'd do if I lost your for good."
Danny's frown deepened and Richard looked at him seriously, "Have you tried to do this before?"
Danny hesitated, "This is the third time." Richard's eyes widened and Danny let go of his hands before taking off the knives strapped to his forearms. Then he took off his gloves and rolled up his sleeves, "I tried cutting my wrists the first time."
As Richard gently held his wrists and looked at the horrible scars Danny sighed. "The second time I tried to drown myself, I failed both times so I'm still here." Danny put his gloves back on and strapped the knives to his forearms once again as he looked at the ground.
Danny felt absolutely horrible when he saw that Richard was crying and he gently wiped the tear away. Richard hugged him and Danny hugged his poor bird back, they stayed there for several minutes before Richard tugged Danny's hand. Danny followed without saying a word and Richard activated his comm telling the others to meet him at the mountain.
Then he contacted Batman and told him the same thing, Danny would have questioned it but he decided not to. When they got to the zeta tubed Robin looked at him seriously and Omen felt like he didn't want to hear what Robin was going to say. "I'm going to make you tell everyone what you tried to do, just so you know."
Omen froze for a split second as Robin dragged him into the zeta tube before he started to protest. "I don't want to tell them!"
They zeta beamed to the mountain and Robin responded, "Too bad, you're telling them."
Omen dug his heels into the floor and he pulled on his arm, he didn't pull to hard because he didn't want to hurt his bird. It was just enough to slow the young hero down all of the others had arrived before them and were watching the two. Omen continued to resist, "Never, you can't make me!"
Robin dragged Omen farther into the room and Batman raised an eyebrow, "What's going on?"
Robin glared at Omen, "If you don't tell them I will."
"Fine, I'm not telling them." Robin let go of his arm and he barely caught himself before he fell as Robin turned to the group.
"Omen tried to kill himself." Everyone's eyes widened as they looked at Omen who crossed his arms and looked away.
"I'm not going to try and deny it, I just won't say it."
Batman looked at Robin, "How?" Everyone was sure that they had never seen Batman so serious, it was kind of scary.
Robin looked straight at Batman, "He tried to jump off of a building."
Omen rolled his eyes, "A very tall building."
Batman turned his gaze to Omen, "Why'd you try to kill yourself?"
Omen got a bit angry, did he really have to point it out so they finally see it? "Why do you think, I'm a monster, a freak of nature, an abomination, I shouldn't even exist! I'm a horrible manifestation of ectoplasm and post-human consciousness, I'm some sort of thing! I should have been torn apart molecule by molecule and destroyed, I shouldn't have come back from the dead!"
"I'm a screw up, a failure, I haven't done a single thing right in my whole fucking life! The only thing I'm good for is killing people and destroying everything around me! I can fight, that's the only thing I can do, that's all I've ever done and I'm fucking sick of it!"
"Why do you think my parents sold me all of those years ago, it's because I was never wanted! The only reason they kept me alive was because they wanted to make me into a weapon! I constantly have nightmares about what I did and I'm done, I don't want to hear it anymore!"
When Omen was finally done with his rant everyone looked shocked and Omen was surprised that he wasn't crying. He had finally said it, he admitted to everything he had thought about himself for so long. He never meant to say any of that to anyone, god how could he be so stupid?
Batman actually looked a bit sad as he looked at Omen, "And why do you think that?"
Omen wanted to stay silent but the looks on everyone's faces made him cave and he sighed. "You try being told that for years and not start believing it, they were right after all."
Batman was angry now but he wasn't mad at Omen, he was mad at the people that had hurt him for so long. Batman looked at Robin and the young hero immediately understood and grabbed Omen's wrist. He gently lead Omen farther into the room and Omen was too tired to resist so he followed.
The heroes lead Omen to the living room and had him sit down while the emotionally drained assassin didn't say a word. Batman left the room for a bit so he could call the other five mentors and they came to the mountain. When they heard their new names Omen heard them, as well as the young heroes, and he laughed.
Green Arrow- Modern Robinhood
Flash- Gotta go fast
Aquaman- Under the sea
Martian Manhunter- Mean and green
They had already heard Superman's but it was still funny, Omen heard Flash's reaction. "What happened to the names?!"
Batman looked completely neutral, "Omen happened."
Green Arrow sighed, "I'm going to kill that kid."
Batman glared at him, "I wouldn't say that if I were you."
Aquaman was confused, "Why's that?"
Batman began to lead them to the living room as he explained what was going on. "Omen tried to kill himself not long ago."
They were all shocked and Superman was the first to express his surprise, "Are you sure?"
Batman nodded, "Robin had to drag Omen in here and Omen didn't deny it."
Martian Manhunter looked slightly sad, "Why would he try to kill himself?"
"I'll show you what he said on the surveillance cameras." Batman lead them past where the team was sitting with Omen and the ghost teen looked tired and drained. Batman took them to the security room and pulled up the video starting from when Robin brought Omen into the mountain.
When they were done watching they all felt horrible, they never would have guessed that he felt like that. They had to talk to Omen, now, they didn't want to risk this happening again.
Hey guys! So Omen tried to kill himself, who was shocked? I'm sorry if I upset anyone with this but you should have guessed by now that there are some serious and slightly dark topics in this story. I hope you liked the chapter and I'll see you next time!
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