Mermaid AU part 2
Previously/Michael: "the name is Michael, Michael Omega"
Ritchie: "wa-wait YOU'RE MICHAEL OMEGA?!"
Silver:" wha- how,who,when,where,why...." He was trying to process how the legend Michael Omega was on their boat.
Mario: "soooo, you use what type of magic again?"
Mario:"oh he's that Michael...."
Ritchie watched Michael closely as he casted a healing spell on his legs. He was curious of what magic he has and what weakness he has. The tank then shattered glass flying everywhere. Michael put up a barrier around the others protecting them as he cleaned up the mess. After they made it to the docks they were bombarded by strangers who started asking them a million questions. Michael get spooked by them and hid behind Mario since he was the tallest. Everyone was taller them him and they scared him. The 3 brought Michael and Lucas to the guild and explained everything to them and what dangers were here. Lucas seemed to be confused by all the new knowledge he was receiving but Michael seemed to already know this.
Lucas looked at Michael knowing what he was doing and joined in: "hehe....better shush~"
They all looked at Michael and Lucas with confused faces. Beuren knew exactly what was about to happen, he had experienced this before.
They did as constructed as an explosion went off revealing 2 angels. One was fully blue and had water marks all over him and an outfit that looked like Lucas's. The other one was unrecognizable, he had white hair and purple tips. His eyes were fully black and had swirls in them. His outfit was like a purple and white version of Michael's outfit. The 2 angles looked at the door way, looking at Devin/Eden. Lucas used a water spell on Eden while Michael used a shadow spell to keep Eden in place. Eden had teleported away before they did any damage. The 2 angles looked over the the Divinivs Magia guild to see them fully shocked (no pun intended). The 2 angles looked at each other and nodded, they both flew away from the group heading to the clouds.
Michael:" sorry I had to transform us into angles..."
Lucas: "it's alright Mimi, plus I get to touch da fluffiness!"
Lucas pet Michael's wings because they gave off a sense of euphoria and smelled like chocolate. Lucas fell asleep in Michael's laps, Michael wrapped his large wings around Lucas making sure he was warm. Michael sang some lullbys to Lucas, making Lucas cuddle into Michael more.
Brandon flew towards some singing he heard while flying around, he saw the 2 angles sitting on the clouds chilling there. Brandon decided to leave them alone since they were magical beings but then Jupiter gave him a disturbing thought 'why not just make them your pet' he pushed that thought away. No they have emotions to and have not done anything wrong.
Michael and Lucas just chilled on the clouds then they realised that they left the ocean and the merfolk were probably angry.
Michael:" fuck, we forgot about the queen"
Lucas:" you right though"
Michael:" shall we head back then?"
Lucas:" eh, later"
Michael and Lucas stayed on the clouds watching the sunset turn into a beautiful star sky. They both fell asleep on the clouds. Ritchie and Brandon found them cuddling on the clouds and brought them into their house, putting them in the guest bedroom.
And thats the end, I finally figured out how to English! Type to ya later,
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